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Damn, it’s so scary here!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, almost at the same time he discovered it, he immediately ran Fiendgod to hide his aura completely.

Not only has he not recovered, but he is still somewhat injured, and Divine Consciousness is also greatly restricted.

Now let’s not talk about those tenth-order genetically modified organisms, even if it comes to several eighth-order classes, Qin Shaofeng can’t carry it.

In the sight that Qin Shaofeng felt before, it was a 9th-order genetic beast that was aware of the situation.

Also, after all, such a big movement, I am afraid that immediately falling on the floor was noticed by the genetically modified organisms in the entire space.

It was just that a strong impact strength was too terrifying, which caused those genetically modified organisms to dare not approach this side.

Because just before, the location of this place, that is, the place where it fell, has already gathered some genetically modified organisms.

Well, they are rations that are waiting to fall above!

I didn’t want to wait until the end, a huge steel floor fell down.

Finally, there are 20-30 genetically modified organisms gathered here to wait for the ‘rations’. Except for a 9th-order genetically modified organism, which can flash away in time, all the rest are instantly smashed into flesh.

And Qin Shaofeng is following that 9th-order genetically modified organism!

Upon discovering such a situation, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to neglect, not only concealed his aura instantly, but also immediately operated some of the Fiendgod Inner Qis that barely recovered, and performed the movement technique and walked away.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng found a giant stone hiding place according to the results of the previous Divine Consciousness investigation, and hid cautiously, and did not dare to move.

Although the entire underground space is dark, after some restoration of within the body Fiendgod Inner Qi, Qin Shaofeng runs Fiendgod Inner Qi within the body to gather his eyes.

Despite his body, there is no Golden Fire Eyes, no Sharingan, and no Fiendgod eyes.

However, Fiendgod Inner Qi, who lives in the cultivation “Fiendgod Collection”, his eyes have been transformed to cover the words of Fiendgod Inner Qi. It is far from dare to say, but if it is within 1000 meters, Qin Shaofeng can still see clearly .

Just as Fiendgod Inner Qi covered his eyes, Qin Shaofeng got used to it a little bit, and he could clearly see the situation ahead.

But after seeing it clearly, he was cold.

Because at this time, a lot of genetically modified organisms had gathered underneath him.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Consciousness has now been completely suppressed.

However, due to the moment of the outbreak of Divine Consciousness, Qin Shaofeng has detected all the genetically modified organisms in this place, and naturally knows that those are 7th grade, those are 8th grade, and those are 9th grade genetically modified organisms. Already.

Now in that region, 9 or 4 of the aggregated genetically modified organisms have reached the 5th level.

If he hadn’t left before, I’m afraid he’s buried in the mouth of these creatures now.

So how do you leave now?

Qin Shaofeng’s heart was full of bitter smiles, but here are the stories of those genetically modified organisms. He can hide for a while and a half, but he can’t hide forever.

He must find a way to escape!

However, Qin Shaofeng had an approximate plan for how to escape.

Because of the big outbreak of Divine Consciousness just now, he has made him have a clearer understanding of this place.

Even after understanding, Qin Shaofeng’s heart was very uneasy.

In the final analysis, this is the case. There are so many powerful genetically modified organisms here, all because of the special magnetic field strength deep in the ground.

Although it is a magnetic field strength, it is a natural array in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, and it is also a natural array similar to the Gathering Spirit Array.

It seems that because of the natural formation of this underground space, coupled with some special magnetic field strength, a special natural array is finally formed.

Despite this natural array, it doesn’t have any strong strength.

But this natural array is able to absorb all nearby Spirit Qi, even Spirit Qi on the ground, which has been absorbed invisibly.

And most importantly, after absorbing these Spirit Qis, it does not make this underground space full of Spirit Qis.

Because of this natural array, after absorbing Spirit Qi, Spirit Qi is naturally stored.

What is there after storage?

Is there more to say?

After storage, it must be a Spirit Stone.

That’s right, there are a large number of Spirit Stones in this deep underground, and even the number is Qin Shaofeng, it is a shock.

Too much!

At the moment of his previous Divine Consciousness outbreak detection, although it was only detected horizontally, Qin Shaofeng did a little bit of detection for the deep underground, that is, 50-60 meters.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng has already detected it, and the 56 meters underground actually hides a large number of Spirit Stones.

The quantity is terrifying!

Because if Spirit Stone is turned into Spirit Qi, it will be 9 times more than Spirit Qi among the 100 spirit palaces obtained by Qin Shaofeng!

And this is only a lot more, because under the Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness not detected, there is definitely a more Spirit Stone.

Faced with such a Spirit Stone, how can Qin Shaofeng not be moved?

However, this situation also made Qin Shaofeng understand why there is such a genetically modified organism here.

I am afraid that those test failures that were regarded by the Brig family as spam and rubbish were thrown into this place, and finally some lucky genetically modified organisms survived, got enough Spirit Qi, and then completely survived.

Qin Shaofeng can already imagine that even if there is only a breath, but if you get the nourishment of Spirit Qi, the life force after the genetically modified organisms are transformed, basically they can survive.

Of course, if all that was really left was to be thrown down by the Brig family, it would be mostly dead.

If not, these genetically modified organisms will not only be trifling more than 500.

After all, from that height, thrown down, it is already a small chance to survive.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng still has a bit of an idea.

That’s these surviving genetically modified organisms, why not kill each other?

Because after a period of observation, Qin Shaofeng found that the genetically modified organisms living here actually got along very well. This situation is a bit weird in itself.

But Qin Shaofeng soon knew the reason, it was all because of the Spirit Stone here.

This underground space is full of Spirit Stones and is easily accessible to any genetically modified organism.

After all, these genetically modified organisms are not Monster Beasts with a cultivation method. Their absorption and use of Spirit Stone can only be used to absorb Spirit Qi in Spirit Stone by instinct.

However, because of this situation, the Spirit Stone here is very sufficient for all the genetically modified organisms. This simply does not need to compete.

Of course, there is another very important factor.

That is, it seems that those powerful genetically modified organisms, consciously control these genetically modified organisms, make them unable to kill.

This situation is very strange, because it can’t be done!

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t figure it out, because even if there were enough Spirit Stones, how could these genetically modified organisms remain indifferent in the face of these Spirit Stones that can evolve themselves.

Beasts are inherently greedy and have a strong sense of territory.

However, these situations have no effect in this underground space.

This made Qin Shaofeng unintelligible.

Especially after a few days of observing in the dark, I found that after the failure of the Brig family’s processing experiments above, all the subjects were thrown into this underground space. The genetically modified organisms here actually enjoyed these subjects in an orderly manner, and swallowed calmly These flesh-eating.

This is amazing!

This is true almost every day, without the slightest struggle.

And what makes Qin Shaofeng wonder most is that many of the genetically modified organisms in this underground space have flight-ability or genetically modified organisms with strong climbing ability.

But none of them have the idea of ​​escaping upwards, and they are completely secure in this underground space.

Maybe there are too many Spirit Stones here, so these genetically modified organisms don’t want to leave!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng had to think like that.

But for some reason, Qin Shaofeng always felt that there should be other situations, but he didn’t know yet.

After observing for 3 or 4 days, Qin Shaofeng even felt that this place was weird and it couldn’t stay longer.

During these 3 and 5 days, Qin Shaofeng has been hiding in place without any delusion.

Even the underground Spirit Stone and Qin Shaofeng didn’t dig. At most, they just picked up some scattered Spirit Stones from the ground and used them to absorb recovery consumption and for healing.

The reason for this is that Qin Shaofeng felt great horror in his heart when he was at first preparing to dig here.

Because of this feeling of horror, Qin Shaofeng did not dig Spirit Stone here.

That’s the Spirit Stone No matter how much, Qin Shaofeng didn’t move.

Otherwise, he would have recovered.

Once recovered, Qin Shaofeng’s first thought was to leave this place.

The longer I stayed in this place, the more uncomfortable Qin Shaofeng’s heart was, and there was even a premonition that a huge crisis was imminent.

Too dangerous!

So, now that I feel completely recovered, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t plan to delay it any longer, so he just leaves to prepare to leave.

As for how to leave here, Qin Shaofeng already has it.

Qin Shaofeng just arrived at this time. At the moment of the outbreak of Divine Consciousness, in addition to detecting the powerful genetically modified organisms here, and the large number of Spirit Stones, it was also detected that there is a dark river deep in the ground.

That dark river is very large, and its full picture, Qin Shaofeng, cannot be detected by the Divine Consciousness in this time.

But Qin Shaofeng felt it. The direction of the dark river flow was with a trace of life force, which made Qin Shaofeng sure that this dark river can definitely reach the outside world.

So, entering that dark river, he might leave!

After a few days of exploration, Qin Shaofeng has already discovered the habits of genetically modified organisms here.

Now that he has recovered, Qin Shaofeng suddenly cautiously came to a corner.

The dark river not at all is connected to this underground space, but it is located more than 30 meters outside a rock wall in this underground space.

Not wanting to cause much movement, Qin Shaofeng finally spent a whole day, which opened up a small channel to the dark river.

In the end, after digging through, Qin Shaofeng went straight into the dark river and left the underground space.

What Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know is that there is a circular underground space with a diameter of more than 100 meters above the entire underground space at 1000 meters.

When Qin Shaofeng entered the dark river, the bottom of the circular underground space shook suddenly as if some kind of existence had awakened.

The original extremely dark circular space suddenly added 2 more incomparable gigantic gems, exuding shimmering rays of light!

Those eyes are huge, scary eyes!


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