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Chapter 1460 Fierce Battle (1)


As if it exploded, after the golden light, there are countless blade glow like raindrops.

The blade glow in the rain is just a little star-like in the distance, and it is no different from the rain.

But in fact, the rain point at this point is the formidable power with extremely important.

Each drop is an extremely powerful attack, even if it is an expert like Jaw, once it is hit, it is definitely the result of the physical body being penetrated.

If it was changed to Najida at this moment, even if he was in a state of madness, once he was hit by this blade glow like a heavy rain, it would have to end in a sieve.

certain death, no doubt!

In the case of Qin Shaofeng’s full strength outbreak, it is extremely important to take an action immediately.

And he consumes Power of Laws at this time, but at the moment he is within 20% of all Power of Laws in the body. This has led to a 3 Star-level domain overkill knife, which has completely erupted a formidable power comparable to the 7 8 Star-level martial skill.

this is?

At this moment, I felt the blade of glow glowing, the eyes of the jaw shrunk sharply.

Even the extremely confident jaw-crest, in this brief moment, could not help but startled.

The formidable power of Qin Shaofeng this move has indeed scared him.

formidable power is amazing.

However, although Qin Shaofeng made a sudden move and the formidable power was extremely powerful, he felt unusually for the great blade in the hands of Qin Shaofeng, and immediately noticed Qin Shaofeng’s attack.

Although Qin Shaofeng exploded the formidable power of the move, he still sneered.

Is this your strongest strength?

Huh, but that’s it!

sī la!

A torn space burst, and a dazzling purple light lightning flashed.

At this moment, after coldly snorted in the palate, his right hand is slightly together, and the entire palm is bursting with amazing lightning.

Naturally, this Jaw Crest can also erupt the attribute Power of Laws, and his attribute of Power of Laws is still the most violent Lightning Element Power of Laws.

Suddenly, the entire right hand lightning of the jaw was densely covered, and a path of tiny purple lightning shone indefinitely.

Hong long!

a loud sound, lightning exploded.

The next moment, from the right hand of the jaw, there were countless lightning bolts in an instant.

Let’s die!

The fierce light flashed in his eyes, the right hand with countless lightnings in his jaw, and a fierce grip, he threw a punch to Qin Shaofeng.

“10000 Thunderbolt!”

At this time, the maxilla did not hold back and exhausted the full-strength. Under the angry roar, his right fist burst into numerous purple lightnings.

At the same time, the blade glow of Qin Shaofeng’s raindrops also came instantly.

Suddenly, the blade glow of gold and the lightning of purple collided directly.

Hong long long !

Hong long long !

Hong long long !

In this brief moment, it was as if a heavy rain met a lightning.

howling wind and torrential rain!

Thunder and lightning!

Gold and purple complement each other, where all is rain and lightning, and the exciting Power of Laws is even more turbulent and surging!

Just in the blink of an eye, the 1000-meter area where Qin Shaofeng fought with the jaw condyles was completely destroyed by golden light and purple light, and further away by the qi energy erupted by 2 bursts of rays of light.

This range affected several ten thousand meters, which also caused a lot of brute beasts, and even the Barbarian Race and Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator, which were fighting 10000 miles away.

And many of them have died of the cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain, as well as many Barbarian Races and wild beasts.

Qin Shaofeng actually benefited!

Because of this surging aftermath, the Barbarian Race and the wild beasts that were affected by the death were actually considered to be killed by him.

momentarily, Qin Shaofeng’s points rose wildly.

Because the scope is large, there are many dead Barbarian Races and wild beasts. Qin Shaofeng’s points have increased greatly.

It only took an instant to jump up to 10 million, and this is just the beginning.

Because but after the golden light and purple light dissipated, Qin Shaofeng and jawline were both in peace.

In this fight, the two did not make any difference.

But in the face of such a result, the jaw concubine was very unhappy.

He didn’t bombard Qin Shaofeng?

How can this be?

This 10000 Thunderbolt is one of his strongest moves. Although it will consume a lot of Power of Laws at one time, the formidable power that bursts out is very amazing.

Jawcat once used this move to destroy a group of wild beasts with more than 30,000 Barbarian Beasts.

In addition, among the wild beasts, there are more than 1000 high-ranked wild beasts, and even not only has more than 100 3 Star high-ranked wild beasts, the strongest Leader wild beast has reached the 7-star high-ranked wild beast Realm .

But even such a group of wild beasts, he was solved by a move of 10000 Lei Benteng.

Therefore, Jaw Claw has full information about himself this move 10000 Lei Ben Teng.

In after using, the jaw concubine decided that this move would definitely solve that Qin Shaofeng.

But now it seems that he thinks wrong.

This Qin Shaofeng true strength is even more than he expected.

But this is making the jaw concubine even more angry.

again and again!

This Qin Shaofeng was actually stronger than the strength he expected once. This time, he expected an error and made the jaw constriction quite angry.

Hateful !

Angrily roared inwardly, right hand flicked, and the entire right hand is covered with purple lightning again.

But at this time, the right hand of the jaw was spread out directly, and the palm of the void was shot to Qin Shaofeng.

“Very King Technique-Ben Lei Palm!”

Angry roar, the jaw concubine patted a lightening dense hand seal.

The barbarian skill, this is a martial skill created by the jaw barbarian father. The barbarian barbarian is very powerful. It is also named by the barbarian barbarian.

This is enough to illustrate the ambition of the other party.

But it is undeniable that this formidable power is indeed formidable power. The 10000 Thunder Bent before the jaw is actually a move among them.

As the youngest son of extremely innate talent, Jawbarrow naturally taught the barbarian technique to the jaw concubine, and the jawblade also cultivated many move of the barbarian king.

10000 Lei Ben Teng is considered to be a move, at this moment Ben Lei Palm is also a move.

Compared to 10000 Lei Pentium, the formidable power of Ben Lei’s palm has not improved.

But 10000 Lei Ben Teng can be regarded as a group attack move. Most of the formidable power is released. Although the formidable power is still powerful, it is not as powerful as the terrifying power.

However, this Thunderbolt palm is completely concentrated, which is actually equivalent to all the lightning bolts of 10000 Thunderbolt attacks, aggregated to form a hand palm.


Lightning suddenly appeared, a palm like a hill-like hand suddenly hitting Qin Shaofeng like hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The majesty is formidable, formidable power is even more powerful and shocking.

In this brief moment, it seems that Jaw Claw saw Qin Shaofeng being blasted directly by this Ben Lei palm, or even directly blasted into slag, a smile on his face could not help but a hint of joy in his mouth.

But soon the jaw contusion felt wrong!


Suddenly something seemed to be noticed, and the smile on the jaw face suddenly froze!

Because in this brief moment, at the moment when his thunderbolt is about to hit Qin Shaofeng, the opposite Qin Shaofeng actually burst into a surging strength.

Hong long!

A huge gold hand, palm, popped up and banged into his palm of thunder.

And the jaw 夼 also found that Qin Shaofeng this palm’s formidable power is not only weaker than him, on the contrary, it is better than it!

He could clearly sense the powerful strength of the horror under the palm of the huge gold palm.

Majestic, imposing and indestructible!


As soon as the idea of ​​the jaw pinch rose, the dazzling gold hand palm was absolutely crushed. In a split second, he smashed a palm of his thunder and smashed it completely!

This… how is this possible?

Jaw crest turned wild, and his eyes were unbelievable.

He didn’t know that Qin Shaofeng felt this time too, he broke out of the formidable power out of the ordinary of the Thunderbolt Palm, so that he could run enough Power of Laws and broke out a hand of the floating slaughter.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng broke out of the floating slaughter hand, but consumed half of his Power of Laws within the body.

Since then, Qin Shaofeng has finally used it again, and he has never used skill.

Resurrection of God!

Qin Shaofeng ’s resurrection of God is his exclusive ability of Fiendgod body refinement. Not only can he restore all the consumed Power of Laws instantly after the show, but he can also maintain the peak state of Power of Laws within 3 minutes.

Qin Shaofeng’s current Fiendgod body refinement Dafa has been leveled to 3 stars, and can only be used 2 times in one day.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has always retained the ability of the second resurrection in order to use it at critical moments.

And now is such a crucial moment, he directly used God’s recovery.

The huge gold floating slaughtering hand in midair and the thunder palm blasted by the jaw cymbals have offset each other.

But in this brief moment, because the resurrection of God once again restored all Qin Shaofeng of Power of Laws and took action again.


A world-shaking shock, I saw Qin Shaofeng’s left hand slammed, and a huge gold hand palm shot him.

Floating Butchery!

Qin Shaofeng once again cast the floating slaughter.

And this time, but the Divine Demon’s Power currently owned by Qin Shaofeng, the one-time floating holy hand that broke out!

Until now, Qin Shaofeng has not stopped using the Flying Feather Blade to absorb the barbares of those Barbarian Race fighters to improve his Realm’s behavior.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng Realm is still improving all the time, and at the same time, he has more and more 1000 star arrays within the body.

At this moment, the Law Core of Qin Shaofeng within the body has already exceeded 40000, reaching more than 40000 6000 300.

This is also the Qin Shaofeng within the body Inner World’s 1000 star array, and 40 6 have been arranged!

This is equivalent to Qin Shaofeng already owning 40 6 Grand Dao patterns.

40 The 6 Grand Dao patterns are definitely Divine Demon’s Power, all of which burst out at once, which made Qin Shaofeng this palm the holy hand of the floating slaughter, but very good.

On the palm full of golden light, more purple stars appeared.

And this time, formidable power is several times stronger than the previous holy hand of the floating slaughter.

Faced with such a formidable power of a floating slaughtering hand, the jaw cymbal face instantly changed, in addition to shock, more still unbelievable.

Simply a intruder, how could it be so strong?

Unbelief in the jaw.

However, after feeling that the palm of the huge gold palm was striking to himself, the jaw concubine was finally awake.

No matter what the situation, palm in front of the horrible hands is in his eyes, he will not remain indifferent.


Secretly yelled, Jaw Crush quickly urged Power of Laws within the body, trying to erupt a powerful move to offset Qin Shaofeng’s powerful strength attack.

But it is already late!

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