
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Are these the Origin Core of fish?”

Qin Shaofeng scratched his head curiously. I couldn’t understand how to think about it. The fishes in the water can even cultivation into star beasts.

The world is so big, there is no lack of strange things!

The moment he was observing.

The fish in the water finally finished snatching, and another group of small fish came out of the water.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t say anything, just started to do it.

There were bursts of ‘pop’ sounds one after another, and the blood splashed continuously.

One move is completely instant kill.

The people who were still full of worries just now, this time have all turned into surprise from ear to ear.

Is this the moat that worried all of them not long ago?

Those are really scary fish monsters that frighten them all?

How come to Qin Shaofeng’s hands, those horrible fish monsters become so fragile, you can shoot a large piece of it with just one palm?

This, this…

I am…

I am so shocked!

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng…”

“System Prompt: Congratulations…”

“system prompt ……”

The continuous system prompt sounds made Qin Shaofeng almost laughing from ear to ear.

This kind of upgrade method is simply not too cool!

It’s just such a small amount of effort that has made his various values ​​soar.

Looks like distance to next level, it’s simply not a far distance anymore.

“Thunderbolt, level up!”

Anyway, unless all the fish in the moat are killed, his people will not be able to rush through.

Instead of wasting time here, it is better to improve your cultivation base battle strength at the same time.

So that when you really encounter the Cloud Sea Sect powerhouse, you will make yourself in a hurry.

“System Prompt: Thunderbolt upgrade failed, consume…”

“level up!”

Qin Shaofeng is still muttering silently in his heart.

The slap of a palm is always endless.

After a short period of killing, the star-moon value has reached the critical point he expected.

Finally reached the monthly value of two hundred stars.

On the contrary, the real value has not increased, but has shrunk from nearly 100 billion before to about 50 billion.

Since his cultivation progress, he started to focus on star and moon values.

He doesn’t care about the real value anymore.

For him now, the true value is more used to improve the skill level.

Maybe in the near future.

After his cultivation base crosses the star position, the true value is likely to be eliminated.

There are many thoughts in my heart.

But all that, for his attack, can’t be considered.

And his battles have also made the Alliance disciples feel dizzy.

Our Alliance Lord seems too tyrannical, right?

Let’s say nothing about floating on the water.

But with the body of Human Race, standing on the water to kill the heavenly ascension fish monsters, this scene is too scary, right?

“Is this the battle strength of powerhouse powerhouse?”

For a long time, the ghost of Chen Old Xing cry out in surprise, awakening everyone from the petrified state.

Once recovered, everyone’s faces are red.

We are all Old Guys who have lived for decades, and we were shocked by this brat’s actions.

If this is passed on, the old man I will be ruined!

No, right!

This little bastard has just been promoted to the god star position, standing on the surface of the water to kill and kill the Heaven Level fish monsters. I am afraid that everyone who hears it will be shocked, right?

Perhaps I say that there will be more people talking about me.



too much was hit.

How can we say that people who have lived for dozens of hundreds of years will be abused by such a Little Brat on the cultivation base. I really can’t stand it!

The old man is about to have a heart attack.

“This brat is simply an evildoer!”

Hua Shiyue almost broke her mouthful of silver teeth.

She used to have a cultivation base, although not too high.

As the Hundred Flowers Pavilion Pavilion Lord, his identity and vision are much higher than Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention that she also had a genius name.

There is also an unlimited supply of Hundred Flowers Pavilion heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Compared with this brat, there will be such a difference.

It really makes me faceless.

“Yes, evildoer! This little bastard is an evildoer!”

“What the Alliance Lord said is really right.”

Zilong and Ziyunshu nodded fiercely.

Compared with Hua Shiyue who is less than 30 years old.

They are all old monsters who have lived for more than 200 years. The cultivation base used to be more aggressive than Qin Shaofeng several millions times.

Now it is overtaken by Qin Shaofeng.

Such a blow almost made them vomit blood.

Compared to their unhappiness.

Simon Li almost laughed.

He has been in contact with Qin Shaofeng for the longest time, and the gap between his previous cultivation base is also the smallest.

Even he was the first to discover that Qin Shaofeng is special, the first to befriend Qin Shaofeng, and he even tied Qin Shaofeng to his war chariot with emotion.

Since then.

Qin Shaofeng feels bad about him.

He even forced himself to regard Qin Shaofeng as an own person.

After several years, Qin Shaofeng has already been his true relatives in his heart.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base battle strength now, he only has infinite satisfaction and pride in his heart.

When everyone is thinking.

Qin Shaofeng has already killed the entire moat into a river of blood.

If it hadn’t been too serious for the small fish to swallow, I’m afraid the river would start to smell fishy.

Sufficiently one hour.

Finally no more fish jumped out of the moat.

Qin Shaofeng was still dissatisfied and moved towards the underwater observation, but clearly felt a faint sense of crisis.

“Finally, the fish King will appear?”

His expression changed slightly, his body retreated suddenly, and the sword was taken out for the first time.

“Little Feng, what happened?”

“Is there a danger?”

“Is it underwater or Cloud Sea Sect?”

Everyone asked in unison, asking all kinds and sorts, so Qin Shaofeng simply didn’t know which one to answer.

No one answered at all, just staring quietly at the moat in front.

Soon, he doesn’t need to answer.


There was a smooth stream of water in the water, and I saw something like a water snake rushing out of my hand.

This water snake actually has a horn on its head.

At first glance.

Qin Shaofeng can’t help but think of a legendary thing: Jiao.

But when he stared at the water snake in front of him for a while, he felt even more impossible.

The water snake is only one meter long, and the baby’s arm is thin.

Don’t say it’s covered in fish scales, it’s almost like no scale grows out, no matter how you look at it, it’s just an ordinary water snake.

I just don’t know what is going on with the horn above it.

“Is this the legendary Flood Dragon?” Simon Li exclaimed.

Chen Old Xing ghost hearing this laughed: “Flood Dragon is a fart, you haven’t seen this thing, is it a weird thing?”

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