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“Qin Eldest Brother, we have rushed all night long, everyone can’t bear it, can we rest for a while?” Chen Yuwan thinks that she is the only one among the people who has not deteriorated with Qin Shaofeng. Could not help but ask.

Along the way, they have exhausted them.

She just replaced it a moment ago, but watching the young legs replacing the stretcher she was still shaking, it seemed that Chen Shangxiong would fall to the ground at any time, and she had to speak.

This sentence immediately asked everyone’s voice.

Even Chen Shang3, who was walking in front, looked back.

The road was open all night, so that he was stained with too much plant juice, and there was a lot of dirt and feces that seemed to be something.

If it were youngsters, I would have gone violently.

But even if he behaves this way, even if he is extremely tired, he just looks back.

Due to the emergence of Zimang, these people didn’t eat anything last night, and now each and everyone is not only as tired as that.

“It seems like a break.”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t even look at them.

Looking coldly into the distance, even when he said this, he couldn’t help squatting down and reaching out to caress the ground.

Soon, he reconfirmed the nodded.

“Everyone swallowed the elixir to recover immediately, and then rested in place. There should be another moment to fight.” Qin Shaofeng uttered a word that shocked everyone.

The people were so scared that each and everyone almost fell to the ground.

Chen Shang3 couldn’t help but rushed quickly and asked with a worried expression: “Qin Little Brother, do you know what kind of danger is in front of us, in our current state, do you want to find a place to hide first?”

Everyone heard this, and hurriedly thought it was nodded.

Even when strength is at its heyday, in the face of too many stars and beasts, there is only choice to avoid it.

After all, the only ones who can really fight the Star Beast are Chen Shang3 and Chen Shangxiong, who were seriously injured.

Chen Shangxiong was seriously injured now, and Chen Shang3 was so exhausted that they were too scared.

“Hiding a fart, it’s just a group of wolf cubs that’s all. The strongest can only have one or two emperor steps, and the others are all scum-like existences. Just annihilate them; even more how, you don’t need to fight, What are you afraid of each and everyone? “Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes.

Even in the 7 Star gate, whether he is in contact with Kun Feng, Wucheng, or Fan Yuze and the others, each has an adventurous spirit.

The attitude of these people really made him unacceptable.

Just a bunch of king-level wolf cubs.

And he was enough to deal with it alone, and it scared them like this. It seems that the children in these ordinary families are really not good!

When he was thinking, Chen Shang3 quickly swallowed the elixir.

Quick reply.

“Qin Little Brother, what is the situation with the pack of wolves, can you detect it?” He asked again, apparently intending to prepare in advance.

This sentence made Qin Shaofeng almost scold her mother.

The reason he felt ahead of time was because the Heavenly Insect King gave him a faint hint.

After all, the true level of the Heavenly Insect King is not inferior to the Emperor’s Peak.

But it can’t communicate with himself, otherwise he still needs to reach out and touch the ground himself.

The cultivation base gap is still the sentence cultivation base gap.

Even if he felt the movement of the earth, he couldn’t feel anything. He simply acted like that’s all.

Does anyone know that the cultivation base is more proficient than Chen Shang3, who came to ask himself the details?

Who can know the details?

“What is love and what is the situation, the Young Master who has said it has already said, Young Master is not your nanny, there is no need to explain anything to you guys who watch the theater.” Qin Shaofeng simply looked up and made a pair Proud look.

Chen Shang3 was almost shocked by what he said.


Lao Tzu is also a 7th grade powerhouse. Even if you do n’t have the battle strength heaven defying of brat, I can help you defend at least 2?

Looking at Qin Shaofeng simply, he didn’t bother with his thoughts any more, and he could only retreat resentfully.


You do n’t want to say anything, I ’m not helping you!


“ao ……”

The idea in Chen Shang3’s mind had just appeared, and the sound of howling was not heard from Danger Land.

No matter how shocked he was, he suddenly took out his weapon and was ready to fight.

However, the scene of who didn’t expect appeared.

He has just made a performance, one old and one young two figures rushed quickly towards here.

There were multiple blood stains on both of them, and the injuries were apparent.

But their clothes are the same as Chen Shang3 and the others.

Also the Chen Family?

The two were extremely fast, it was just a blink of an eye, and they were already near them.

“Brother in front, I don’t know who is leading the team? I’m Chen Family First Young Master Chen Yulu!” The youngster was obviously being carried, and before he could see the face of Chen Shang3, he already shouted.

“Yu Lu? You turned out to be Yu Lu? I’m Chen Shang3.” Chen Shang3 said.

Chen Yuxin and Chen Yuwan siblings hurried out and asked aloud, “Eldest Brother, how did you become like this? Other people in your team?”

The others are naturally dead.

Standing not far away, Qin Shaofeng, who has not stayed too much on them, could not help but roll over one’s eyes.

When Chen Yulu heard their shouts, his voice changed greatly.

“Third Uncle? It turned out to be your team. How did you get here?”

“Hurry up, there will be a group of at least 100 wolf packs behind, and they will be hunted down immediately.”

“They have at least 2 Wolf Kings. The 3 Uncles in our team are all killed. Even if you add a few of them, it is impossible to defeat them.”

Chen Yulu gasped, speaking in several sentences.

In his opinion, after telling such terrible facts, the younger brother Chen Yuxin, who had been timid and scared, would at least be scared to death.

But when he finished speaking, he didn’t see more expression on Chen Yuxin’s face.

Although pale, it was before he came.

Maybe I heard the wolverine, or maybe … who knows?

But this is not normal at all?

“100 wolf packs, only about 2 Wolf Kings?”

Chen Shang 3rd Layer Repeatedly sighed in relief.

didn’t expect wolf pack’s situation is really the same as Qin Shaofeng said.

With the Qin Shaofeng battle strength he knows, killing these wolves is really easy.

But his expression changed, and that Chen Yulu’s First Young Master was shocked again.

“Third Uncle, if we don’t rush away, we can’t escape!” Chen Yulu shouted.

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