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Chapter 1487 Soul 3 Realm

Those impurities are absorbed?

Immediately aware of this situation, Qin Shaofeng heart startled was tight, but a little panicked.

Because he was afraid that even after Pill Fire tempering with 8 Star gods, he couldn’t tempering these impurities thoroughly.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon found that his worry was unnecessary.

Because these bastards from the Barbarian Race have been patterned, after their god Pill Fire tempering, they have been tempered into a pure and special strength.

This strength should be called Soul Strength. It is a very pure Soul Strength. After Qin Shaofeng’s soul absorbed it, he actually gained promotion.

Although it is only a slight improvement, it is also amazing.

With Qin Shaofeng current realm, even if the soul is ascending one after another, it is very rare.

Qin Shaofeng absolutely did not expect that these impurities from the Barbarian Race barbara, which are only polluting their souls, can be absorbed by their own souls after complete tempering, and their souls can be promoted.

What was so troublesome now has become a tonic?

However, Qin Shaofeng soon understood.

If you think about it, these impurities come from the Barbarian Race’s barbaric pattern, and they were agglomerated by Soul Power during the Barbarian Race cultivation.

It is just because the souls of different people are different and cannot be compatible, especially when the Barbarian Race or the brutal beast world completely contradicts the continuous Grand Dao Law of the ancient times, that naturally becomes an impurity that pollutes the soul.

But now after the tempering of Qin Shaofeng 8 Star-level Pill Fire, it is equivalent to removing the resistance among these impurities and cleaning it out.

Then the rest of the nature is pure Soul Power, and seriously, these Soul Power are not part of the Barbarian Race’s own soul, but they are cultivation from cultivation, their own Power of Laws, and Soul Strength. A special Soul Strength.

The characterization of the brute is the need for such Soul Strength. In addition, it is the strength that Barbarian Race cultivated under the Grand Dao Law of the brutal beast, so it can be easily regarded as the strength of Barbarian Race’s own soul.

But now Qin Shaofeng is clear that this is simply not the case.

However, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care about these. What Qin Shaofeng really cares about is that these Soul Power can enhance his soul Realm!

Realm, the soul, is very difficult to improve, and Qin Shaofeng has deeply realized this.

At the time of the all-round competition, the message that Baidi passed to Qin Shaofeng was the introduction of Realm, the soul.

Because in some cases, refining some elixir and Ruler is the requirement of soul Realm. Since it is knowledge of pill refining and artifact refining, these soul Realm are naturally included in it.

The Realm of the Soul is actually very complicated, and the most important thing is that even in the Antiquity Saint Domain, it is because the bloodline of various ethnic groups is inaccessible, which has caused the division of the Realm of the Soul and has different situations.

However, Baidi has a certain understanding of the Realm of the soul. No, it should be extremely understood. After all, Baidi is on Soul Cultivation, and the entire Ruler Supreme of the Antiquity Saint Domain knows it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in Antiquity Saint Domain, simply in terms of Ruler Supreme, Baidi’s understanding of Soul Cultivation has reached the peak of Realm.

In fact, Bai Di’s division of soul Realm is the most authoritative division.

Baidi divided Soul Cultivation Realm into 3 simple Realms.

Among these 3 souls Realm, the first Realm is refining, divided into 2 steps, namely the condensed soul of the First Step and the tempered soul of the Second Step!

Although this may seem simple, just condensing the soul is not as simple as consolidating Soul Strength.

As long as cultivation shows Divine Consciousness, condenses Soul Strength with Divine Consciousness, and shows the outline of the soul, this is the true condensing of the soul.

Of course, before this, at the very least, it is the most basic step. Naturally, first open up your soul, Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Usually most cultivators stop at this step to condense their souls with this first step.

After condensing the soul, it is tempered, and the soul is countlessly tempered until it is tempered to its own soul, Sea of ​​Consciousness, and condenses the soul itself with its Soul Power.

This is the time to enter the Realm.

There are no steps to distinguish Realm. Some self-formed souls condensed in their own Sea of ​​Consciousness. As the realm of the soul rises, it gradually materializes.

Qin Shaofeng is now in this Realm, and he is just beginning to condense Realm.

At the moment deep in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the soul of Qin Shaofeng, there is a human-shaped soul condensed like a mist.

At this moment, this humanoid soul is only in a fuzzy state, and it is completely gathered by a mist, as if the wind blows away, it will completely dissipate.

Don’t look at just this, but this Realm is also Qin Shaofeng. After absorbing a lot of wild grains, with the increase of his own Divine Demon’s Power, he directly led to the increase of his Soul Power, which only barely reached this Realm.

If you want to cultivated to this Realm, even if you have a talent with extremely innate talent in the soul, it will take a lot of time.

With the improvement of the Realm of the soul, Qin Shaofeng, a vague humanoid soul, will become more and more solid, and even reveal 5 features, and eventually become exactly the same soul entity as Qin Shaofeng.

If you have a soul entity, then it is considered that the fleshhy body is completely destroyed. As long as the soul entity is still there, it can be restored by some means.

In terms of possession, as long as the soul entity is immortal, the soul is cultivated to this Realm’s cultivator, which basically has eternal life.

In fact, on the Realm of the Soul, as long as the First Step of the Realm is condensed to condense its own soul, it can already be cultivated to the Ruler realm. There is no need to worry about the Realm of the soul being able to keep up with the cultivation realm.

And when the soul is tempered to a certain Realm, even the Supreme Ruler does not need to worry about the shortage of the Realm of the soul, and it is completely safe to improve the cultivation realm.

Even the Supreme Ruler of Realm, the general title of Emperor, has at most the same Realm as Qin Shaofeng’s current realm.

Only some powerful Emperor title powerhouse will completely consolidate the soul in its own Sea of ​​Consciousness.

And only after realizing the soul cultivation entity Realm, can it have the most basic conditions for the Supreme Ruler.

As for the soul of Ruler Supreme, it is even more powerful. Not only is the soul materialized, but it is also extremely powerful.

Even the soul entity of Ruler Supreme can be completely separated from the fleshhy body, while also possessing Supreme power.

The most incredible thing is that after the body is strong enough, Ruler Supremes can also cultivate the battle armor and weapons condensed by the soul, adding defense strength and attack strength to their soul entities.

As for the soul Realm’s last Realm soul gold body, even Powerhouse such as Ruler Supreme, it is difficult to reach Realm.

When you level your soul entity to the extreme, the soul entity will appear gold, and then under these gold glories, the entire soul entity will become gold.

It’s just that Realm is too difficult to achieve.

Even Qin Shaofeng’s Master Baidi, his Senior’s current Realm, has only initially reached the soul golden body Realm that’s all.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t think so far.

Now Qin Shaofeng just wants to form his soul form out of this misty state and completely substantiate it.

Before that, Qin Shaofeng thought that it would take a long time by himself, and slowly go to cultivation!

But now I know that with Pill Fire, an 8-star god, tempering those wild-strength impurities can raise my soul Realm, but Qin Shaofeng is even more tempted.

The next time, Qin Shaofeng not at all continued with 8 Star-level Pill Fire to tempering those impurities in his soul.

God’s Pill Fire is his strength, and it will not disappear. Bastard in this soul can be tempered whenever it is tempered.

However, there are limited opportunities for hunting Barbarian Race fighters to obtain wild prints.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know when this war between Antiquity Saint Domain and the brutal world will end.

However, according to Qin Shaofeng’s guess, this time war is probably the high-level Ruler Supremes of the Antiquity Saint Domain. It took a long time to plan this war.

Qin Shaofeng is now understood, what kind of lineup does Antiquity Saint Domain send?

Legions of 100000000, a large number of Ruler powerhouses, and even there are 1000000 Supreme Ruler, even if this lineup is made up of many great influences of Antiquity Saint Domain, it is not a short time to organize them. of.

It can be seen that the war against the brutal world at this time is definitely a long-planned thing in Antiquity Saint Domain.

And from the lineup of Antiquity Saint Domain, Qin Shaofeng believes that this war will definitely not last long.

Most importantly, Qin Shaofeng now feels that the repression of the brutal beast is getting weaker.

To be precise, the Grand Dao Law of the brutal world is getting weaker and weaker.

However, in this case, Qin Shaofeng discovered it, and there was more aura in the brute animal world that made him feel familiar.

This is the strength of the Antiquity Saint Domain, the strength of the Grand Dao Law that belongs to the ancient continent!


Subconsciously, Qin Shaofeng right hand sketched it slightly, and then a formation mark emitting golden light was portrayed by him in the void.

“Can you characterize the array freely?” Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed a bright glint, “What about the divine runes?”


The next moment, Qin Shaofeng right hand right hand sketched a little void.

However, soon, the Power of Laws sketched by Qin Shaofeng, like a balloon, suffered a strong squeeze and broke apart.

Describing divine runes failed!

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t give up. At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s body shook slightly. Within the body, more Power of Laws broke out, condensing on his right hand.


Qin Shaofeng’s right hand again sketched in the void, then, the light gold rays of light gradually condensed, and finally, along with Qin Shaofeng’s sketch, a gold rays of light appeared.

divine runes portrayed successfully!

After paying for Divine Demon’s Power, which usually depicts divine runes 3x, Qin Shaofeng finally portrayed the first divine runes in this brutal world.

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