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“Mistweed! Young Master just came out, what the heck hit me on purpose?”

A young voice came out of the gate that seemed to be the flame of Mo green.

Including Third Uncle, all are collectively sluggish in this brief moment.

As the Master of that leg stepped out, he completely appeared in front of them.

This man is green.

Cui green’s clothes, cui green’s pants, cui green’s shoes, and even his hairpinned jade jacket and the decoration on his shirt are emerald green.

What shocked them was still behind. Youngster looked only in his 20s, but the life aura emanating from his body proved that this person was definitely not 20 years old.

The most terrible thing is the cultivation base aura emanating from him.

Rank 6 Star position?

The sky is falling and the ground is falling!

When did the trifling Rank 6 ants in the ground position also be so awesome?

Third Uncle was shocked.

A young man and woman were shocked.

Uncle Xiong, who had just woke up briefly because of the strong conviction in his heart, was unconscious again after seeing this scene.

“Well? What’s your situation?”

This one that just came out of the burning door of Ghost Fire is naturally Qin Shaofeng.

He thought that coming out of the great hall, even if it wasn’t the entrance to the 10000 God Tomb of Yaoxing, it should be near there.

But how he didn’t expect.

After coming out from there, it is indeed still in the mountains, but it is such a place.

Although the mountains in front could not prove anything, the costumes of those people seemed to be telling their identities, and they were not people in the land of stars.


He hasn’t figured out why it happened in this place.

What kind of identity should he use to communicate with these people now?

10000 What should I do if they are considered alien visitors?

A roar filled with crazy aura came from behind him.

At the same time, a gale screamed.

The feeling of crisis suddenly emerged.

There is no need to feel it deliberately, he also knows that there is a crisis behind him.

That is the star beast.

And it is also the emperor-level star beast.

Emperor Order?

For the ordinary person, perhaps it is extremely dangerous, but in his eyes it can’t be considered anything.

When his cultivation base was very weak, he was able to slay the Emperor Star Beast.

Although the improvement of the cultivation base today is not much, it is also because he is worried that the sudden rise of the cultivation base will cause him unimaginable disasters.

But the experience along the way made his battle strength unknown how many times it had increased.

Not to mention the star chaser in his hands.

If this sword comes out, even a Celestial Peak powerhouse in front of him will have the courage to fight with him.

even more how is trifling Emperor Star Beast?

“Brother, run, that’s an emperor panther leopard, even if the two Star Power Peakhouses add up, they are not their opponents, run!”

“Come here, that leopard is going to shoot you!”


a path of exclaiming sounds.

There was even a little girl who couldn’t see the blood, and her eyes were immediately covered, as if she was afraid to see him patted into a meat sauce by a paw of Luo Panther.

“Hey, my friend, the door you came over was really difficult to deal with, but it dissipated, and it didn’t cause much damage to Luo Luobao. It’s over, everything is over.” Third Uncle of the idea of ​​survival, sighed after seeing Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base aura clearly.

“Miluo Panther? Emperor-level Star Beast?”

Qin Shaofeng finally responded, his voice was a little weak, or weak.

But there was a playful smile on his face.

It seems to be saying, what about the trifling emperor star beast, Lao Tzu respects the Celestial powerhouse.

But … he was just a trifling Rank 6 ant.

Compared to many of them, the cultivation base is worse!

‘This brat is it possible that is a fool, don’t know how terrible the Emperor Star Beast is? ‘Third Uncle couldn’t help thinking.

But when their expressions were all worried about Qin Shaofeng, they saw Qin Shaofeng suddenly flashing a step to the right.

This step is extremely fast.

Even the star powerhouse Third Uncle didn’t see how he moved.

It was the gap in this step that caused the paw of Luo Luobao to fall, but it fluttered empty, and fiercely patted it on the ground.

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

The terrible smash made the ground tremble.

“A small leopard with no hair at all, dare to sneak attack me?”

Qin Shaofeng rang again with a slightly weak voice, still so serene, and his face was still a little joke, but he didn’t care.

But his words, it seemed like a thunderbolt, fiercely fell on everyone’s mind.

“What did he just say?”


“Hair is not growing?”

“Mistweed! That’s the Panther Leopard, the adult Panther Leopard, exhausting Third Uncle battle strength. Uncle Xiong almost died under his paw!”

“Imperial Star Beast! Misty Grass! How could it be so ignored?”

All the young people were so surprised that the sound of ‘ka ka’ began to appear on their chins, and many people’s panic sounds had already appeared strange homonyms due to the dislocation of their chins.

These young people rarely see anything in normally. Faced with this scene, maybe their mental capacity is not enough.

But that Third Uncle is obviously over 40 years old, and the wind and rain experienced are obviously not a few people, and they are just as incredible.

All of their expressions were taken in by Qin Shaofeng.


For him, an emperor-level star beast really came over to send the real value and the Star Beast Origin Core.

Such a junk star beast, in addition to bringing him these, really can no longer have any impact on him.

In words, he didn’t care about everyone’s views, he waved a punch.

Due to the falling of that claw, Luo Luobao’s head has been lowered to a place where normal people can reach.

This fist that Qin Shaofeng would suddenly rise up is exactly moved towards his head.

Flash, flash!

Power of Lightning was already around when he spotted the panther.

The use of this moment is casual.


Ten times the strength of a punch, suddenly strikes on the head of Miluo Leopard.

A blood cave formed suddenly.

Before Luo Luobao came to death, he roared, and because of Qin Shaofeng’s overbearing action, he drew his Origin Core out of his backhand.

“Rely on! What dare you dare to take action against the Young Master. This blood is so disgusting. Those of you, who have clean clothes, quickly give the Young Master a set, and a storage bag, Young. Master’s storage bag is all gone. “Qin Shaofeng shouted immediately.

He had confirmed their words before, and he was too lazy to pretend, just like the words he learned from the Land of Stars.

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