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“Mr. Qin Shaofeng, I’m Ludwig Brig, and Brig’s Patriarch, and I hope we have a good talk!”

When I heard such a voice suddenly, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat surprised.

However, it wasn’t the Brig family that surprised Qin Shaofeng, and finally someone started to contact himself.

As early as at first, Qin Shaofeng knew it very well. Every move he made on these floors was monitored by the other party, but he didn’t care.

What made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised now is that he heard the voice of the Master.

From some of Jack’s memories, Qin Shaofeng heard that the voice was Jack Father, which is the voice of Patriarch Ludwig Bragg of the Bragg family.

“Ludwig Bragg?”

Glancing around, Qin Shaofeng looked towards a corner monitor, slightly smiled.

In the monitoring room, for Qin Shaofeng who said his name, Ludwig not at all, he still opened the mouth and said in pure Chinese: “Yes, it’s me!”

“What’s wrong?” Qin Shaofeng still smiled.


When he heard such a voice, and the smile on Qin Shaofeng’s face, even Ludwig, a man with a city in his heart, could not help flashing angrily.

But in the end he still suppressed the anger in his heart, opened the mouth and said: “Mr. Qin, I know that Jack has offended you, but you have killed Jack, and you have also killed so many people in my Bragg family, causing After the huge loss of my Breg family, I believe you should have died away! “

Ludwig knows that for some powerhouses, what they hate the most is turning corners, so he directly acknowledged the mistakes of the Bragg family at this time without talking nonsense.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t say anything. Seeing Ludwig’s eyebrows slightly frowned, he opened the mouth and said again: “Mr. Qin, if you still have any dissatisfaction, please speak out. My Breg family must satisfy you. But please don’t continue Destroy our family Headquarters! “

In Ludwig’s words, he was already very quiet.

But Ludwig didn’t care. He just wanted to stabilize Qin Shaofeng first, and his face didn’t matter.

But he underestimated Qin Shaofeng, or he simply didn’t know Qin Shaofeng.

That’s it?

Out of breath?

Oh, funny?

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes cooled down sharply, and his voice became extremely cold.

“Ludwig Patriarch, are you funny? You Brig family because I refining the martial artist Spirit Pill, and then want to take my life and arrest me for a slave. Do you think it just killed a few of you I can breathe out of the Bragg family, and some genetic beasts? Joke! “

Ludwig was silent!

Qin Shaofeng’s answer has made him understood the other’s meaning.

Although he really didn’t have the idea of ​​reconciling with Qin Shaofeng in his mind, at the moment, in his opinion, such a thing as the Bleg family said, Qin Shaofeng would definitely choose to reconcile.

But it turned out that he thought too much.

According to this situation, it is impossible for the other party to settle with him.

At this point, after Qin Shaofeng said that, he was moving on.

This negative 53 floor does not want the negative 52 floor to be a floor of an ecological circle, this floor is just an ordinary floor.

Qin Shaofeng quickly found it and headed to the entrance to the next floor.

Upon entering the negative 54th floor entrance, Qin Shaofeng suddenly turned his head and smiled at the monitor in a corner: “Oh, Patriarch of the Brig family, you just wait for me to find you!”

Having said this, Qin Shaofeng jumped into the negative 54th floor.

And the moment this time entered, Qin Shaofeng used Divine Consciousness to directly destroy the monitor at the negative 54-level surveillance entrance channel.

And soon, it seems that as Qin Shaofeng advanced, the monitors of the negative 54 layers were destroyed one by one.

Looking at the monitor that had turned into snowflakes, Ludwig remained silent.

However, an old man next to him was already immediate and evacuated all personnel on the floors after the negative 53th floor.

But this is not enough!

There was a flash of cold light in Ludwig’s eyes, and Shen said, “Come down, and remove all the people on the floors before the 72nd floor.”

When Jonathan heard his father’s words, he seemed to understand something.

Negative 72 floors?

That’s the second floor of the ecosphere, and the floor of the ecosphere that has been compared with before. This floor is the largest and the strongest floor space in their Headquarters.

My father actually let all the staff above this floor, and all the people evacuated, then …

Needless to say, I definitely want to solve Qin Shaofeng on the negative 72 floor!


Negative 55 floors!

After stepping on this floor, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed a strange light.

Still no one?

Qin Shaofeng eyes slightly narrowed, seems to notice something.

Is the other party planning to fight with himself again?

In this case…

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng didn’t hesitate and directly accelerated the speed.

A few minutes later, Qin Shaofeng came to a special place-minus 72 floors! ~

Another place to breed genetic beasts?

After seeing this floor, Qin Shaofeng’s mouth showed a smile that really looked like this.

The other party really intends to have another fight with themselves!


When Qin Shaofeng first stepped into the minus 72 floor and walked into the grass in front, there was a thunderous sound behind him.

Looking back, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the door to the negative 71st floor had been completely closed.

And Qin Shaofeng he also found that the gate was very heavy and the thickness was amazing.

I am afraid that even if the 9th-level powerhouse is here, this door cannot be opened!

Are you planning not to let yourself escape?

But do I need to run away?

Qin Shaofeng sneered in disdain, then stopped paying attention to the door, but turned his eyes forward.

Shua shua !

The next moment, 2 300 meters in front of Qin Shaofeng, suddenly appeared a dozen silhouettes.

Those are genetic warriors, and the strength is very powerful!

Already stepping into this floor as early as Qin Shaofeng, they have already noticed the aura of these genetic warriors.

Just after seeing these genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed a strange light, eyebrows slightly frowned.

Because the 3 genetic warriors that appeared in front of him at this moment were really special.

Say they are Human Race, but they just keep the shape of Human Race, but the limbs and other parts of the body are different.

What’s the difference?

This is like the genetic warrior closest to Qin Shaofeng. Although he is human, he has tiger-like fur on his face and body.

The most obvious is that its hands are not the hands of Human Race, but the two claws close to the tiger!

A pair of tiger claw!

In addition to this gene warrior, other gene warriors are similar, all of them look like this.

The only difference is that some are tigers, some are black bears, some are lions …

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng’s mind suddenly cleared the comprehension.

This is probably a genetic warrior that combines Human Race with the beast gene!

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t care, because the aura of the 3 genetic warriors is obviously only the lower 8 ranks.

At most it is equivalent to a Martial King level of a 3rd Layer Realm!

Despite the large number, it is not a threat to Qin Shaofeng.




Suddenly, as if they were given instructions, these 3 special genetic fighters rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

The face of each and everyone is completely out of Human Race, as if all beasts.

However, Qin Shaofeng noticed it.

He just used Divine Consciousness to detect each other and see if these 3 special genetic warriors are under the control of the chip just like the next two raging genetic black bears.

If it is really chip control, then he can completely destroy the chip with Divine Consciousness, and let these 3 special genetic warriors directly fall into an out of control violent state.

In this case, I am afraid that simply does not need him, these 3 special genetic warriors can kill each other.

However, Qin Shaofeng does not feel that after the example of two raging genetic black bears, the Bragg family will send out a chip genetic warrior.

Sure enough, the results of the final Divine Consciousness investigation were as expected in Qin Shaofeng’s mind, and there were no chips in the 3 genetic warriors.

Even these special genetic warriors are not the same as those raging genetic black bears, because they have souls and simply do not need chip control.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng understood.

I am afraid that these 3 special genetic warriors are completely based on Human Race, and experience the forced addition of animal genes, transformation, and then mutation into this.

Qin Shaofeng guessed correctly, these 3 special genetic fighters are the special genetic fighters transformed from this.

And precisely because of this, the Bragg family did not control these special genetic warriors with chips, because these genetic warriors had originally taken orders from their Bragg family.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn’t care!

Not just the gene warriors of the 3 3rd Layer Martial King Realm, nothing.

But soon, what happened to Qin Shaofeng complexion slightly changed.

After fighting with the first special gene warrior, Qin Shaofeng suddenly discovered that these special gene warriors seem to have a very strong strength because of the addition of wild animal genes.

Obviously, it is only the lower eighth level, but the burst of strength can be compared with the higher eighth level expert.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng most is that these special genetic fighters have a stronger defense force than him.


A 70% strength punch hit a tiger gene warrior, and the powerful strength instantly shook that tiger gene warrior out.

However, it did not cause any harm to him, and what surprised Qin Shaofeng even more was that he himself was taken a few steps after the counter-shock because of the opponent’s strong defense.

Although it is only a few steps, this is to make Qin Shaofeng’s complexion is gloomy.

Because he discovered that these special beast gene warriors, although only a level 8 rank, even strength is not very powerful.

However, their defensive power is very strong, I am afraid that it has already approached, and even reached the general defensive power of the existing Tier 9.

You should know that Qin Shaofeng’s current fleshhy body Realm is only the level of the 8th order 1st-layer. The defense is also like so.

Even if it is some means of Qin Shaofeng, he can at most resist the general attack of 3rd-4th Layer Martial King Realm without loss.

However, the defense of these beast gene warriors is stronger than him, and has almost reached the 9th level.

This seems to be troublesome!

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