
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“What’s the trouble?”

Qin Shaofeng’s face suddenly became difficult to look.

He still clearly remembered that not long after the old man of the god star who killed the Four Elephant Sect, the follow-up powerhouse of the Four Elephant Sect had already rushed over.

His cultivation base has indeed improved a lot, and the speed is even faster.

But he will not forget that the Four Elephant Sects have been destroyed, and the two hostile influences, in order to prevent him from getting the cornerstone of the great array, they can cooperate.

Maybe the current Cloud Sea Sect has already dispatched a powerhouse.

Thinking of this level, he suddenly became uncomfortable.

“This moat.”

Chu Huan also knew that the situation was critical, his expression on his face remained unchanged, but he spoke very quickly: “The people of Cloud Sea Sect didn’t know how to do it, and they built the gate here, in the moat outside, Any water star beast, at least it will be Heaven Level.”

“According to Tianjitang’s calculations, if you don’t come back, even if we can pass this moat, at least 70% of the casualties will be killed.”

“Such a casualty?”

Qin Shaofeng was really taken aback by what he said.

At least 70%.

He can tell from the expressions of everyone that Chu Huan’s words are already very conservative.

The statement given by Tianjitang will definitely not be this number.

“Let me take a look.”

Qin Shaofeng was already very anxious. He took three steps and two steps before moving towards the moat and ran over.

The moat is not too big, and it is ten zhang distance between the two banks.

The moment he came to the river.

A palm-size fish suddenly jumped out of the water. The mouth, which was full of sharp teeth and took up Moyo’s third body, moved towards him and bit it.


Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

But when he saw the attack of this little fish clearly, his eyes almost protruded.

It turned out to be as Chu Huan said.

It’s just such a small fish, which is comparable to ascending to the skies with a single leap cultivation base.

This is still a random one.

How many more powerful existences in the moat than this little fish exist, I can hardly even think about it.

No wonder Chen Old Xing Ghost, Zilong Na and the others will make an alliance of tens of thousands of people, rest and wait for his arrival.

Without the suppression of the powerhouse of the planet, the difficulty of crossing this moat can be imagined.

“evil creature!”

As soon as Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts were transferred, a palm was already taken.

How about ascending to the skies with a single leap?

He is now a true powerhouse of gods.

The entire land of shining stars, the second powerhouse in the thousand years.

Just a hit from palm wind.

The little fish burst open, and a small, pearl-like thing formed from the sky.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a small fish in one step, get 10,000,000 true value, 0.1 star and moon value.”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes widened: “This little fish is actually someone else who is on Heaven Level?”

“If it weren’t the case, we would have killed it.”

Chen Old Xing ghost finally came and spoke in a hurry.

He relied on his identity, and someone else took the initiative to talk about it before.

Only then did he have a chance to speak.

“It really doesn’t matter if you go to Heaven Level, first put all these things out, and we can naturally pass it easily.” Qin Shaofeng’s expression is still not easy.

For each level of his current improvement, the star and moon values ​​are calculated in three digits.

Slaying a small Heaven Level other star beast fish can bring only a few thousandths, and simply cannot bring him more benefits.

Not to mention that he has killed three powerhouses with powerhouses above the 7th grade.

If Cloud Sea Sect sends someone over again, the strength and number of its cultivation base will definitely exceed his imagination.

Thinking about it.

He jumped and went to the middle of the moat.

“Little Feng, be careful!”

“Quickly retreat back, even if your cultivation base is on the position of God, it will be difficult to contend with countless fish monsters at once.”

“There are too many fish monsters. Be careful.”

Everyone was shocked.

Not far away, because of Qin Shaofeng’s return, he has already come to nearby alliance powerhouses. Seeing that Qin Shaofeng is so big, his face instantly loses blood.

Don’t look at them as people of great influence.

Qin Shaofeng’s identity in each influence is also equivalent to a guest official.

Over the years, they have regarded him as a true owner.

Even if it is not the closest and highest decision maker, that is the spiritual pillar of the entire alliance.

If anything happens to Qin Shaofeng.

They really don’t know if they can survive the coming crisis of extinction.

When an individual is thinking about it.

All the fish in the moat were all attracted by Qin Shaofeng’s actions.

The first sprint appears.

More than a hundred fishes of various colors slapped the water surface fiercely with their tails, and moved towards Qin Shaofeng to bite them.

All kinds of fish have different styles, but they all have one thing in common.

That is the head of each fish, occupying one third of the whole body, and its mouth is full of teeth like a steel knife, and it seems to exude a faint cold light.

Its speed is fast, and its bite force is terrifying.

Even if they are the heavenly ascension cultivation base, they dare not fight against such terrifying things on the water.

Qin Shaofeng was suddenly surrounded by hundreds of these fishes.

Everyone’s face paled instantly.

“Sure enough, they are all other little fish who have boarded Heaven Level.”

Qin Shaofeng saw a flash of joy in his eyes after seeing the approximate level of these fish.

Although is this fish has a very low level.

But the difference in numbers also made him very excited.

If it can kill 100,000 80,000 pieces, his cultivation base seems to be leveled to Seventh-Eighth Rank Realm.

The elevation in front of the crowd is very shocking.

But as the cultivation progresses, he can truly have the qualifications to fight the upcoming powerhouse of Cloud Sea Sect.

Speaking of which, isn’t it necessarily a bad thing?

“Since you are courting death, let this Eminence fulfill you.”

Qin Shaofeng’s laughter continued.

Everyone saw his hands keep slapped palms.

Looking at it, it seems to just move casually.

But the fish that crossed the water surface were successively photographed into pools of blood flowers by his palm wind.

blood splashed around.

Just a blink of an eye.

Hundreds of small fishes that crossed the water surface turned into pools of blood and fell back into the water.

In the water, there are also more fish smelling the smell of blood, and they quickly eat the same kind that was photographed as meat sauce.

In between.

Qin Shaofeng clearly sees that many fish are still fighting their kind in order to compete for meat.

It was just a take action, but it caused at least more than three hundred fishes.

Qin Shaofeng floats on the surface of the water and unhurried take action, but when observing the killing of small fish, he gets hundreds of white beads from it.

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