
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What are the levels of the nine leaves?”

Qin Shaofeng still asked suspiciously.

“The sixth leaf is a relic. According to my estimation, it should be a piece of dreamland world. The specific situation can only be told when we get there.”

“The ninth leaf is called the self. I don’t know the specifics. Anyway, that level is the most difficult.”

“You don’t need to care about other levels.”

Li Naling finished speaking, and took him moved towards the first leaf to climb up.

The branches of the nine leaves and one flower are like spiral staircases formed by countless steps, and you only need to go up step by step.

When they boarded, they saw everyone waiting here.

Li Naling then told Mo Ya and Di Shan to protect Qin Shaofeng, and she took the initiative to get to the front of the people.

As soon as she turned her hands, a small bag appeared in her hands.

She went all the way to collect, whether it was Poison Qi or all kinds of problematic things, she received them all in the bag.

The first leaf turned out to be so simple to spend.

Stepping out of the first leaf, Ke Nine Heavens led thirty people to the front.

The second leaf and the third leaf are all plants that know how to fight.

Thirty-one people, with the battle strength that made Qin Shaofeng feel shocked, led them to fight with no difficulty.

This path seems simple.

Qin Shaofeng can feel that the difficulty of each level will increase a lot.

The difficulty of the third leaf is at least twice that of the second leaf.

Until the fourth page, the change regenerates.

The fourth page is about various insect beasts.

Qin Shaofeng can’t help feeling as if he has returned to the side of Tianlian Mountain.

Nothing but.

Any one of these insect beasts is not something he can compete with now.

Thanks to Li Naling and the others for willing to accompany him.

Otherwise, relying on his trifling Rank 3 cultivation base, I am afraid that any insect beast can feed him.

Qin Shaofeng looked halfway and couldn’t help asking: “Prisoner, what level are the insect beasts here?”

“Above the yellow moon.”

Li Naling explained.

This answer made Qin Shaofeng’s mouth twitch fiercely again.

He can see that anyone in the team can force a few insect beasts. Doesn’t it mean that their cultivation base must be at least the Xuanyue position?

Thinking that he had almost started with Luo San of this cultivation base, he was once again frightened and sweating.

I am too much lucky.

It seems that his luck at any time in his entire life can’t keep up with this time!

“Although the first few levels are difficult to handle, they are not at the star position. We can still fight with them. The real trouble is the last three levels. You will naturally know when the time comes.” Li Naling explained.

Qin Shaofeng closed his mouth wisely.

He also heard many things from Li Naling’s explanation.

Li Naling’s four people, I’m afraid the cultivation base is not in the Yaoxing position, so it shouldn’t be much different, right?

They couldn’t get past Nine Leaves and One Flower together.

No wonder they looked like that when they offered to break into nine leaves and one flower.

Being yourself, if you knew it beforehand, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the guts to say that.

Another killing passed.

The world of the fifth leaf is already in sight.

Compared with the crises of the previous four worlds, the world in the fifth leaf has become much more stable.

This place is a labyrinth of leaf world.

If only he comes by himself, even if he can transfer it out, it will take a while.

Li Naling gave an order.

More than thirty people immediately dispersed.

After only a moment of searching, I have successfully found the way through the fifth leaf through the few words that everyone brought back.

According to Li Naling’s explanation.

They have walked through the fifth leaf too many times.

If the labyrinth had not changed every three hours, they would have been able to walk through with their eyes closed.

Compared to the previous four leaf surfaces, this is simply too simple.

Enter the sixth leaf world.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that everything in front of him had become different, as if saw a flash, and more than 30 of them entered a relic world.

There are many residual signs everywhere in the ruins.

It’s just that the logos are very weird, at least for Qin Shaofeng, I have never seen it before.

“Nine leaves and one branch of flowers start from here, that’s where the trouble is.” Li Naling came to the ruins and began to explain.

“Have you never actually entered?” Qin Shaofeng asked back.

“Three times in the past.”

Li Naling explained: “We came here at least a few hundred times, but only passed three times. I believe you should know what it means?”


Qin Shaofeng nodded.

There is no need for Li Naling to say it embarrassingly.

He knew what she meant by just this few words.

Those three times, all were bumped by luck.

“If this is the case, let me try this level.” Qin Shaofeng said at the same time, and walked over to a strange mark not far away.

Li Naling doesn’t know how to pass anyway.

This kind of imprint knowledge is not so important in his opinion.

He just circled the outer circle of the ruins.

Every weird place was explored in the past, although he didn’t know more than 90% of the things, he also chose to remain silent.

This situation lasted for a long while.

Li Naling didn’t ask aloud until she saw him finish observation: “How do you think about the situation here?”

“It’s hard to say now.”

Qin Shaofeng frowned and walked to the densest ruins, which should have belonged to the main hall in the past, before frowning and thinking.

“From what we have seen, the secrets of the ruins should be related to these things, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.” Qin Shaofeng thought muttered.

“Oh? Isn’t that true?” Li Naling was completely surprised.

Only because of what Qin Shaofeng said, they came to a conclusion after hundreds of observations.

This conclusion is there, but they can’t find a solution.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come here hundreds of times, just barely passed three times.

Li Naling nodded said: “These things are indeed weird. At least we have not been able to figure out what these signs are after many studies.”

“Heavenly Void, do you have a way to get through here?”

Qin Shaofeng thought for a while and had to choose to ask Heavenly Void Insect King.

No matter how mysterious the leaf world here, it is just an image world from illusory.

If you can take them away directly with the special physique of Heavenly Void Insect King.

No matter how weird the phantoms here are, it has nothing to do with them.

“I can take you there, but I always have a bad feeling.” Heavenly Void Insect King replied.

“Oh? What do you say?”

Qin Shaofeng completely ignored Li Naling’s words.

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