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Chapter 1486 tempering the soul

Soulwashing liquid is indeed very powerful. It only takes a little to make Realm less than those in Ruler’s realm to thoroughly cleanse the soul and remove all impurities.

Even if there are a lot of wild lines that can be absorbed, you can use the soul-washing liquid to remove the bad effects.

According to the promotion of Law Core Realm, under the Supreme Ruler Realm, that is, the cultivator of the First Step cultivation base in the Ruler environment.

With every 100 Law Core additions by absorbing wild lines, a single drop of soul-washing liquid can remove all bad effects.

That is to say, it only takes ten drops of soul washing liquid to absorb the Barbarian Race’s brutal patterns without any fear, and then from Ruler 1st Layer Realm, leveled to Supreme Ruler Realm.

Such a price is very large for many people, but it can be realm promotion in a short time, which can save countless hours of cultivation.

So, overall, this is a very suitable deal.

For this reason, many contestants hunted the Barbarian Race madly, and then absorbed the Barbarian Race’s wild patterns, so as to improve their Realm, and then hunted more Barbarian Race.

A drop of soul-washing liquid requires 10 million points to redeem, for ten drops it is 100,000.

This number seems to be a lot, but when you think about such a situation with the Barbarian Race, there is not a lot of war.

Think about it. In this time all-round competition, the Barbarian Race killed is not based on the value of points in Realm, but in the number of wild lines.

Although this can be considered is calculated from Realm, in fact, killed 100 Barbarian Race warriors with a wild pattern of Realm, and killed a Barbarian Race extreme warrior with 100 wild patterns.

The Earned Points between the two are the same, both are 2 million.

But as long as you are not a fool, you can know which one is easier.

The ultimate warrior in Barbarian Race?

That is equivalent to the powerhouse of Antiquity Saint Domain with the title of Realm!

But the Barbarian Race has a barbarian warrior. It is a fragile one. It can almost have some Power of Laws, which can be dealt with.

Even if it is an Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator of Nirvana Realm 7th-8th Layer, as long as it can play Power of Laws, it is basically not a big problem for the other party to have a Realm Barbarian Race fighter.

This is even more of a problem for Qin Shaofeng.

However, what Qin Shaofeng cares about now is not this, but the condition of his soul at the moment.

How many wild lines did he absorb?

Qin Shaofeng can’t remember well, anyway, it’s too many to count.

And he is now in the Inner World within the body with 83 1000 star arrays.

That’s already more than 80,000 3000 Law Cores!

Qin Shaofeng remembers that when he started to absorb wild lines, it seemed that there were nearly 9000 Law Core Realm.

Well, 4 rounds and 5 rounds are counted as 9000 pieces. .

But that’s it. This is a huge gap from the current 80,000 3000 number.

Because this means that Qin Shaofeng has absorbed 70,000 4000 Law Cores that have been enhanced by wild grain strength.

This absorbs the higher the realm of wild lines, and the impurities in the soul naturally increase.

After you reach the Supreme Ruler Realm, you basically upgrade 100 Law Core with a wild pattern. At least 2 drops of soul washing liquid are required, and the higher the realm is even more.

And this is still the least. With the number of Law Cores raised by Qin Shaofeng, 70,000 4000 Law Cores, on average, 100 Law Cores need at least 5 drops of soulwashing liquid to wash away impurities in the soul.

100 means 5 drops of soul-washing liquid, then 1000 means 50 drops of soul-washing liquid, and 10000 pieces is 500 drops of soul-washing liquid.

For the 70,000 4000 Law Cores that have been raised with wild patterns, it takes 3000 700 drops of soul-washing liquid to completely clean the impurities in Qin Shaofeng’s soul.

3000 700 drops!

This number is terrible!

How many points are there for a drop of soulwashing liquid?

Oh, 10 million points.

A drop of 10 million, ten drops of 100 million, 100 drops is 1 billion, and 1000 drops is 10 billion.

So, how many points are 3000 700 drops of soulwash?

Well, 300 7 billion points.

A subconscious glance at it, his current points, Qin Shaofeng corner of mouth twitching, immediately extinguished and washed with soul-washing liquid. Because of the absorption of wild lines in his soul, there were those impurities.

It is too unreliable to wash impurities by soul-washing liquid.

Not to mention 300 7 billion, now Qin Shaofeng doesn’t even have 7 billion or even 1 billion points!

Even if it now owns the subordinate 100,000 high-beast of Hu Ye, Qin Shaofeng hunts Barbarian Race very quickly.

But 300 7 billion points, it is still difficult to obtain.

And Qin Shaofeng doesn’t want to use so many points, but it is only used to buy soul-washing liquid. Qin Shaofeng is not happy.

But the impurities in this soul cannot be ignored.

Qin Shaofeng has sensed that his soul has started to feel a little heavy.

Moreover, he has also tried to use the Pill Fire of God to the extreme, and has repeatedly tempered his soul.

But it turned out!

is not that absolutely does not have consumption, but the effect simply is not significant.

If Qin Shaofeng’s soul is only made of the impurities he has now, say 100, then if he repeatedly uses the Pill Fire tempering of God, it will clear up to 0.01 impurities.

That leaves 99.99!

But there is no difference between 99.99 and 100!

“It seems that Pill Fire, a 7-star god, is not enough!”

Feeling the state of his soul at this moment, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed a bright glint, and a decision was made in his heart.

If the 7 Star God Pill Fire is not working, then 8 Star is good!

As long as he leveled Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 8 Star level, the Pill Fire of God will also reach 8 Star Realm accordingly.

With this upgrade, Qin Shaofeng believes that his god, Pill Fire formidable power, will definitely be greatly improved.

Now Qin Shaofeng is really thankful that he hasn’t used Skill Point everywhere.

Otherwise, he now has no skill to upgrade Fiendgod Pill Scripture.

Just think about it. Now Qin Shaofeng has 573 Skill Points, and Fiendgod Pill Scripture leveled up to 8 Star level only needs 100 Skill Points. With Qin Shaofeng’s current 573 skill, this is enough.

“ding dong! ”

“System Prompt: Will Player Qin Shaofeng consume 100 Skill Points to upgrade 7-star skill Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 8-star?”

With a system prompt from ding dong, Qin Shaofeng secretly shouted in his heart.


ding dong ——!

Another system prompt sounded loudly.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng consumes 100 Skill Points and successfully upgraded the 7-star skill Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 8-star!”

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and he was within the body with a tremor again.

At the next moment, the attributes of Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod Pill Scripture changed.

Fiendgod Pill Scripture: special skill, a skill strengthened by the special cultivation technique [Pill Scripture] after the eyes of Fiendgod.

The current level is 8 stars, the law evolves, and its own power becomes Divine Demon’s Power. Divine Demon’s Power that can cultivate 1000 Da Dao patterns. And awakened the Pill Fire of God (upgraded to 1 Star, consumes 200 Skill Point)

Fiendgod Pill Scripture is 8 stars, and then leveled up to 1 Star 9 Star level, you need 200 Skill Points.

This is in the within expectation of Qin Shaofeng. Upgrading the 7 Star level requires 50, 8 Star level is 100, and upgrading 9 Star level is mostly 200 points.

Then, this 8-star Fiendgod Pill Scripture, but Divine Demon’s Power that allows Qin Shaofeng cultivation to produce 1000 Grand Dao patterns.

This cocoa is a bit of a surprise to Qin Shaofeng, because in his opinion, the 7 Star Fiendgod Pill Scripture only allows him to cultivate 100 Divine Demon’s Power of Grand Dao.

Then the 8 Star Fiendgod Pill Scripture is probably the most Divine Demon’s Power that allows him to cultivate 2 100 or 300 Grand Dao patterns.

But now it seems that he is thinking wrong.

“It’s actually 1000?” Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, “Can I arrange 1000 1000 star arrays in the Inner World of my own within the body?”

1000 1000 star arrays, that’s the equivalent of 1000 Grand Dao patterns.

This time, Qin Shaofeng is not calm.

Under normal circumstances, Grand Dao can have the title of Emperor with more than 100 lines. Such a Supreme Ruler powerhouse is very powerful.

And once Grand Dao’s pattern exceeds 100, it will be difficult to continue to improve.

The Supreme Ruler powerhouse, the title of the emperor with 1000 lines of Grand Dao, does not seem to have appeared.

momentarily Qin Shaofeng is curious about the 8 Star Fiendgod Pill Scripture, which allows him to own 1000 to Grand Dao Realm’s Divine Demon’s Power.

However, soon Qin Shaofeng shook his head and bitterly laughed: “Forget it, think what that many do, I don’t even have 100 Grand Dao patterns now!”

“I still have a look now. Will the 8 Star God Pill Fire tempering out those impurities in my soul?”

Having said that, Qin Shaofeng started to try again, using God’s Pill Fire to temper his soul.

God’s Pill Fire originates from Fiendgod Pill Scripture, and also from Qin Shaofeng’s own strength. For Qin Shaofeng itself, simply there is no threat.

But if you tempering your own soul, it will definitely take some pain.

However, Qin Shaofeng’s soul is now very powerful. If 7 Star-level god Pill Fire tempers his soul, even if he feels the pain, he can fully endure it.

The 8 Star God Pill Fire is definitely better than the 7 Star. Qin Shaofeng has long been mentally prepared.

But even with psychological preparation, this tempering started, Qin Shaofeng still couldn’t help but screamed painfully.

pain! pain! pain!

Really hurts!

As if the bayonet of the entire soul has been weakened, it has penetrated countless times, and it is still uninterrupted.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng’s soul has been tempered countless times, and his will has been tempered countless times. Despite the pain, Qin Shaofeng can still hold on.

And Qin Shaofeng also found that the tempering of Pill Fire of 8 Star Level God is really much stronger than that of Pill Fire of 7 Star Level God.

Just at first, Qin Shaofeng felt it. The impurities in his soul had begun to disappear.

8 Star-level Pill Fire can tempering out these impurities!

Qin Shaofeng flashed a bright light in his eyes, and his heart was inspiring.

Because of this, he can save an astronomical number of points.

There is 8 Star-level Pill Fire, so there is no need for soul-washing liquid.

But it didn’t take long for Qin Shaofeng to discover it, a great thing that made him even more overjoyed.

That is, when performing soul tempering with Pill Fire, an 8-star god, those impurities that were tempered out by Qin Shaofeng, not at all completely disappeared, but turned into a special energy, absorbed by his soul It’s up!

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