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“On that 100 wolf pups that’s all, anyway.”

Chen Shang3, after Qin Shaofeng’s arrogant tone, also said the same thing consciously.

Qin Shaofeng can say this, but it is based on the fact that Qin Shaofeng has enough battle strength to say so.

Such words are totally different from Chen Shang3’s mouth.

People of the same Chen Family.

As a Chen Family Eldest Young Master’s Chen Yulu, how can you not know what cultivation base Chen Shang3 and the others are?

momentarily, Chen Shang3 and the old man covered with blood, even the old man who could not see his face, were scared by his words.

“Third Uncle, what’s wrong with you? But there are 100 king-level star beast wolves, and there are at least 2 emperor-level star beast wolves. Even if most of our family’s powerhouse is here, we can’t compete with it! “Chen Yulu said with fear on her face.

He didn’t know what happened to the people in his own family, and he could say such words in the face of so many stars and beasts.

“Of course I’m fine. Those star beasts may be strong, but they are not strong enough to make us helpless.” He said this, and moved towards Qin Shaofeng and looked over.

As early as the arrival of Chen Yulu and the two, Qin Shaofeng was discovered.


Only a Rank 6 The young brat of the earth star position has not been taken into consideration by him.

It is said that his cultivation base is about to break through to the star position.

Even Chen Yuxin and Chen Yuwan siblings have a cultivation base of Celestial with a 7th grade or higher. It can be said that anyone is stronger than Qin Shaofeng.

Much stronger than him.

It is said that such a young brat can fight such a horrible wolf pack, even if he is killed, he cannot believe it.

But Chen Shang3 looks crazy.

If there are only one or two people, it may be regarded as what kind of stimulation.

He clearly saw that the group of their Chen Family had such a collective attitude towards Qin Shaofeng, which was shocking.

Does this seem unattractive, and even the cultivation base can be called a slag brat?

They haven’t waited for them to come up with it.

A howling howl, which could be called horrible, rang out not far away.

“They … they came so soon !?”

Chen Yulu was clearly frightened by the wolves.

The sudden howling howl sounded, and immediately made him tremble with fright.

Next moment.

He already ran to Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, his face did not have the attitude of the First Family Master of the Great Family.

You can even call it charming.

“Myself Chen Family Chen Yulu, I don’t know who this Little Brother’s name is, but there is a good way to retreat from the wolf?” Chen Yulu said anxiously in his voice.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t even look straight at him.

Especially after I just heard that sentence, even if most of the Chen Family’s powerhouse is here, it may not be able to get the wolves.

Even if it is a forest of forbidden martial arts, the qi and blood ban on martial artist is very serious.

However, some higher value training base, but also can barely exert some battle strength.

So wolf pack is really scary.

But if there can be 5 or 6 Celestial powerhouses dispatched together, with no difficulty, they can all be taken down, and there can be no surprise at all with simply.

Such a family, especially such a family’s First Young Master, is so unbearable that it really makes him a little inconspicuous.

Glancing casually.

His gaze was immediately moved towards the distance.

Those king-ranked beasts are nothing.

However, the Origin Core of 2 Emperor Star Beasts can help him improve some physical strength.

Even if it’s just a little, it’s great.

This expression suddenly changed the face of First Young Master Chen Yulu who wanted to come and make friends.

What I say is also Chen Family First Young Master.

Even if your brat’s battle strength is very good, you don’t need to slap me like this

“Get out, don’t get in the way!”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t even intend to ignore him.

The overall battle strength is probably not as good as the family of the 7 Star lineage, and the amount of elixir that can be given to him cannot really satisfy him.

Not to mention, he did not save the entire Chen Family.

Even if the Chen Family is really saved, the resources that the Chen Family can give him may not be much.

He was afraid that he couldn’t get any good things in the Chen Family. The reason why he still had to pass is just for a transition that’s all.

In this case, there seems to be no difference between such an Eldest Young Master and a ant.

A loud drink made Chen Yulu unable to hang on his face.

As soon as he wanted to get angry, he saw a rush of White Wolf.

As a High Level Star Beast, although it is only the King Wolf’s White Wolf, its body size exceeds that of an adult lion. What’s more, it seems that it can have the size of half an elephant.

The wolf pack that came first, but just over 30, already filled the place here.

With the eyes of the Chen Family, it was impossible to see the end of the wolf pack.

“This … is this the wolf pups?”

“Too much horror, so horrible wolf pack, I am afraid that the 7th grade Celestial Purple Mania could not be cleaned up, can that brat really work?”

“It is said that there are more than 2 imperial order …”

“Fuck, is this Human Race capable of being there?”

The people who had originally vowed to Qin Shaofeng solemnly were just because they heard about the wolves.

Seeing such a shocking scene with my own eyes.

Even Chen Yuxin ’s direct descendant Young Master subconsciously leaned behind Chen Shang3.

Even he knew it.

Qin Shaofeng If he can’t stop the wolves, Chen Shang3 will never take him away.

But the thought of being afraid of death made him do this subconsciously.

Chen Yulu, whose anger had risen in the mind, shook violently, and quickly made way for Qin Shaofeng.

Especially those quietly talking Chen Family teenagers’ ears made him scared.


Such a horrible wolf pack, I’m afraid he can’t kill him with the arrival of father?

This brat is just trifling Rank 6

Which Death Warrior did he send?

10000 As long as he didn’t want to live anymore, wouldn’t he have to die with us in the mouth of this group of White Wolf?

“Small, brat, you’re just a small Rank 6 star ant, can you really deal with this group of white wolf that is at least the king?” Chen Yulu couldn’t bear it, or couldn’t help asking this sentence words.

Such words would have been spoken earlier.

With Qin Shaofeng’s temper, even if they change houses to learn about Dabeihuang, they will never care about their lives.

Fortunately, his words were still a second behind.

One second, just one second.

Qin Shaofeng has already fully flashed the Thunderbolt 1000.

In just one second, he rushed over with empty hands towards wolf pack.

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