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For Tang Ning’er, after identifying Qin Shaofeng as her own brother-in-law, she started to be ‘impudent’.

This little lass is completely a splash expert, and most importantly, she has a good reason for her identity.

A few sentences of brother-in-law are long and brother-in-law is short. I am forcibly smoothing out the cultivation plan that Qin Shaofeng arranged for her.

Now after spending a few days at Fengya Villa, little lass is getting tired again and plans to go out to play.

Qin Shaofeng is also not good at rejecting …

Well, the truth is that he was really impatient with this little lass, and finally took her out.

This time Tang Ninger was completely freed himself.

Perhaps growing up on Tang Yundao made her curious about everything in the outside world.

Eating, drinking, using, wearing, and most importantly, playing, have inspired little lass unlimited interest and experience.

This is not, just less than a month, she actually played a few famous cities along the coast, no one day is stopped.

This makes Qin Shaofeng very miserable!

However, during this time, Qin Shaofeng finally contacted Tang Xin’er.

When the sisters talked once, Tang Xin’er asked Tang Ninger to hand over the cellphone to Qin Shaofeng, and then the two of them exchanged.

It was precisely this exchange that made Qin Shaofeng seem to be aware of it. Tang Family, to be precise, seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

Even to cope with this time trouble, Tang Yundao brought Qin Shaofeng refining the elixir of medicinal herbs accumulated on the island for several hundred years, that is, more than 3000 High Grade spirit medicine.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand why the old master of Tang Lietian actually took out that many medicinal herb, which turned out to be all the homes of Tang Yundao.

The Tang Family can make such a gesture. It can be seen that the troubles that Tang Yundao encountered this time should not be small, and most of them make Tang Family feel tricky.

Qin Shaofeng suggested that he need to go to Tangyun Island to help, but was rejected by Tang Xin’er.

Because this is not only her meaning, but also the Tang Family’s meaning. Otherwise, when Tang Lietian Old Master came, he directly explained to Qin Shaofeng.

According to Tang Family, Tang Yundao’s troubles are not too troublesome for outsiders.

If Qin Shaofeng and Tang Xin’er get married or something, that’s fine, but unfortunately the relationship between the two has not yet reached that step.

Although in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and Tang Xin’er, the relationship between the two has long been inseparable.

However, Tang Family does not think so. At this stage, Qin Shaofeng is still an outsider.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng didn’t say anything, so he didn’t tangle in this regard.

However, Qin Shaofeng told Tang Xin’er, if possible, let Tang Yundao send someone once, and he prepared some Nine Layer Spirit Pill to pass by.

But for such a mind, Tang Xin’er shook his head and refused.

It’s not that she doesn’t want it, but it’s not convenient now.

From Tang Xin’er’s remarks, Qin Shaofeng knew a piece of news that greatly surprised him.

That’s Tangyun Island’s closure!

This is not a ordinary island closure. Tangyun Island has also been island-sealed in recent years, but there are still some hidden Aristocratic Family who can go to Tangyun Island.

And Tang Yundao itself sent someone from time to time to come to continue to learn about the situation in the outside world.

But this time Tangyun Island sealed the island, but it is the same as the isolated island.

Tang Family has a great array on Tangyun Island. After being opened, it can hide the entire island.

According to Tang Xin’er, the great array also seems to be not simple, and she talked with Tang Ninger at this time, which is the last time.

After this time, Tang Yundao was completely disconnected from the outside world.

Although Tang Xin’er didn’t say it explicitly, Qin Shaofeng faintly felt that this side has once again fallen into a crazy little lass for a roller coaster Tang Ninger, which has some relations with Tangyun Island’s island closure this time.

In this regard, after Qin Shaofeng raised a question, Tang Xin’er said that she was not quite clear.

In the end, Tang Xin’er just asked Qin Shaofeng to take care of himself, this naughty Younger Sister, waiting for Tang Yundao to unblock.

Qin Shaofeng agreed, and at the same time also told Tang Xin’er that if he really encountered trouble that could not be solved, he should be notified immediately.

After his encounter with Tang Xin’er again, the souls of the two people once again had a perfect fusion.

So, no matter how far away, as long as Tang Xin’er thinks, he can barely pass some information to Qin Shaofeng with Soul Strength.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn’t want this.

Because if that step is really reached, I am afraid that it is the Tang Family at the end of the line.

“Well, I hope not to get there!”

Looking at the cellphone that has been hung up, Qin Shaofeng gently shook the head.

Somehow, Qin Shaofeng always felt a little uneasy.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn’t think about it later, and now his mission, let Tang Ninger play the little lass.

Tang Xin’er told Qin Shaofeng that Tang Ninger, the little girl, had not gone out of the island more than one time.

She had originally agreed to this little lass, and came out once in the near future to take her for fun.

But now encountering this kind of thing, Tang Xin’er can only ask Qin Shaofeng now.

Although helpless in my heart, I felt the mission the pressure is as big as a mountain, but Qin Shaofeng still acknowledged it.

For the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng didn’t do anything, and accompanied Tang Ninger to play around.

Although such a play, for Qin Shaofeng, which is very urgent, it is a waste of time.

But it was only a month or two, and Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry.


When Qin Shaofeng was playing like this, something happened in the rice country far away from China’s Pacific Ocean.

After a period of time, the genetically modified organisms that were originally in the underground space under the Breg family Headquarters have gradually left the underground space one after another.

It is worth mentioning that although these genetically modified organisms can leave this underground space, they are reluctant to leave.

Even after drilling into the underground river, usually just after eating, they returned to that underground space again.

It is worth mentioning that the underground river is actually the same as the Pacific Ocean. The place where the underground river eventually flows is actually the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, there are still many abundant fish in this underground river.

This can just solve the lack of food for those genetically modified organisms in the underground space, and predatory fish is also a benefit for those genetically modified organisms to improve food.

However, it is precisely because of this, because the taste of fish is good, which leads to the appetite of these genetically modified organisms and the predation speed is fast.

Then, as the number of fish decreased, the range of predation of these genetically modified organisms naturally increased.

Eventually, the predation area of ​​these genetically modified organisms finally extended to the channel that Qin Shaofeng had left from the underground river.

At this time, with the exploration of Spirit Stone, which is the power stone, the power search team sent by Viteo also expanded the scope.

at first is not much, but after more than 2 months of exploration and the expansion of the range of predation of genetically modified organisms, those powers of Viteo subordinate have finally come into contact with genetically modified organisms.

On this day, a 7th grade genetically modified organism similar to a giant lizard came along the underground river. A river channel 50-60 miles away from the underground space predated fish.

While it was preying on fish, it suddenly noticed that there was some special aura not far away.

Most importantly, these special auras make it smell delicious food.

Its underdeveloped brain suddenly thought that some time ago they had such aura food in their nest.

It’s just a pity that the food seems to have disappeared, which makes it a little regrettable.

In the old nest, it was not that delicious.

Because at the time of its memory, the food channel above the old nest occasionally appeared some such delicious.

It seems to remember that those delicious ones have a special name-Human Race!

The Brig family is not a moralist. Their experiments involve a very large range. Even human tests are extremely normal tests.

If this were not the case, genetically modified people would not have appeared.

But it is precisely because of this, there are also many corpse of Human Race among the failed trials.

Therefore, the corpse of Human Race occasionally appears in that underground space.

Therefore, the genetically modified organism in that underground space is no stranger to the corpse of Human Race.

And this 7th grade giant lizard has tasted the corpse of Human Race, and it feels very delicious.

But at this moment it made it smell the aura of Human Race, which made it naturally a little excited.

Immediately, it is the place where the delicious aura is distributed, swimming directly past it.

At the same time, the leader of the Explorer 7th team Brunei, looking at the detector in his hands, was also very excited.

Under Viteo’s secret control, although there are not many abilities he sends, but there are always more than one person. Basically, when exploring the power stone, they are exploring in the manner of each and everyone.

Brunei was originally only a 5th-level power, and the team he led was also a 4-5 level power.

But this time in the mission to explore the energy stone, he was rewarded by General Viterio for finding many energy stones, and he also received many energy stones.

Today, his power level has not only been leveled to Rank 6, but has even reached Rank 6 Late Stage Realm.

As long as he gets a bonus of 5 6 Power Stones, he can hit the 7th grade.

And his three subordinates all reached Rank 3 in succession.

This made him the idea of ​​choosing to return to General Viterio, the higher he felt very wise and correct.

And just now, his detector once again showed the reaction of the energy stone, and the number was quite large, exceeding 2 10.

Viteo was very generous with these Explorer teams.

The energy stones collected in this exploration only need to be turned in 5/4, and the remaining 20% ​​are reserved for their own use.

This amount of distribution is actually very large.

2 10 energy stones can get 4 pieces, which is a great gain.

Of course, this is also because Brunei and their explorers belong to Viteo.

And those who can be sent to this place to explore and collect those energy stones are basically belong to Viteo’s private force strength and belong to the powers he personally controls.

If it weren’t for this, how could Vitea be so generous?

Looking at the display screen on the detector, Brunei was very excited and said to the other three team members: “Come, come to my side, I have found more than 3 energy stones!”

Even if the powers are some special powers and some Water Element powers, otherwise, the other powers are basically wearing diving equipment.

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