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Brunei is a Rank 6 ability, but his ability is not the Water Element ability, and he still has to breathe with the help of an oxygen cylinder underwater.

Almost all explorers are like this, and their communication is also through some electronic devices.

Upon hearing Captain Brunei’s words, the other three team members exploded.

“What? More than 2 10 Power Stones?”

“Damn, or your captain, you can find 2 10 energy stones at once!”

“Hahaha, it looks like I can get 4 5 energy stones!”

This is the beginning of the Viteau sentiment, and the time to start exploring the underground river has passed 2 March.

This started with the upper lake as the center, and the river running down the underground river until the Pacific Ocean exit was almost detected.

In fact, because of the erosion of the river, those energy stones appeared in the second half of the river.

For the upper half of the river in the countercurrent region, in fact, only a dozen or so 20 li have been detected so far.

There is no way for the team of Explorers in Viteo, but based on the number of energy stones, go wherever you go.

The Brunei team is not large in number. After the energy stones detected by the river in the myself section are becoming less and less, they plan to explore the upstream area of ​​the river.

Some people agree with Brunei’s team.

Although there are few energy stones detected in this way, judging from the large number of explorers downstream, this can instead explore more energy stones.

In a small area, there are more than 2 10 energy stones. Not to mention, even the downstream area is rare.

Therefore, such a discovery made Brunei and the others very happy, and the four people team soon began to gather.

But at this time, Brunei felt something wrong with the surrounding water.

“Well, what’s happening? Is there a big fish?”

Brunei’s eyebrows are slightly frowned, but he doesn’t care much.

Having been in this underground river for more than 2 months, Brunei knows that this underground river is connected to the sea and has a lot of fish in it.

Even near the exit of the river close to the ocean, sharks still appeared. At first, because of this, someone died under the shark’s bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Then, from that time on, General Veteau called the ordinary person back and let the psionicist explore and collect energy stones.

Therefore, Brunei does not care much at this moment, because even if sharks appear, it will not pose any threat to him.

Oh la la !

A torrent is coming, Brunei a thought flashed through the mind, huh, it seems like a big fish.

The subconscious Brunei looked up in the direction of the torrent, but this look, he was dumbfounded.

“Fack, what is this?”

Looking at a huge shadow of 7-8 meters ahead, Brunei in ones heart trembled.

What made Brunei even more alarming was that the huge shadow had approached him, and even more horrible, he now saw clearly that the huge shadow was simply not a fish.

Looking at the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Brunei immediately understood that he encountered something special.

And this is not the point, the point is that he felt a very powerful aura from the shadow in front of him.

not good!

immediately Brunei is running away!

But it is already late!

Because the moment he had the idea of ​​escaping, the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl had already been bitten and bit him directly.


Brunei screamed, and the power erupted instantly.

It’s just a pity that his power is only the Fire Element power, and his strength will be weakened a lot under the water.

And the most important opponent is that even if he all broke out, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the shadow Master.

Because of this huge shadow, it is the 7th grade genetically modified organism similar to a giant lizard.

Although the genetically modified organisms in the underground space were all failed products after the Brig family test, with the help of Spirit Stone, the evolution of those genetically modified organisms is even more unusual.

Basically, at the same level, this genetically modified organism is much more powerful than ordinary psionicists, magicians, and even ordinary martial artists of the same level.

Not to mention, Brunei is just a Rank 6 power.

Not to mention that it is now underwater, even on land, let Brunei’s full strength outbreak not be the opponent of this genetically modified organism.

So he was tragedy.


The crisp sound, with the bite force of this genetically modified organism, Brunei was directly bitten into two knots, and then this giant lizard genetically modified creature, with a big mouth, swallowed two corpse.

After being swallowed, this genetically modified organism was not satisfied at all, because this corpse it smelled the other aura.

Aura of Human Race!

There are other Human Races!

A delight in this genetically modified creature, the three team members who went towards Brunei rushed away.

Not much in 3 minutes, and 3 other people were swallowed by this genetically modified organism.

After swallowing 4 abilities, the genetically modified organism was finally satisfied, and then leisurely swam back to the underground space.

But what this genetically modified organism did not know was that when it swallowed Brunei, Brunei was swallowed a completely unprepared, not even his teammates knew.

The 3 teammates in Brunei, although not completely gathered together, have been close to each other a lot.

It is worth mentioning that in the entire underground river, the energy stones are also the Spirit Stones. Many of them have been impacted by the river water into the silt. Even under the cumulative impact of many years, most of the energy stones are deeply sinking into the channel Office.

Therefore, now this underground river, because these explorers sent by Viteo, have explored and collected the excavation of energy stones, they have made countless holes in this underground river.

And most importantly, this underground river originally had many small branches. Although these small branches were in the end alley, they could be washed into many energy stones.

At first, Brunei and their 4 are all separated.

Then, after Brunei sent a message, three other people came over.

But they not at all saw their captain Brunei swallowed, but after the three people approached, the genetically modified organism appeared in front of them.

Three people suddenly startedled, at first, they were a bit disapproved, at most they thought that there were 5 variants.

Here is an underground river under 3 4000 meters below the ground, there are some special 5 kinds, and that’s nothing.

But after the genetically modified organism swam to their three people in an instant, and swallowed one of them directly, the remaining two were frightened.

immediately 2 people ran, but how could it be?

Soon, another person was swallowed.

And the last one was completely panicked, and immediately asked the Explorer base for help.

“With rare beast, help-ahhh!”

This was the last person to call for help. After sending out this call for help, he was swallowed by the genetically modified creature of the 7th grade giant lizard.

This time he shouted, the Explorer’s base received his message.

Rare beast ?

what’s the situation?

Those responsible for liaison at the base felt a little confused about this and were totally unclear about the situation.

This base is at first, and the space cut out in a place after Viteo entered the passage at the bottom of the lake.

Now that this space has been excavated, it has been carefully treated by several powerful psionicists, and it has been arranged into a secret base.

In the face of such a call for help, those liaison personnel at the base were immediately confused.

However, it was later discovered that the contact person felt that something was wrong after the team member could no longer be contacted for help.

Because not only that person, but the team that person is in, as well as the Rank 6 power Brunei, have lost contact.

During this period of time when exploring the energy stone, there were indeed casualties.

But except at first, ordinary researchers, and ordinary diggers, there are at most 2 Low Level abilities, because they accidentally get lost in the underground river, eventually oxygen is depleted and they die forcibly hypoxia.

Apart from this, no one died.

Not to mention, this is a squad brought by the Rank 6 ability expert.

This thing is definitely not simple!

The Explorer base has a powerhouse oversee and is also an 8th-level Peak Realm’s power king.

In fact, the other party is in a breakthrough state, so this is no way to explore the energy stone.

To be honest, when receiving such a mission, this power king didn’t care much.

Rare beast ?

I’m afraid it should be some kind of primitive primitive creature under the ground!

However, considering that Brunei is a Rank 6 power after all, although it is somewhat restrained underwater, it still has some strength.

In the end, the power king sent a 7th grade power to investigate the situation.


There is no more. After the 7th grade ability passed, it did not return.

The 7th grade ability was unhappy to get such a mission, because he was exploring a good place, and there were a lot of Spirit Stones.

Now ordered to investigate the traces of Brunei and the others, he is naturally unhappy.

However, he was unable to disobey such an order, only thinking of a quick solution, then returning to life early, returning to that region early and continuing to explore the energy stone.

Because of this, his speed is very fast, this person is a Wind Element power, and can play fast even under water.

Soon he caught up with the genetically modified organism.

But it turned out that he became the dessert of the genetically modified organism.

And this is just the beginning, because after the genetically modified organism returned to the underground space, it shared the delicious news there with its companions.

This one was amazing. When I heard there was something delicious, those genetically modified organisms couldn’t bear it.

Suddenly, the 20-30 genetically modified organisms that whipped oh la la were moved towards where the delicious food was.

The Explorer base has not confirmed the death of the 7th grade ability, but it has been attacked by a group of genetically modified organisms.

Although the strongest of these 20-30 genetically modified organisms is the 8th order, there are 7 8 in number.

But the Explorer base is only an 8th-order power king. In the face of such a group of genetically modified organisms, simply cannot be defeated.

The end result was that only the power king was killed, 7 8 7th grade and 3 8th-level genetically modified organisms, and escaped with serious injuries.

Explorer base is completely destroyed!

But it’s all just beginning!

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