
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After Qin Shaofeng listened to Di Shan’s explanation, the only thing left to say was: powerful!

It really deserves to be the existence that can live in the endless prison to the present.

Really no one is an ordinary person.


With the help of the poisonous fairy, he wouldn’t give up this opportunity casually.

A lot of things are taken out.

Let the three people refining at will.

Even when Li Naling asked him for the second time, Qin Shaofeng even brought out the jade green dragon king.

Li Naling was only excited for a moment, then shook her head again.

It turns out that although the toxicity of the dragon king jade green is good, it is still not the top of the imaginary world, and it can’t even enter the ranks of thousands.

With the most materials, she can increase the toxicity of the jade green dragon king.

Now it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Instructed him to feed the jade green dragon king well, so she took other things and started refining.

It didn’t take long.

A sound began to sound in the quiet room.

“Die, die, let me die!”

“It’s too painful to live, I don’t want to live anymore…”

“Let me die!”

“The endless abyss, I am going to the endless abyss, I am going to die…”

Qin Shaofeng looked back abruptly.

It was only then that Han Yue was still in a coma, but these words came out so clearly from her mouth.

While speaking, she actually stood up like a sleepwalking.

Li Naling, who had just finished refining a Poison Pill, suddenly jumped up, palm slap on Han Yue’s chest.

The palm force is not big, but it is forcibly pushed to the wall.

He stretched out his hand to pull from the wall, and pulled out a few chains, and smoothly locked Han Yue with chains.

“I hope we can rush out this time, otherwise, with your companion’s state, I’m afraid I won’t live for three months.” Li Naling said.

“Is there only three months left?”

Qin Shaofeng’s brows frowned tightly.

If they are in the Void Realm, I believe that Jun Zhan will also be able to rescue in the past, but this endless prison is the only exception.

As far as he knows, Jun Zhan originally didn’t want to live to go to the land of the shining star.

According to this state of endless hell.

If Jun Zhan arrives, I believe it will be the true disaster of Infinite Hell.

“Then you should prepare as soon as possible. Let’s try the nine leaves and one flower as soon as possible.” Qin Shaofeng nodded said.

The three people continue to refining various things.

Time passed quickly.

When Li Naling and the others refined all the things, except for weapons, only a few other things were taken, and all the rest were clearly introduced to him, and Di Shan personally took him away.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng really feels what speed is.

He just feels saw a flash.

He went to the quiet room with three people, and the door of the quiet room had already been closed.

You can imagine.

Outside the quiet room, I am afraid that even half of the word in Han Yue’s mouth is impossible to hear clearly.

Collect the thoughts in your mind.

He moved towards everyone in front of him looked over.

I saw Ke Nine Heavens standing at the forefront of the crowd. Behind him, there were Luo San, Wang Sheng and the others whom I had seen before. There were thirty people.

Qin Shaofeng only knows Luo San and two people, but it is not difficult to see from the aura of these thirty people that their cultivation base should be almost on par.

“Prisoner, didn’t you bring the entire powerhouse of the endless hell?” Qin Shaofeng asked in shock.

Li Naling said: “Nine leaves and a flower are not as easy to break as you think. Anyway, everyone has broken through many times, not bad this time.”

“It turned out to be like this.”

When Qin Shaofeng asked.

Thirty people also stared at Qin Shaofeng curiously.

It is Luo San and Wang Sheng, who have some sense of scrutiny in their eyes, and they seem to have never imagined that Qin Shaofeng would be able to get involved with the prisoner so quickly.

“All brothers, listen, this Little Brother is named Qin Shaofeng. Starting today, he is a member of our endless prison. If we still can’t get past the nine leaves and one flower, ten years later, he will be our endless Hall Master in the prison personnel hall.” Li Naling said.

Thirty people collectively moved towards Qin Shaofeng and took a look.

There is a color of surprise in his eyes. Qin Shaofeng sees more but still sympathizes, but he can’t find even the slightest envy.

It seems that the senior management of this endless hell is really not an ordinary difficult to do!

Mo Ya is even simpler. He directly took out the refining weapons and distributed them to everyone one after another without saying a word.

Until the end of the distribution.

Li Naling said in the shocked eyes of everyone: “These weapons are all resource refining brought by Qin Hall Master, half of which belong to Qin Hall Master, and the other half belong to this Eminence. The mission is over. Everything needs to be returned to Master Qin Hall.”


Everyone answered in unison.

They are facing this kind of hegemonic management method, not even one person has the slightest complaint.

“Everyone, go!”

Li Naling shouted, Hall Master Ke Nine Heavens moved towards everyone with a wave of hands, Rapid Speed ​​moved towards outside the city.

Li Naling, Mo Ya, and Di Shan, the three people, put Qin Shaofeng in the center one after another.

They didn’t say anything.

Qin Shaofeng is not hard to see that after taking out those things ‘selflessly’, they have truly regarded themselves as own persons.

Instead of endless prison, this kind of wealth can indeed cause some people’s killing intent.

But definitely not in endless prison.

For anyone in the endless hell, weapons, medicine pill and other treasures are only useful when they can hit the nine leaves and one flower, but at other times, it is really useless.

If you want to kill people in endless prison, that’s really an international joke.

As the management of Infinite Hell, they can’t wait to make everyone not want to die.


It’s enough to just move your mouth. Where else will there be murder?

All the way out of town.

He didn’t see another similar passage until he bypassed Qin Shaofeng and entered the other side of the entrance.

Writing on this passage is exactly the five characters “Nine Leaves and One Flower”.

Everyone is here obviously not one or two times.

Ke Nine Heavens directly led thirty people into it.

Qin Shaofeng four people hang behind.

Entering the passage and walking for three full days, they finally saw the terrifying plant at the end.

Plants seem to be composed of lotus leaves, but they are enough to have nine layers.

At the end of the lotus leaf on the 9-Layer, there is a lotus comparable to a mountain, and the lotus is still in a flower bone state.

“Here is nine leaves and one flower.”

Li Naling watched everyone start climbing, and she explained: “The flowers of nine leaves and one flower are opened only when someone passes through nine leaves.”

“And these nine leaves, one leaf and one world.”

“The first leaf is extremely poisonous. We have already passed a thousand years for this leaf, but the further we go, the more difficult we encounter.”

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