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Chapter 1477: The Secret of Jawbaring (1)

It only has 100 wild patterns, but it has a strength of more than 100 other fighters.

And the bruises on the body will swim around 4 times, this situation is naturally for a reason.

And the reason is the secret of the most jaw!

In fact, the jaw is not a pure Barbarian Race person. His father is a good Barbarian Race, but also a previous generation Leader of the Jaw tribe.

A pretty mother, but not a Barbarian Race.

Antiquity Saint Domain has been discovering the Brutal Realm for a long time, and has explored the Brutal Realm many times.

Many great influences have also used the brutal world as a venue for young disciples.

Since it is the year’s disciple experience, naturally there are men and women.

That’s right, this pretty mother is actually a person from Antiquity Saint Domain, not the Barbarian Race, an aboriginal of the brute beast.

Therefore, Jaw Mania is actually a hybrid of 2 different Grand Dao Law systems.

The origin of the jawbrother mother is not simple. The other party is not only the person in the Antiquity Saint Race, but also the Spirit Race disciple in the Antiquity Saint Race 3 Saint Race, and even the discipline in the Spirit Race direct descendant lineage.

In fact, the mother of the jaw is still the aunt of the Young Master.

It was only after entering the brutal beast world that the pro-aunt of Ling Young Master was taken away by the jaws of the father.

Spirit Race disciple is born full of spiritual intelligence. The handsome man is out of the ordinary, and the beautiful woman is beautiful!

Jaw father also saw his mother’s appearance, but his heart was different. After he grabbed the jaw mother, he even exposed his animal nature.

Then, after a long time, after a period of time, the jawbrother mother has jawbreast.

At that time, the jawbarer father didn’t know what mentality, so the jawbarer mother gave birth to the jawbarer smoothly.

Jaw was born, but his life was not good.

Because of the Antiquity Saint Domain Bloodline, the Barbarian Race regards the Antiquity Saint Domain people as intruders, which is an evil existence.

Therefore, when the jaw was quite young, it was not easy.

Jaw barbarian father not at all took Jaw barbarian as his son, and for some purpose he let jaw barbarian be born.

Once the jaws appeared, they lived in a certain marginal area of ​​the jaws’ tribe, and suffered the strictest guarding, no different from jail, and no freedom at all.

But what is surprising is that the jawbrother mother is also the aunt of the Spirit Young Master. He is really a great mother. He hates the jawbrother father very much, but he loves the jawbrider very much.

She even planned to return the jaws to the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But unfortunately this is impossible at all, because the jaws of the jaws are very strict.

Jawbrother mother fought hard for an escape, and finally ended up with her and Jawbrother being arrested.

The jaw is quite father. The reason why the jaw is quite visible is to take a look. There is nothing special about the child born after mixing them Barbarian Race Bloodline and Antiquity Saint Domain Bloodline.

As a result, his jaw was quite disappointed.

Because after the jaws were born, not at all showed any amazing innate talent. Even the strong physique that the Barbarian Race basically has, jaws are not available.

With increasing disappointment with Jawbane, Jawbather father had the idea of ​​giving up Jabby completely.

And the jawbrother’s mother also escaped with the jawbrow precisely because he realized this.

Unfortunately, she failed.

The result of the failure was very miserable for the mother of the jaw.

She was beaten by fiercely with no mercy on her jaw.

In the end, the jawbroken mother died because of an injury.

In fact, the jaw-dropping mother innate talent is very outstanding, and she is also an absolute genius in Spirit Race. Although she has not awakened the perfect body of Holy Spirit like the Spirit Young Master, her Holy Spirit body is also very outstanding. There are also several powerful in Race.

If this is not the case, the jaw pretty father will not be born, making the jaw pretty good.

Because of the outstanding innate talent of the jawbrother mother, this made the jawbrother father think about that too.

Despite being suppressed by the Realm in the brutal beast world, and the barbarian race has not completely restrained the Power of Laws within the body with the special means of the Barbarian Race.

But the jaw pretty mother still relies on her excellent Power of Laws with the innate talent.

If I can give her enough time, I’m afraid that she will be able to escape with the jaws quite smoothly, but it’s a pity that the jaws pretty father didn’t give her that many time.

However, before dying, with a trace of Power of Laws, she performed the Spirit Race taboo secret art-fabulous!

Spirit, extinction!

This is the Spirit Race forbidden cultivation, and the secret art of the show.

Because once the miracle is cast, it gives its own special skills to others at the cost of its own soul!

The price of this soul is not simple to die.

Because once you perform a miracle, it is equivalent to completely burning your soul and completely dissipating it from the world.

There is a saying in Antiquity Saint Domain, in fact, no matter what kind of powerhouse, one’s soul cannot be completely exterminated.

The so-called soul flies away and scatters are not complete extinctions, because one’s soul cannot completely eradicate imprint in this world.

Even if it is soul flies away and scatters, there will eventually be a day when, with the imprint of the soul, they reunite again and then reborn.

It’s just that the process is extremely slow.

This statement may be just a statement to others.

In fact, such a thing exists in Spirit Race.

There is a special spiritual altar in the Spirit Race. After the birth of the Spirit Race’s discipline, a soul can be deposited on the spiritual altar.

The soul at at first is weak, and then the stronger the Spirit Race disciple itself, the stronger this soul becomes.

How strong can the soul in this altar ultimately be?

Strong enough to make a dead Spirit Race disciple come back to life with this trace of soul.

Even if the entire soul is completely destroyed by people, as long as a trace of the soul in the altar still exists, then the entire soul can be completely restored by virtue of this special soul, and finally achieve a complete resurrection.

Despite this process, it takes a lot of time and great cost.

But it is undeniable that, apart from all this, people in Spirit Race can say that they can’t be killed.

But if the spirit is cast, even the soul that remains in the spiritual altar will be completely extinct.

In order to jaw brute, the mother finally exerted spiritual sense, so that everything about himself was taught to jaw brute.

Her knowledge, her cultivation realm, and all the Grand Dao’s patterns that she has sealed herself.

The jaw was only 6 years old that year, and from that moment on, he understood the last and only one in the world who was good to him and loved him, and he left him forever.

Inheriting all the jaws of his mother, an incredible change took place on his body.

Immediately owned Power of Laws, in fact it was just that he inherited the strength of his mother.

But jaw barbarian father thinks that jaw barbarian was awakened by grief, and finally awakened his strength.

This made him feel that the jaws were really special.

The jaws are quite special, because he is the existence of the 2 times Grand Dao Law of the Beast Realm and the Antiquity Saint Domain.

And getting his mother’s strength, and his mother’s Holy Spirit, further promoted his own evolution.

The jawbrother mother, the Grand Dao pattern cultivation, is just ten.

But these ten Grand Dao patterns are completely integrated with his physical body as the jaw grows.

Before adulthood, the jaw bark awakened the first barbarian pattern.

But in fact, this wild pattern is a special wild pattern formed by the Grand Dao pattern cultivated by his mother and the Power of Laws cultivated by himself.

But it is exactly the pattern of the Grand Dao of Antiquity Saint Domain, and the pattern of the Barbarian Race of the brutal beast.

For such cases, the jaw is not at all to tell anyone.

Because he knows that even if he has shown excellent innate talent, he has also shown great loyalty, but his father is still very alert to him and does not treat him as a son at all.

Even in the end, it was only when he was about to reach adulthood that he was brought back to the Jaw tribe.

Jaw knows his own situation very much. He even cultivates secretly according to the Spirit Race cultivation technique obtained from his mother, and continually gathers the Grand Dao pattern within himself within the body.

Therefore, each cultivation of the jaw barb is a barb line, in fact, it is a barb line after merging with the line of Grand Dao.

And Jaw Mania also found out that the special barbares produced by his own cultivation can not only erupt the Power of Laws of all barbares, but even the Power of Laws, which are several times more than the Barbarian Race fighters of the same realm more than.

Although Jaw Father didn’t know, the secret of the bruise on Jaw Man.

But as Realm’s jaw became taller, he began to worry.

Because in his eyes, Jawman simply is not his son, just an outsider, and he even regarded Jawman as an intruder like Antiquity Saint Domain in his heart.

He was worried that according to this development, one day, sooner or later, the jaws would be so strong that no one would suppress him, and eventually the jaws would fall into the hands of the invaders of the Antiquity Saint Domain.

With such an idea, the jaw barbarian father is looking for a chance to remove the jaw barb.

Jaws have known for a long time what his father thinks of him, so when Jaws tribe grew up, Jaws deliberately made a lot of people, plus his excellent innate talent, which made him very praised in Jaws tribe. .

Because I knew that I had combined with the invaders of the Antiquity Saint Domain and even gave birth to a son, such an act was absolutely unacceptable in the Jaw tribe. Jaw barbarian father not at all fully explained the birth of Jaw barb.

In his words, Jaws are the romantic debts left by passing a small tribe occasionally.

Such a situation is relatively common in the Barbarian Race. Many Barbarian Race girls worship heroes very much and ask them to give them to a Barbarian Race hero. They feel normal.

Therefore, no one doubts the expression of the jaw barbarian father, except for a limited number of people, few people know the jaw barb life.

But this is also the case. As the jaw grows up and neutralizes, the jaw pretty father feels like he is rocking his own feet.

It also made him determined to get rid of the jaws.

Finally, during an outing, Jawsman Father found an opportunity, and planned to start with Jawsman.

But in fact, this opportunity was deliberately given by the jaws.

He father wants to kill him, but he also wants to kill him father.

Even for this reason, the jaw barbarian planned even more carefully.

The end result is that the jaw is quite won.

Because of the wrong estimation of the strength of the jaw barb, I really did not expect that the jaw barb would kill himself, and the jaw barbarian father died in the jaw barb hand.

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