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Chapter 1434: Xuan Changfeng Acting In The Dark

“Hahaha, happy, it’s so happy!”

A crazy laugh came from a Barbarian Race tribe.

It was originally a place of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, and the Barbarian Race that it lives in is not a Barbarian Race that is keen to fight.

Even the Barbarian Race of this tribe does not belong to any of the Barbarian Race 3 tribes, but just sits quietly in a small valley where the Barbarian Race lives and reproduces.

If Qin Shaofeng meets these Barbarian Races, I’m afraid simply won’t do it.

In this regard, I am afraid that even the Spirit Young Master and Gu Bo and the others will probably do so.

Even if the Demon Sovereign is here, he doesn’t bother to kill the Barbarian Race of this tribe.

One is because the Barbarian Race of this tribe is too small, only 200-300.

2 is the Barbarian Race of this tribe, there are too many.

Although the Barbarian Race in the brutal beast can gather wild lines, in fact, not all Barbarian Races can gather wild lines in adulthood.

In the entire brutal beast world, there will be many Barbarian Races. In this life, it is impossible to condense the first barbarian pattern.

Innate talent is limited, even the first wild pattern that can be naturally condensed and portrayed cannot be condensed and portrayed.

There are also many Barbarian Races. After adulthood, after barely condensing and depicting the first barbarian pattern, they can’t portray the second barbarian pattern throughout their lives.

As with the ancient continent, the Barbarian Race in the brutal world has a so-called genius and ordinary person.

The Barbarian Race of this tribe is a very common Barbarian Race.

Among the more than 300 people, there are seveny-eighty fighters, which means that the other more than 2 people are ordinary people who have not been portrayed as barbarians, or underage Barbarian Race.

And even among the fighters, the strongest fighters in this tribe’s Barbarian Race fighters are only the lower fighters, and the wild patterns painted on their bodies are not as many jaws, but they are worthy of depicting 4 wild patterns.

Such a small tribe, even the 3 major tribes of the Barbarian Race, do not like it.

In fact, there are still many such small tribes in the wild animal world.

There is also a certain hidden rule in the brutal world. Even tribal and tribal battles rarely involve these small tribes.

This is a potential rule among the powerful tribes of the Barbarian Race.

But today, this tribe is completely massacred. All Barbarian Races, including babies born less than ten days old, are also killed, and the entire tribe is thoroughly killed.

And the killer who did all this is laughing crazy, a silhouette exuding blood mist.

Xuan Changfeng!

That’s right, Xuan Changfeng who sneaked into the brutal realm secretly made this terrible murderer.

Because Xuan Changfeng sneaked in and did not refine jade talisman at all, even the Ruler Supremes did not notice the existence of Xuan Changfeng.

This Xuan Changfeng was entering the brutal beast world, first killing the group of people who brought him into the beast, and finally sneak attacking a lot of Antiquity Saint Domain bloodline’s good race disciple.

sneak attack Kill and refine the bloodline!

However, Xuan Changfeng did not take a disciplinary action against those powerful races in Antiquity Saint Domain, because he was careful and did not want to be exposed early.

But by chance, Xuan Changfeng found that the blood of the wild beast had a very good improvement on his Strength of Bloodline and 3 pupils of Divine Eyes.

So, he mixed in some race influence.

After absorbing a large amount of race bloodline, Xuan Changfeng’s 3 pupil Divine Eyes has allowed him to imitate some race bloodline aura, so that others can’t detect the strangeness at all.

Of course, if you meet Realm’s strong powerhouse, you can still detect Xuan Changfeng’s imitation situation.

But Xuan Changfeng chose to enter the races, which are not very powerful races, and he himself hides the real cultivation realm, which is hard to detect.

After entering the wild beast world, most contestant found that the wild beast dan on the wild beast was the most important thing. The others were sharp claw and fangs, and some functions that’s all.

As for the blood of the brute beast, nobody cares, but it is precisely because of this that it makes Xuan Changfeng very easy to succeed.

In the unconsciously, Xuan Changfeng gained a lot of blood from the beast and quickly raised his Realm.

Although in the wild animal world, his Xuan Changfeng was still suppressed, but with the improvement of Realm, and it seems that the blood of the Xuan Changfeng has been absorbed, the Xuan Changfeng’s physique has been moved towards the development of the physical strength of the wild animal. same.

Gradually Xuan Changfeng discovered it, and he was getting less and less suppressed in this brutal world.

Soon, when Xuan Changfeng within the body condensed the pattern of the 11th Grand Dao, he found that he could release Power of Laws equivalent to a Grand Dao pattern in the brutal beast world.

Perhaps this Xuan Changfeng, like Qin Shaofeng, can arbitrarily release a Power of Laws with the pattern of Grand Dao in the brutal beast world.

The means of proclaiming the wind are all dependent on the 3 pupils Divine Eyes that have evolved today. The restrictions in this wild animal world are still relatively large.

But even so, Xuan Changfeng’s situation is much better than others.

The most important thing is that after having a Power of Laws with the pattern of Grand Dao, Xuan Changfeng can do even more.

For example, he can cast the strength of 3 pupils Divine Eyes to confuse others.

Among the unconsciously, Xuan Changfeng soon became the central figure in his mix into the team.

No need to do anything, just wait for others to hunt and kill the barbarian, and then contribute the barbarian world to the barbarian blood, all for his enjoyment.

In this case, Xuan Changfeng Realm was very fast.

But the good times didn’t last long. At the end of the hunt for the beast, Xuan Changfeng’s team was suddenly attacked by someone.

At first, Xuan Changfeng thought he was some guy with short eyes and wanted to rob them!

Xuan Changfeng has never encountered such a thing, and the reason why the other party is not long-sighted is because the other party is only three people.

3 people to them 300-500 people?

This is not long-sighted, what is it?


But soon Xuan Changfeng didn’t think so, because after the appearance of the three people, the strength that ordinary people couldn’t match was exhibited.

Most importantly, Xuan Changfeng sensed aura of Power of Laws from them.

The other party can also use the Expert of Power of Laws!

However, compared with this, Xuan Changfeng felt the most incredible, the other party actually killed!


The three people had no scruples at all, and the opponents they met were all directly killed.

In such a situation, Xuan Changfeng once thought that the three people were just like him. They belonged to the “smuggling” into the wild animal kingdom!

Since the opponent ’s strength was strong, then Xuan Changfeng didn’t really resist the idea, and immediately chose to retreat.

But what made Xuan Changfeng angry was that the other party didn’t let them go, which made him angry, even more ruthless.

3 Hitomi Divine Eyes has a strong ability to deceive, and the people in Xuan Changfeng’s team are completely deceived by him.

The main reason for this was that these people were suppressed by the brutal beasts, which made them easy for Xuan Chang to succeed.

Because they are completely confused, even if they face a mortal order, these people honor do not allow one to glance back.

In the end, under the siege of 300-500 people, those 3 sneak attacks were defeated.

And when the other three people were injured and were about to run away, Xuan Changfeng, who had not taken a take action, had the opportunity to take a take action.

This take action was succeeded by Xuan Changfeng.

When the 3 pupil Divine Eyes was moved, the strength of the 3 pupil Divine Eyes was moved to the extreme, and when the three people silhouette was stabilized for an instant, Xuan Changfeng exploded take action, which directly injured the three people.

Once Xuan Changfeng succeeded, he retreated directly and let the remaining 60-70 people in his team go under siege to the three people.

In the end, Xuan Changfeng’s team had no one left, but the three people of the sneak attack also died, and the remaining one was in a state of frequent death.

No waste, Xuan Changfeng immediately took blood from all the dead of his team to promote himself.

Finally, when Xuan Changfeng came to the three people of the sneak attack and took the blood of two of the dead people, his face suddenly changed.

Because he suddenly discovered that the blood of the two people who painted unknown tattoos inside was the same as the blood of wild animals.

To be precise, there is more purity than the blood of the brutal beast, which is no less attractive to him than those powerful race bloodlines of the Antiquity Saint Domain.

I felt that the last person had not died, even though Xuan Changfeng used his means to search the soul of the last person.

Although the last person was already in a state of dying, he couldn’t withstand Xuan Changfeng’s soul search.

At Soul Search at first, within a short time of breathing, the other party took a deep breath.

However, this also gave Xuan Changfeng some information.

Then, he understood, these two sneak attacks on his people, they are actually the indigenous people of the brutal world-Barbarian Race!

After learning about the existence of the Barbarian Race, Xuan Changfeng was excited.

Instead of mixing in any team, Xuan Changfeng started looking for the Barbarian Race.

The Barbarian Race being searched by Xuan Changfeng is actually just a lower warrior with 3 wild patterns, and it is not a person belonging to the jaw tribe. The person who came to the jaw tribe came from a small tribe.

According to this information, Xuan Changfeng finally found this small tribe.

However, Xuan Changfeng not at all acted on that small tribe.

Because although it is a small tribe, compared with the ordinary small tribe, this small tribe has a population of more than 3000, and there are more Barbarian Race fighters.

Although there are no higher fighters, the number of median fighters in this tribe is more than 100. Among them, the strongest fighters have more than 20 lines painted on them.

Xuan Changfeng was very cautious, instead of taking action rashly, he retreated.

But Xuan Changfeng did not give up, because when looking for this small tribe, he also found that there are other tribes in the surroundings, among which there are many small tribes with a very low strength.

Since this Barbarian Race can improve his Strength of Bloodline, and 3 pupils Divine Eyes, it can also improve his Realm.

Then wait for his realm promotion before coming to this tribe.

It didn’t take long for Xuan Changfeng to start massacre after tribe.

At this moment, this tribe is already the 20th tribe that Xuan Changfeng won.

At this moment, Xuan Changfeng has absorbed the blood of 7,000-8,000 Barbarian Races, and even those wild lines have been absorbed by him and turned into his own Power of Laws.

Grand Dao’s Pattern 51!

Realm 6th-layer Supreme Ruler Early Stage!

This is the result of Xuan Changfeng massacre. In the face of such results, Xuan Changfeng is very satisfied.

And Xuan Changfeng also found out, I don’t know if it was because he absorbed a lot of Barbarian Race blood, and because of the wild lines, which caused him to adapt more and more in the wild animal world.

Today, with 51 Grand Dao Realm Power of Laws, he can play more than 30.

“Oh, good!”

Feeling his strength at this moment, Xuan Changfeng’s mouth slightly grinned, revealing a faint and cruel smile.

At the next moment, Xuan Changfeng’s eyes turned and fell to a mountain peak ahead.

“Well, it’s time to get started!”

He looked towards the direction where he was searching for the Barbarian Race-born tribe.

He had insufficient strength before, but now!

It is enough!

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