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Chapter 1461 Anger Jaws

Although the maxillofacial reaction came, some movement had already taken place.

It’s just a pity that he is still a little late.

Because Qin Shaofeng takes action quickly, this leaves time for jaw palate preparation, simply not much.

In a hurry, the jaw concubine could only barely run some Power of Laws, and a thunderstorm broke out.

But at this time, the Thunderbolt that erupted from him was even inferior to the previous formidable power. How could it resist Qin Shaofeng this move formidable power?


An explosion sounds, the thunder palm that rushed out of the jaw pinch, was instantly blasted directly by that huge floating slaughter hand.

After that, the huge palm of the floating slaughtering hand directly banged on the jaw cymbal, and the jaw cymbal only had time to block the attack of the floating slaughtering hand with both hands, and the whole body burst into countless purple light lightning. The great strength of the sacred hand.


“bang! bang! bang!”

The golden light flashed, instantly covering the purple light on the jaw, the slightest lightning was directly swallowed by the golden light, bursting into bursts!


A scream screamed, and the entire mandible was instantly shrouded in golden light, without any obstruction.

“Sī la-!”

Just a moment, the exquisite battle armor on the jaw cymbals was devoured and destroyed by golden light, and eventually turned to ashes.

Soon, the original majestic jawline, with no sleeves, was bare-naked with two arms exposed, with a slight black trace on it.

Seeing this, the appearance of this jawcrow at the moment seems a little funny.

But what is surprising is that at this moment, a slight purple light surged from the jaw, and finally blocked the golden light from the hand of the floating slaughter.

In the end, with this slight purple light, this jaw-pull actually resisted the horrific floating slaughter of Qin Shaofeng!


Once the holy hand of the floating slaughter came out, Qin Shaofeng didn’t wait for the result at all, but just flashed back and left the place.

Because Qin Shaofeng has a feeling in his heart, even if he is all the Divine Demon’s Power’s floating slaughter hand in the state of God’s recovery, it is absolutely impossible to bombard this jaw.

This is just a conjecture in Qin Shaofeng’s mind, but in his mind he imagines such a feeling conjecture.

The results now confirm Qin Shaofeng’s conjecture.

All of the holy hands of the floating slaughter that Divine Demon’s Power exploded in his own god’s state of recovery actually only destroyed the 2 sleeves of the jawline?

And at most, the arm of the jaw condyle was slightly blackened, and the jaw condyle himself was not injured at all.

Even though the speculum was impossible to die under his blow, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed an unbelievable strange light after seeing the maxillocondyle at this moment.

Damn, isn’t this injured?

In the end, Qin Shaofeng’s gaze fell on the purple light rising from his jaw at the moment, and there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.

Is this purple light?

Qin Shaofeng I’m sure that the reason why this jaw pinch can resist, this sacred hand of floating slaughter is definitely the light purple light on the other side.

This purple light is like a barrier that no stronghold one cannot overcome, protecting the entire jaw.

And it is also this purple light barrier that makes Qin Shaofeng’s full strength outbreak of the floating slaughterer a shortfall!

And Qin Shaofeng also sensed that the purple light on the jawline did not come from the strength of the jawline itself.

This purple light is exactly what Qin Shaofeng sensed before, hiding some strong strength inside the jaw body.

And this strength is far beyond the jaw itself, even if Qin Shaofeng senses the strength of this purple light, his heart is abnormally shocked.

Because the true main plotter of purple light definitely has a strong strength.

And Qin Shaofeng also guessed who this purple light came from!

Who is this other than the Leader jaws of the Jaw Clan father jade tribe?

As the son of his father, this mandible must have the strength of the other person.

This is beyond doubt!

Now the purple light on the jaw condyle confirms this.

This is absolutely the life-saving method given by his father’s jaw, otherwise, Qin Shaofeng simply doesn’t believe that the jaw can be so easy to resist oneself at this moment.

Qin Shaofeng Although I do n’t know how strong the Leader jaws of the Jaw tribe of the Jaws tribe had, they have at least 100 wild patterns on the other side.

Because according to the information obtained from Fei Fei and the others, Qin Shaofeng has been understood. Among the most powerful upper-level warriors among the Jaws tribe, their brutal patterns have reached 100.

So as a leader of the Jaws tribe, and still very ambitious is the Leader, the Jaw Realm will definitely be higher, and the strength will be more powerful.

The life-saving means left by such a powerhouse is naturally not simple.

Girl, this jaw concubine really has a good man!

This result made Qin Shaofeng unbearable, and angrily cursed.

Qin Shaofeng was very unhappy at the moment, but the jaw condyle on the opposite side was also unhappy.

No, to be precise, the jaw condy at this moment has completely fallen into a state of anger.


Suddenly a shout of rage, the jaw-pump body aura instantly became fiercely violent, this kind of violent and jaw-da into a state of madness, have a trace of the same.

However, the jaw concubine is not in a state of madness at this moment, because he does not have the ability to go crazy, the reason why this happens is because the jaw concubine is already extremely angry at this moment.

“Qin Shaofeng, I will kill you, I must kill you, I will crush you 10000 segments!”

The jaw was irritated and completely furious.

Even though Qin Shaofeng killed all his subordinates, although he was angry, he was actually mostly angry.

He brought people to siege Qin Shaofeng, but did not want to be killed by Qin Shaofeng.

This is obviously proof that his subordinate people are really too garbage.

Even the invaders of merely a Antiquity Saint Domain could not be resolved, which made him very upset.

Doesn’t that just make him angry?

But at this moment, there is only anger in the jaw concubine, completely anger.

When he found out Qin Shaofeng played against him before, he found out that Qin Shaofeng was just like that, he could just send a few subordinates to solve it.

But now?

Subordinate was killed by the opponent as many times as possible, even after he took the action himself, he did not get any good results.

And if it wasn’t for his father’s jaw, just a powerful Power of Laws left by him within the body, it is estimated that he is at least a serious injury.

This is the thing that makes Qin Shaofeng really angry. Under the action he took himself, this situation still appeared.

Shame, this is definitely the biggest shame he has ever suffered!

This makes the prod and arrogant jaw condyles somewhat unacceptable.


This Qin Shaofeng must die!

Anyway, he must kill each other!

Because in Qin Shao’s heart, only Qin Shaofeng is dead, can he cleanse his shame at this time!

Although in this brief moment, the jaw condyle finally understood that the strength of Qin Shaofeng had far exceeded his expectations, and was much stronger than he thought.

But this cannot be stopped, he is determined to kill Qin Shaofeng!

kill me?

Will I crush 10000 segments?

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were cold, his mouth was slightly tilted, and he looked at the funny appearance of the jaw, coldly smiled.

“Oh, right, then you come! Young Master, I’ll wait for you to kill me!”

“Ah, hateful, I must kill you!”

In the face of Qin Shaofeng’s provocation, the anger of the jawline’s face became even more vigorous.

In the roar, the purple light on the jaw trembled slightly, and his aura changed suddenly.

In this brief moment, a killing intent emerged from the jawline!

That killing intent went straight to the sky. Before the surrounding area, because of two people fighting, the aura of the Power of Laws that remained everywhere, in this brief moment was completely dispersed by this killing intent.

It seems to have obtained the enforcement of purple light. This jaw aura actually skyrocketed again. Compared with the previous one, it is actually several times stronger!


Aura’s soaring jaw ridge suddenly rose in anger, and the whole body exuded the amazing aura of overflowing heaven, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng.

“Savage King Technique-Thunderbolt 10000 Jun!”

A loud shout, the hands of the mandible in the flight flew slightly, and suddenly the lightning flashed, and the lightning rang.

Suddenly, the sky was full of lightning, and a path of thick lightning appeared, like a Thunder Dragon, with a number of event-eighty channels.

These Thunder Dragon-like lightnings exploded towards Qin Shaofeng in all directions when they appeared.

Just a little induction, Qin Shaofeng sensed it, then the Thunder-lightning from the Seven-eighty Road Rapid Speed ​​bombardment was terrifying aura.

Really strong lightning strike!

Qin Shaofeng pupils shrink, my heart is very shocked, because the eventy-eighty said the formidable power of Thunder Dragon lightning. I am afraid that only one of them is enough to smash the Barbarian Race superior warrior of that level to give direct and thorough bombardment Already.

Faced with such a powerful move, Qin Shaofeng don’t dare be careless, and Divine Demon’s Power within the body is running crazy.

“7 Star Cut-!”

“Dark Devil Cut!-“

“Cover rain knife!”

“Kill Demon Thirteen—!”


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng held the Black Tortoise battle armor great blade with both hands, and dozens of blade art martial skills broke out, cutting out countless blade light and Blade Qi!

Suddenly, everywhere is the rays of light of the sword and qi energy, and the numerous blade shadows formed a torrent of swords, welcoming the seven-eighty Thunder Dragon lightning.

But even with Qin Shaofeng’s outbreak, something unexpected happened.

It seems that the gap between the two Thunder Dragons is very different, but the end result is so incredible.

Hong long long !

A burst of world-shaking collisions brought countless explosions together.

After the countless blade shadow torrents came into contact with Thunder Dragon lightning, they couldn’t be beaten?

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Countless blasts, that countless blade shadows, under the storm of Thunder Dragon lightning, actually collapsed and were completely destroyed by the lightning of purple.

Looking from a distance, the numerous blade art skills cut by Qin Shaofeng have formed countless blade shadows, as if forming a sea of ​​knives, trying to stop the eventy-eighty Thunder Dragon lightning that broke out from the jaw.

However, the eventy-eighty from the jaw maggot to Thunder Dragon lightning is like a dragon entering the sea, surging unscrupulously in countless blade shadow torrents, destroying one after another of the blade shadow.

For a moment, Thunder Dragon is still awe-inspiring. Although the number has been halved, the remaining more than 30 Thunder Dragon lightnings continue to growl towards Qin Shaofeng, and the numerous blade shadow torrents that erupt from Qin Shaofeng It has completely disappeared.

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