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Divine Consciousness is suppressed?

Qin Shaofeng stunned.

Although his soul Realm has been influenced by fleshhy body Realm, after all, soul Realm is there. In general, how can there be strength to suppress his Divine Consciousness?

It’s like water can surround an iron block, but it can’t crush it.

But the situation now is that his Divine Consciousness has really been suppressed.

“The magnetic field here seems to be wrong!”

What I finally felt, Qin Shaofeng’s eyebrows slightly frowned, a flash of uncertainty flashed in his eyes.

The so-called magnetic field is not well understood by Qin Shaofeng.

But when you feel the magnetic field on Earth, it is actually a kind of naturally formed array.

In some ways, the existence of a magnetic field is similar to the strength of within arrays.

“Is there a magnetic field similar to a natural array?”

Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind.

However, I’m afraid it’s not the time to study this now, because Qin Shaofeng feels that his staring line of sight is not only becoming more obvious, but even getting closer.

“What the hell is this?”

Qin Shaofeng had a hair in his heart, and then clenched the teeth: “Forget it, at most, it was suffering some Divine Consciousness trauma!”

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s soul, the Sea of ​​Consciousness Space, shook, and a more powerful Divine Consciousness erupted in an instant.

This burst of Divine Consciousness erupted, making Qin Shaofeng move instantly.

Because this outbreak of Divine Consciousness exceeds the strength of his body, it is unbearable.

But in the face of this unknown place, Qin Shaofeng still resisted the pain and broke out the powerful Divine Consciousness.


An invisible strength erupted from Qin Shaofeng in an instant, and then circlecircled the area of ​​100 miles to detect the momentarily.

Because it was a forcible outbreak, Qin Shaofeng momentarily did not control this Divine Consciousness, and in order to protect his body, he was not forcibly broken by this powerful Divine Consciousness.

Qin Shaofeng just regarded this share of Divine Consciousness as a disposable consumable. After an instant outbreak, it will not be recovered.

This is what made him detect the 100-mile area on the circleference.

After this detection, it was amazing!

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered it suddenly, the deep space in the ground where he is located is really large, more than 50 li.

And it just happens to be round, with huge hollows of 50-60 diameters.

Above, except for the 3000-meter-long abyss-like black hole that Qin Shaofeng dropped, other places are not so high, but there are 1000 meters.

However, this is not the point, the point is that in this underground hollow dozen li area, there is actually a lot of life aura.

Yes, it is life!

And for these lives, Qin Shaofeng is still very familiar.

these all are genetic beasts!

No, not only genetic beasts, there are even some special genetic fighters here.

Here is actually the nest of a genetic beast!

Yes, this is the only thought that appeared in my heart after Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness was detected.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that the Bragg family knew about such a place.

Of course, even the people of the Bragg family did not know that there was such a huge space deep in the ground.

They just know that this is a deep place.

In fact, it was after learning of the existence of such a natural deep cave that they established the Headquarters here.

The reason is simple: there is a natural dump!

And for the genetic modification of their Bragg family, that will definitely carry out many experiments.

Such genetic modification experiments basically have a large number of failures. In this way, how to deal with the garbage experiment body after the failure becomes a big problem.

Burned and destroyed?

This is one of them, but it is still very tedious to deal with, and requires a lot of manpower and resources.

Natural landfill?

This is also a method, but if the landfill is improper and the failed experiment is found by others, then it will be troublesome.

Even if it is a failure after the experiment, there are still a large number of genetic modification technologies, if it is obtained by some influence.

It is very likely that genetically modified technology will be restored from the failed body.

Therefore, how to deal with the failed experimental body is also an important matter for the Brig family.

But after discovering such a deep black hole, the Brig family was happy.

According to many detectors, such as heat detectors, the feedback from the Bragg family has been detected.

Deep in the ground, it is completely a closed space.

Such a closed and huge space seems to the Brig family to be the best place to deal with failed subjects.

Therefore, both the experimental body that died after the failure and the incomplete body after the failure were thrown to this place by the Brig family.

But the Brig family did not carry out a careful exploration of this huge space.

Also, just looking for a dump, simply doesn’t need to detect anything carefully.

But because of this, the Brig family did not know that in this huge space, there was a special strength magnetic field.

Even the results of the Brig family’s multiple detections were obscured by this special magnetic field in many cases.

At least, the Brig family didn’t know that there was still a lot of life under the ground at this 4000 meters!

In fact, the Brig family did not know. In this junkyard in their eyes, some of the failed and incomplete experimental objects that were thrown down are actually alive.

Although more than 99% of the subjects have died.

But there are still some that can survive, and this place is very special, which is just right for these genetic animals.

Over the years, the Bragg family has been experimenting with genetic modification almost every time.

Especially after their cloning technology matured, the number of trials was even more.

Therefore, every day the Brig family will collect the experimental subjects after failure, and the number will be very large.

These subjects, living and dead, will all be thrown into this place.

Dropped together, despite being very high, it still allowed some subjects to survive.

Therefore, the depths of the ground naturally began to ‘live up’.

Even those who survived by chance have evolved in this deep underground space.

Under the action of a special magnetic field strength deep in the ground, these surviving experimental bodies did not wait to survive, and even evolved.

However, after such a long period of time, the number of survivors in the entire underground space has become a fixed number.

Because every time the experimental body dropped, it basically became the ration of these living experimental bodies.

And this is the only source of food for the entire underground space.

Because a large amount of rations are dropped every day, there is a slaughter between the subjects in the entire underground space not at all.

However, because of the special strength magnetic field existing throughout the ground, the experimental body living here has always been in an evolutionary state.

Therefore, the battle strength of the entire underground space experiment is very powerful.

At the moment of the outbreak detection by Divine Consciousness, Qin Shaofeng has detected it clearly. There are more than 500 life auras in the entire underground space.

Although there are also many Human Race genetically modified gene warriors in these life auras, these gene warriors have produced great variants based on failure.

Even if it is based on Human Race, these genetic warriors have completely lost the human race and become each and everyone monsters.

However, it seems that it is precisely because of this that this has led to all creatures in the entire underground space (tentatively call them creatures), not at all a new lifeform appears.

That is to say, there is no reproduction in them. The more than 500 genetically modified organisms that survived were all those who survived after the failure of the Bragg family test.

If this is not the case, the number will probably be even greater.

But this is also amazing enough, because these 500 genetically modified organisms are all very powerful, and none of them is lower than 7th grade.

Yes, there are more than 500, the lowest are 7th grade.

And among the more than 500 genetically modified organisms, the 7th grade rank only occupies more than half of the number, almost 300, 20-30.

There are more than 2 100, among which the ones reaching level 8 all exceed 150.

The entire underground space reached level 9 and exceeded 30.

More than 30 levels of 9 exist!

If this is spread, I am afraid it will cause a sensation.

But this is still the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated place is that among these genetically modified organisms, there are still 7 levels above 9th.

Above level 9?

Well, above level 9 is level 1!

In the field of Chinese martial artist, it is rare to know the existence of 9th-order Martial Sovereign Realm.

And the existence of Martial Sovereign itself does not seem to be many.

Not only that, according to what Qin Shaofeng knows now, the entire Earth seems to have reached the 9th Sovereign level, and there are not many!

As for the existence of the tenth order, even Tang Xin’er said that he had only heard of such a level, and the existence of a martial artist without such a level is still very uncertain.

Tenth-order martial artist, that’s Martial Saint!

Globally, Tier X is the real Saint Level powerhouse!

call the wind and summon the rain, omnipotent!

In short, it is a very strong existence!

But in this little deep space, there are 7 such beings.

This fucking is too cold!

I am afraid that the Breg family could not have been killed. The place where they were regarded as garbage dumps would have a powerful presence of 7 Saint Levels.

And these existences are still the experimental bodies that they usually throw away after the failure of their original tests.

This too terrifying!

There are more than 500 genetically modified organisms, the minimum of which is 7th grade, and the genetically modified organisms of 8th grade King actually exceed 150.

There are more than 9 animals in the 30th level. The most terrible thing is that there are still Saint Level 1 creatures in this place.

This too terrifying!

And the most terrifying thing is that all of this was actually accidentally created by the Brig family, and simply no one knew this.

If the situation in this place is exposed, I am afraid it will cause a global sensation.

This is a terrifying strength!

After discovering this, Qin Shaofeng knew he was in trouble.

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