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“Yes, yes, I have something suitable here.”

Among the crowd, one looks like a man in his 20s, but he is quite personable, but aura is not very stable, but he doesn’t know if the foundation is too weak or he was emptied by wine.

But the astute youth jumped out first.

He quickly took out a storage bag, quickly took out a few clean shirts and put them in, and handed them over to Qin Shaofeng.

“So readily available?”

Qin Shaofeng was also worried that they would go out temporarily and not bring enough stuff.

Within both eyes, a flash of finesse flashed.

“It seems that you are not a ordinary person, whoever has something to eat and drink, prepare quickly, Young Master, I am almost hollowed out this time, and I need to hurry up, and this small leopard although Waste wood is a bit wasteful, but the flesh and blood in many places on it is full of energy. I believe you should know these and hurry up some for me. I’ll go find a place to wash. “

Qin Shaofeng quickly finished the explanation, immediately, Flash Speed ​​was launched, and quickly moved towards the distance and rushed out.

He is not looking for water.

With Ghost Fire beads in his body, it is said to be smell of blood, even the sweaty smell he had before him, has been burned for a long time.

It’s just that Ghost Fire’s shirt still makes him feel weird.

He didn’t want to look like this, and continued to appear in front of people, especially there were 2 little girls on the opposite side.

Quickly change into a clean shirt.

That ’s why moved towards Ghost Fire Bead looked at it and said, “It turns into another string of Buddha beads and appears on my wrist with Luo Tian Zen Shadow.”

Ghost Fire Bead was his temporary name, giving this unknown a name.

Looking at the two bracelets side by side on the wrist, he was satisfied with nodded, turned and walked towards the direction when he came.

In less than 2.5 minutes of time, he returned neatly.

Just took things out.

It was even too late to cut off the most nutritious flesh of the Panther Leopard, and it was too late to find all the youngsters for the firewood, all shocked by the scene he appeared.

“Beihuang Chen Family Chen Yuxin, I’ve seen this Young Master. I don’t know which Young Master’s name is from which one? Or … where?” It was still the young man who had previously clothed him.

Chen Family, Beihuang, there.

3 words, immediately caused a stormy sea in Qin Shaofeng’s mind.

He had a lot of speculations about where he appeared before, but he couldn’t think of it. The appearance of his own time at this time appeared directly at the end of Tianlian Mountain.

This place is still a land of flares, but it is a zone of exile.

He once saw the record about the North Famine.

The Northern Famine is also known as the Great Northern Famine.

This name already explains what this place is like.

This place is completely desolate.

And it can be described by barren mountains and unruly rivers, and the area here is less than 1% of the other side. For some High Grade influences, they are considered extremely barren.

According to his understanding of Dabeihuang, the influence that exists here is not a High Grade, but a Transcendent Grade influence.

Once was the first Sect Free & Unfettered Sect standing on the heads of Spirit Sea and 4 Elephants.

But before 1000 years, I don’t know what happened. The Spirit Sea Sect and 4 Elephant Sects took action together and brought 5 High Grade influences to destroy Free & Unfettered Sect.

Although there are many Free & Unfettered Sect powerhouses and genius disciple survive, they can not compete with any Transcendent Grade influence, they have to take part of the resources of the distant gate to cross the Tianlian Mountain and come to the Great Northern Desert.

If Chen Yuxin had not said it himself, he could not believe how he would have come here.

You know, even the Celestial powerhouse he can’t cross, he can’t cross the Tianlian Mountain!

Coming is here, I’m afraid he won’t be so easy to go back.

Even if he would level the cultivation base to the highest level and wanted to rely on the trifling cultivation base, he would definitely not be able to cross Tianlian Mountain.

The danger of this mountain, but he has experienced it several times, can be said to have a very strong voice.

“It looks like I’m going to stay here for a while.”

“Just don’t know what changes will happen to the people over there when I discover my fall.”

“Tianxu Insect King, give your subordinates a distant order, leaving the strongest Tenxu insects still chasing the occupied person’s within the body, and other Tenxu insects obey the commands of those who control.

Qin Shaofeng’s mind is changing rapidly.

Almost as soon as he was sure of the situation, he ordered Tianxu Insect King.

He doesn’t care if the Heaven Insect King has this ability, even if he really can’t contact, he can’t help it.

But he believes that it is all on the continent of this shining star land that Tianxu Insect King should have a certain method.

With everything done, he just sat down before the dinner he just made.

It’s almost evening now.

The sunset glow reflects the sky into red, and even the white clouds on the horizon seem to be the rhythm of burning clouds.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng and the others are all in the jungle on the mountain, obviously it is impossible to see such a pleasing scene.

“Qin Shaofeng, deep mountain ascetic, half-savage.”

Qin Shaofeng casually threw out a few words, regardless of the scenes of the young younger generation being stunned, copying the food prepared by Chen Yuxin and gorge oneself up.

A young man was really shocked by his words.

Obviously something is wrong, but I don’t know if I should ask.

But it does not represent the older generation.

Third Uncle had been treating the uncle Xiong’s injury before. At this time, apparently he had finished all the things at hand and moved towards this side.

“Old man Chen Family Chen Shang3, first of all help us on behalf of our Chen Family many thanks Young Master. If it were not for the Young Master take action, we would all be dead here.”

“No, I didn’t expect to come out from there, and I just ran into such a dog thing.” Qin Shaofeng shook his head and did not continue the topic.

And he is very clear that his sudden appearance has obviously aroused the suspicion of Chen Shang3.

“No matter what little friends say, our Chen Family should thank them for their life-saving grace, but just don’t know why they appear here?” Chen Shang3 is very smart.

And his question seemed simple, but he asked a question that should not be asked.

“Who knows how to suddenly appear in this old mountain forest?”

Qin Shaofeng was haha, and he didn’t answer Chen Shang3 at all.

Suddenly appeared in the old forest in the mountains?

Looking at his scene of advent as if crossing, it really was his sentence that suddenly appeared.

Just such an answer does not make people go to a deeper guess.

As for Chen Shang3, he kept silent for an instant.

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng why not answer, but Qin Shaofeng did not answer, he could not continue to ask.

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