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Chapter 1478 Are You Old Begging?

After killing himself father, the jaw used a secret technique of Spirit Race.

This secret technique is usually the Spirit Race powerhouse, which is used to increase the strength of future generations.

That is to use their own Power of Laws to empower their descendants and forcibly improve the strength of their descendants.

However, Jaw Mane went the other way and changed the initiation to absorption. This secret technique completely absorbed more than 100 wild lines on his father’s body.

This eventually allowed Jawman Realm advanced by leaps and bounds, and it didn’t take long to reach 100 Realm.

However, the jaw was discovered immediately, and when his wild pattern reached 100, his speech continued to increase.

at first Jaws pretty thought that this is a newly added wild pattern, not at all and Grand Dao’s pattern merged.

After all, the wild lines on the back of his body are absorbed by the increase of wild lines on father, but the Grand Dao lines from his cultivation are not that many.

However, when Jawman cultivates the pattern of a path of Grand Dao and fuses it with the pattern of his body, when the number reaches 100, whether it is his own pattern or the pattern of Grand Dao within the body, Can’t increase it again.

Whether it is the Grand Dao pattern or the Wild pattern, it has completely stopped at the number of 100.

This made Jaws Mania very angry, because the Jaws tribe was running for the new leader.

His father’s death was well arranged by him, so that all the Jaws tribe believed that it was an accident, and they were attacked by a group of mighty beasts.

In the end, in order to protect him, Alone dragged all the beasts, and finally let Jaw Man escape safely.

Such a statement, not at all anyone doubts.

Because everyone in the Jaws tribe knows that their Leader is very concerned about Jaws.

Although jaw barbarian father pays attention to jaw barb, it is not because he loves jaw barbarian, but this behavior is misunderstood by other jaw tribes.

Coupled with this, Jaw Barbarian also secretly started to solve all the people who knew his true birth secretly, which made no one more doubt him.

After Jawman Father died, his Uncle was temporarily acting as Leader.

The Barbarian Race attaches great importance to the inheritance of bloodline. Although father is not entirely inherited by eldest son, the leader of the tribe must be selected from the children of the leader.

The selected daughter-in-law is naturally the strongest and also the most innate talent.

Jaw barbarian father lineage is the lineage that builds the entire jaw tribe. This lineage bloodline is very powerful, because Leader is the person with the strongest and most innate talent in the next generation, which makes this lineage bloodline more powerful.

The jawbather father was very powerful, and it was the Number One Powerhouse that the jaw tribe deserved at the time.

And as a descendant of such a powerhouse, that naturally will not be worse.

There are many brother sisters in Jaw. Even if the sisters, Barbarian Race is absolute patriarchy. It is impossible for a woman to be a leader.

But even so, there are many brothers with jaws, and his jaws are the Number One Powerhouse of the jaws tribe, and naturally have a lot of women.

In fact, this is why every leader can choose the most suitable successor, almost all of them are the most outstanding younger generation.

This is because they have a large number of candidates and let them choose.

There are dozens of jaw-brothers in this generation, although not all of them are qualified to be leaders of the jaw tribe.

But there are people who are better at innate talent.

Jawman was worried about his father before, so he suppressed a lot of his innate talent, and in the final analysis, some things and strength, jawman did not dare to be exposed.

After his father died, the jaw was quite unconcerned, although he would not reveal the strength of the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But even so, his innate talent is amazing.

However, it is a pity that the jaws are still too young compared to some outstanding brothers with innate talent.

His Big Brothers are all 3 40 years old, and he is only in his 20s.

The extra ten or twenty years is not simple to catch up with innate talent. After all, his Big Brother innate talent is not bad.

Even the most controversial candidate at that time was his Second Brother and 5 brothers. The brutal patterns on both of them were more than 2. When he was father, he chose the successor from them.

If it weren’t for the jaws, there were some means, I’m afraid not long after his father died, Leader was selected from his Second Brother and 5 brothers.

However, even if some methods are used, the jaw can get up to 3 years.

For 3 years, he refined his father ’s brutal strenght all into his own strength, and his own Grand Dao tattoo was also cultivated to a Realm.

But at this time, Jaw felt that he couldn’t improve.

Both the wild pattern and the Grand Dao pattern are stuck on the number 100.

This made the jaw very anxious, because there was not much time left for him.

For this reason, he secretly absorbed a brother who was a good innate talent, and then absorbed all the wild lines on the other side to increase his own wild lines.

But helplessly, he failed in the end.

However, after this time, Jawman discovered that although he can only have 100 wild lines, his wild lines are special and seem to be enhanced.

For example, the original strength of his wild pattern, because of the integration of the Grand Dao pattern, is more than the Power of Laws generally owned.

But for some reason, this is just a little more, that is, the jade has a Warrior Power of Laws equivalent to some 101 2 wild patterns Realm.

But after absorbing the wild lines on his brother at this time, his jaw was quite surprised to find that the Power of Laws of his wild lines increased.

If it was barely equivalent to 102 brutes before, then after absorbing, his Power of Laws is already equivalent to 103.

This made Jaw pretty see another way out.

In the end, at that time, the brothers of the jaws tribe jaw barbarians appeared ‘missing’ from time to time, and they were never found once they disappeared.

However, at the time when Leader’s last candidate was decided, not all of the seniors of all the jaw tribes felt anything wrong.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the Leader of the Jaws tribe is his emperor, and often the emperor battle is accompanied by countless foul wind and bloody rain.

In fact, in the Barbarian Race, being the leader’s final battle is fighting his own brother.

This situation is particularly evident in the Jaws.

There are many brothers in the jawbather father, but in the end, except for some brothers who did not threaten themselves enough, and 2 younger brothers of their fellows, the rest of the jawbather father were gone.

Dead dead, missing missing!

This is the result of the Battle of the Leader of each Jaws tribe.

Jaw Man is also fancy about this, so he started secretly.

Finally, by absorbing the brute of each and everyone brother, the strength of the jaws is getting stronger and stronger.

Even in the end, Jawman took advantage of a battle between his Second Brother and 5th Brother and secretly took away his seriously wounded Second Brother, and then swallowed all the bruises on the opponent.

In this way, the strong strength of the jaw is really the contemporary Number One Powerhouse.

In the end, he defeated his 5th brother with his own name and became the leader of the Jaws tribe.

And in the end, his five brothers did not escape the jade barbarian’s poisonous hand, and the wild lines on his body were absorbed by him.

After becoming the Leader of the Jaws tribe, Jaws were also discovered. Under the circumstance of continued cultivating, the bruises on his body can continue to increase Power of Laws.

To the outside, Jawsman claims to have broken through 100 Realms of Shades.

As for whether other people have doubts about this, Jawman doesn’t need to care, because after cultivated to a certain Realm, Jawman finds the wild lines on his body, but he is still free, swimming according to his ideas, and even separating .

After a wild pattern swims, it can be temporarily separated into two, even three and more wild patterns.

For this reason, Jaguar’s identity has not been suspected.

Even after becoming the leader of the Jaws tribe, the people of the Jaws tribe worshipped the jaws pretty much.

Because the strength of the jaw is very strong, it not only far exceeds his father, it even surpasses the leader of most previous jaws tribe.

Jaw Man is very fond of his younger son Jaw Cowl, this is because Jaw Claw also inherited part of his mother Spirit Race Bloodline.

When the jaw was very young, it was cultivated in Power of Laws, and it was cultivated in adulthood.

In addition, the wild pattern of the jaw ridge, in fact, can be a complete Power of Laws as soon as it is cultivated. This is because of the Spirit Race bloodline.

This made the jaw pretty happy, even thinking that the jaw concubine could be regarded as his real son.

This is why, when the jaw was killed, he sent such a team to hunt down Qin Shaofeng. He wanted to kill Qin Shaofeng himself.

If it weren’t for him at this moment, at a critical time for cultivating, Jawsman was already immediate and would go and kill Qin Shaofeng himself.

However, at this moment from the golden armor ladybug Insect Queen, I got the confidence that I sent the golden armor ladybug that was parasitic on those soldiers.

Jaws are angry again!

He didn’t expect that the deployment that he thought was absolutely safe was finally disturbed by the wild tiger king.

This made him very angry!

“Qin Shaofeng, and that damn stupid tiger, you all wait for me. After I finish my plan, I will make you regret coming to this world!”

In the depths of this palace from the core of the Jaws tribe, the roar of Jaw barks sounded.


At the same time, on the other side of Qin Shaofeng, at this moment it was the person who was looking at him with interest.

Well, to be precise, it’s someone who looks a bit like Beggar.

“Oh, isn’t this Xuan Changfeng Xuan Senior? Why haven’t you seen him for a while, and you’ve become a beggar?”

This is Qin Shaofeng’s first sentence when he saw Xuan Changfeng.

Qin Shaofeng also absolutely did not expect that he would meet Xuan Changfeng again under such circumstances.

Seeing the last time, if it was not for Taiyi, he would probably have died in the hands of Xuan Changfeng.

Because of the relationship between the Meng Family and Meng Xin’er, Qin Shaofeng also paid some attention to the Illusion Clan of the ancient continent.

When Illusion Clan was killed overnight, Qin Shaofeng was also surprised.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng’s view, Xuan Yunfei and Xuan Changfeng also mostly died in that massacre.

After all, Xuanjia was also killed in that massacre, and everyone was killed.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to see Xuan Changfeng again.

Of course, the most surprising thing is that Xuan Changfeng present realm.

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