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Minus 53 floors, after Qin Shaofeng stepped out of the aisle, there was a hint of light in his eyes.


Fortunately, there was a genetic warrior, otherwise, he would have difficulty finding an entrance to the negative 53th floor.

There are only two ways to go from negative 52 to negative 53.

After all, in the negative 52 layers, there is an ecological space for genetic beasts, in which a large number of genetic beasts are breeding for experiments.

Therefore, for safety reasons, there is no access to the negative 52st floor except the elevator. The entrance to the negative 51rd floor is also hidden deep underground.

If it were n’t for those 7th grade genetic fighters sent by Jonathan, from negative 53 to negative 52, Qin Shaofeng would not find that region.

For at least a short time, Qin Shaofeng could not be found.

In this respect, Jonathan helped Qin Shaofeng.

So, after killing several 7th grade genetic fighters, Qin Shaofeng appeared on the negative 53th floor.

“Damn, he’s not dead yet?”

Jonathan exclaimed, but I’m afraid he didn’t even realize it. The tone of his speech at this time was too frightening.

Qin Shaofeng was not solved by the magic bullet, which was greatly out of his expectation.

What is even more shocking is that Qin Shaofeng does not seem to be injured at all, not even a trace of injury.

This too terrifying!

Now Qin Shaofeng is in his mind an extremely terrifying existence.

The broken magic bullet can solve the existence of the 9th-level magic emperor, but it did not kill Qin Shaofeng.

Doesn’t this mean that Qin Shaofeng is better than the Emperor of Magic?

In fact, Jonathan scared himself because he had too much confidence in the magic bullet and put Qin Shaofeng together with the magician. He completely forgot that Qin Shaofeng was a martial artist.

In fact, the broken magic bullet is only a targeted missile weapon, although the broken magic bullet has a strong lethality to the magic emperor.

But if it is the same order, a Martial Sovereign can completely avoid the explosion of the magic bullet.

Because even if the magic bullet has the ability to disperse Spirit Qi, this degree can only disperse Spirit Qi on a magic emperor. The magic magician cultivates is actually equivalent to the existence of Inner Qi and so on. After Spirit Qi.

However, at the same time, the physical body of Martial Sovereign is far stronger than the magic emperor, and the strength of the body within the body is more solid.

Therefore, although the broken magic bullet may kill the magic emperor, it is difficult to kill a Martial Sovereign!

Even more how this time, Qin Shaofeng still relied on the array to prevent the magic bullet from breaking.

But Jonathan didn’t know this, he just knew that Qin Shaofeng hadn’t died yet, and the broken magic bullet hadn’t caused him any damage.

Therefore, Jonathan believes that Qin Shaofeng strength is extremely horrible!

Thinking of this, Jonathan could not help but take a special communicator in the take action directly.

The blonde girl on the side saw the communicator that Jonathan had taken out, and her pupils shrank sharply.

That communicator is not an ordinary communicator, it is a controller that controls Headquarters strength.

In the Brig family’s underground Headquarters, it can be called super powerful battle strength, and there are only more than 8 ranks.

If it is over level 8, it is level 9.

Jonathan wanted to solve the intruder Qin Shaofeng by using the 9th-order strength of Headquarters.

But just when Jonathan was about to press the controller, a slightly angry and majestic voice suddenly appeared.

“Give me a hand!”

Upon hearing this time, the blondie’s immediate response was not to see the Master who made this sound, and even to cast down directly, immediately backed away.

This is exactly a subconscious action of her, as if someone appears to make her unable to look up to the general existence.

That’s true!

“Father … father Sir?”

Jonathan, who also heard this voice, trembled, immediately stood up and looked towards a person who was walking towards the door of the monitoring room.

That’s right, this person who came was Jonathan Father Ludwig Bragg, the contemporary Patrarch of the Bragg family.

After agreeing to Jonathan’s use of the magic bullet, Ludwig immediately began to connect with his son’s reason for using the magic bullet.

With this understanding, Ludwig was shocked.

Someone dare to break into the Headquarters of their Bragg family alone?

This is something that has never happened since the Brig family established this Headquarters.

However, when it was learned that people were coming to kill countless genetic beasts and a large number of genetic warriors, among which is included many 7th grade genetic warriors.

Even two 2th-order Rage Gene black bears were sent out, because the opponent did not know what to do, and completely lost control of strength.

Of course, even so, Ludwig was slightly annoyed that’s all, and would not take into account the Chinese Qin Shaofeng who broke into the Brig family’s Headquarters alone.

But the most angry thing in Ludwig’s mind was that the other party actually killed his youngest son, Jack.

Ludwig has many wives, but whether he or his wives, their genes have been adjusted and are perfect.

But precisely because of this, the chance of Ludwig’s birth is very low.

It is worth mentioning that although the Bragg family is very good at genetic modification, they are also very good at adjusting their own genetic perfection.

However, they are very resistant to the use of scientific and technological means to reproduce.

In their view, breeding offspring with technology is not the purest offspring, and there is a flaw in Innate that they think cannot be made up.

These methods are only the methods they use to train genetic warriors, but genetic warriors are in the eyes of their Bragg family exactly the existence of a weapon and a tool.

As a high-end Human Race, how could their Brig family use weapons and tools to reproduce their own offspring?

Therefore, there are no test tube babies or genetic embryos in the Brig family.

But it is also because of this that it is difficult for the Brig family to be born.

Ludwig has more than 30 wives, but he also has only two sons, Jonathan and Jack.

So, no matter what, Ludwig attaches great importance to his two sons.

Now that Jack was killed, he was naturally extremely angry.

So as soon as he heard this news, he immediately came out of the negative 108th floor.

But Ludwig was absolutely unexpected, and he got another amazing news on the road.

Broken magic bullet not at all Kill the murderer who killed his little son!

Suddenly, Ludwig knew that the Chinese man named Qin Shaofeng was definitely unusual.

At this time, after entering the monitoring room, he saw his eldest son Jonathan’s movement, and immediately stopped Jonathan.

Ignoring Jonathan’s fault, Ludwig immediately captured the controller from Jonathan.

Then, in the monitoring room, pick up a microphone and speak loudly.

“Mr. Qin Shaofeng, I’m Ludwig Brig, and Brig’s Patriarch, and I hope we have a good talk!”

Despite his anger in his heart, Ludwig also knew very well that he could not continue fighting with the opponent like this.

He was not afraid of Qin Shaofeng, but was worried.

Yes, just worry!

As the Brig family’s Patriarch, Ludwig knew very well that the strength of his family would naturally not fear the merely a Qin Shaofeng.

The problem is, this is the Headquarters of their Bragg family, and it is also an underground place.

No magic bullet can solve Qin Shaofeng, so if you really want to solve Qin Shaofeng, you can only send a stronger strength.

Jonathan thought the same way, but unlike Jonathan, Ludwig thought more things.

The most important and most notable of these is that we cannot fight in this way.

Because once more powerful fighters are dispatched to fight Qin Shaofeng, the damage caused by the two sides in battle will be much stronger than the broken magic bullet.

In this way, it is very bad for Headquarters.

Because once the destructive power is too strong, it may not be shaken. The foundation of this underground Headquarters will cause serious breaking words to this Headquarters.

In fact, Ludwig didn’t care much about this.

Because no matter how powerful the destructive power is, it is impossible to explode the destructive power of a nuclear bomb.

With the underground Headquarters of the Bragg family, even if a nuclear bomb falls above it, it will at most clear the floors above minus 50 floors.

For the lower floors, it can affect up to 60 floors.

The members of the Bragg family, however, live on floors below minus 100 and are safe.

But the point is not this. The point is that once the damage is too much, I am afraid it will be easy for the Brig family Headquarters to exist.

The Headquarters of the Brig family has always been very mysterious in the outside world.

For the first time since the establishment of the Breg Family Headquarters.

But if this thing spreads, the situation will be different.

There are a lot of enemies in the Breg family, and even the officials of the Riceland State have an incomparable peek at the Breg family’s genetic technology.

If it is known to the other party, the location of the Breg family Headquarters is not a big deal.

Therefore, Ludwig immediately prevented Jonathan because at this time, he could not send a powerful genetic warrior to fight Qin Shaofeng.

Once fighting, the consequences of that fighting can be difficult to control.

Ludwig can tolerate 2 raging black bears and destroy them in the Headquarters, even if the 8th-order genetic beast is even more destructive, it will not affect the outside world.

But the battle between Tier 9 is different.

That’s right, now whether it’s Jonathan or Ludwig, or even some other members of the Bragg family, they have regarded Qin Shaofeng as a 9th-order powerhouse.

It is unwise to fight a Tier 9 powerhouse in this Headquarters.

Therefore, Ludwig immediately communicated with Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, Ludwig didn’t intend to really make peace with Qin Shaofeng, and it has now reached such a point. Even if Qin Shaofeng didn’t kill his younger son Jack, the other party still entered Temoblegg Headquarters of the family.

Even if he kept the secret of the Headquarters position, he wouldn’t just let Qin Shaofeng do that.

That simply is not realistic.

As long as he keeps Qin Shaofeng stable and waits for Qin Shaofeng to be led out, or to a specific place, all the situation is another matter.

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