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Chapter 1433 The Storm Rises

Barbarian Races, indeed, are the indigenous people of the brutal beast world. It seems that these Barbarian Races have existed since the appearance of the brutal beast world.

However, this Barbarian Race in the brutal world has some differences.

They are not like wild animals, but after they absorbed Power of Laws, they were almost absorbed by the physical body.

These Barbarian Races are also cultivation Power of Laws, but they are not the same as the cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain.

In the cultivation of Antiquity Saint Domain, after becoming the Supreme Ruler, the Inner World within the body will portray a path of Grand Dao.

But this Barbarian Race, it is only on itself, depicting a path of Savage God.

According to Qin Shaofeng’s understanding, these so-called barbaric patterns appear to be highly worshipped by the Barbarian Race, or even given the existence of faith.

This existence is the so-called barbaric beast, so the real name of barbara is the barbara of the god, not the line of Grand Dao.

However, in Qin Shaofeng’s view, perhaps this wild god believed by the Barbarian Race in the wild beast world is probably the Grand Dao Law in the wild beast world.

This is the same as the Grand Dao Law of Antiquity Saint Domain, which allows the cultivator to depict the pattern of the Grand Dao of a path of.

It’s just that in the brutal world, the Barbarian Race regards Grand Dao Law as that’s all.

Qin Shaofeng is somewhat unable to find out what the Barbarian Race’s brutal pattern does not exist and does not exist within the body, but directly portrayed on the surface of the body.

Qin Shaofeng just knew that in addition to the Barbarian Race’s first barbarian pattern, the rest of the barbarian races were painted on itself with the blood of the barbarian beast or the strength of the barbarian dan, after a series of complicated processes.

This can also be said to be agglomeration, and even this process, in Qin Shaofeng’s view, condenses the Grand Dao pattern with its own cultivation, it seems that it is not at all 2.

From the souls of the two Barbarian Race fighters, Qin Shaofeng also knew that the general Barbarian Race characterizes the process of brute force.

However, Qin Shaofeng cannot copy this process.

It can’t be said that it can’t be copied. To be precise, Qin Shaofeng can’t portray wild lines on the fleshhy body like Barbarian Race.

This matter is about the brutal beasts in this brutal world, that is, the Grand Dao Law strength of this brutal beast, just like the Grand Dao Law of Antiquity Saint Domain, it is not a system at all, it is cultivated to one place at all.


Eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng looked at the two Barbarian Race bodies on the ground. To be precise, Qin Shaofeng saw the wild lines on the two corpse.

Just like the cultivator of the Antiquity Saint Domain, the Barbarian Race’s brutal pattern is like the Grand Dao pattern.

However, there is a difference between the Barbarian Race’s wild pattern and the Grand Dao pattern. Usually, when a Supreme Ruler in the Antiquity Saint Domain falls, the Grand Dao pattern of the Inner World within the body will collapse immediately.

Although the pattern of Grand Dao is higher than Law Core, the pattern of Grand Dao speaking from a certain perspective is an intangible existence, and it can be regarded as an energy body.

Therefore, after the Supreme Ruler falls, the cultivating Grand Dao’s texture will collapse immediately, and then affect the collapse of the positive Inner World.

But this Barbarian Race warrior’s brutal pattern is different.

The Barbarian Race’s brutal pattern is engraved on the body surface, like a path of pattern, which is considered to be real.

Even the entire wild pattern was rendered by the corresponding Power of Laws after being portrayed.

This is exactly the pattern of Grand Dao after being embodied.

This gave Qin Shaofeng some thought.

Can he absorb such wild lines?

The idea of ​​at first is just the single thought of Qin Shaofeng’s head suddenly passing.

But the more I thought about it, the more Qin Shaofeng’s mind moved.

Qin Shaofeng, the barbarian Dan of the higher barbarian, has absorbed a lot.

Even the barbarian Dan of the higher barbarian, Qin Shaofeng, discovered it during the absorption. When he absorbed, the veined pattern on the surface of the higher barbarian Dan would follow his absorption and refinement one by one. Dissipated and eventually turned into pure Power of Laws.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng guessed that the Barbarian Race’s wild pattern can be absorbed and refined by itself, just like the veined pattern of the upper barbarian savage dan.

If it is possible, then …

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes continued to brighten light, and finally a decision was made in his heart, and he directly flashed and took the jaw cymbals and the corpse of the 2 Barbarian Race neutral warriors directly.

Qin Shaofeng, eager to try to absorb the brutal texture on the Barbarian Race, did not know, just at the moment, his points suddenly increased by 5310,000!

The Nirvana world, because Qin Shaofeng points increased by 5310,000 at once, but caused a big storm.

Because this time Qin Shaofeng points only changed 3 times, once 50,000, the remaining 2 times, once was 2310000, once was 250,000!

And the last 23 and 250,000 points are almost all added together.

But what happened?

Many people in the Nirvana world are confused, because this is so unreasonable.

Even if it is a 10 Star-level superior beast, killing one can increase up to 11000 points!

this time 510,000 points increase, what level of barbarian did you kill?

Are there more powerful barbarians that surpass the ranks of barbarians?

Well, even then, what if 2310000 and 250,000 points are added at a time?

With 510,000 points, I can barely try to accept it.

Can more than 20 10,000 points, one-time increase, what the hell is this?

Fuck, is this the wild beast that Ruler Supreme Realm hunted by Qin Shaofeng?

But this idea was too crazy and was quickly denied by people.

Ruler Supreme?

Oh, just kidding ~!

That’s not the case. What’s going on?

momentarily, except for a few people with a few hearts in mind, everyone couldn’t understand it, and couldn’t understand it.

What the hell is going on?

At this moment, Ruler Supreme in the special space of Nirvana is also speechless.

It is him again!

This is Qin Shaofeng again, this brat is really noisy!

For a one-time, direct increase of 510000 and more than 20 10,000 points, these Ruler Supremes are not surprised.

Because they know why this is, but it’s too incredible.

In fact, at this time, when entering the wild animal world, the competition of the last Domain strength Domain in the all-round competition, in addition to hunting wild animals can earn Earned Points, and hunting Barbarian Race can also earn Earned Points.

And the points for hunting Barbarian Race are more objective!

All contestant, as long as you kill a Barbarian Race, you can get 1000 points. If you kill a Barbarian Race that has gathered a wild pattern, the points are more objective.

There is no case corresponding to the level, these Ruler Supremes directly determined that the Barbarian Race fighters killed can get at least 10,000 points, and for each additional Barbarian Race fighter, they can earn 10,000 points.

At that time, the jaw cymbals killed by Qin Shaofeng had 5 wild patterns. After Qin Shaofeng bombarded him, he naturally earned 50,000 points directly.

The latter two Barbarian Race fighters who were passed through Qin Shaofeng’s Flying Feather Blade and eventually died in Qin Shaofeng’s magic, had 2 and 23 brutes, respectively.

So, after killing these 2 Barbarian Race fighters, Qin Shaofeng gained 2310000 and 250,000 points, respectively.

Although at first, such things are not directly exposed at all.

But those Ruler Supremes also have the idea in mind, since it is competition, then it is more thorough.

Don’t tell the existence of the Barbarian Race, but wait until the contestants find out themselves, wouldn’t it be better to understand the situation of competition?

Besides, the purpose of this time is not small, if the existence of the Barbarian Race is disclosed in advance.

Then once entering the brutal realm, some contestants fell into the hands of the Barbarian Race and finally interrogated what was going on.

I am afraid that it will probably have some impact on their plans.

It is better not to say directly, to hone these contestant more.

As for what will happen in the end and a lot of losses?

At this point, these Ruler Supremes don’t care, because in their opinion, just because they concealed the existence of the Barbarian Race, there was a loss, and simply was a person with insufficient strength.

If you take care, even if you don’t know the existence of Barbarian Race in advance, it doesn’t matter.

Although this time’s all-round competition, the ultimate goal is to compete against the Barbarian Race in the brutal beast, or even the entire Barbarian Race.

But for these Ruler Supremes, the selection of some geniuses at the same time is what they care about.

It’s just that Qin Shaofeng killed the Barbarian Race so early, and there are 2 more Barbarian Race fighters with more than 20 wild patterns, which is somewhat unexpected that these Ruler Supremes’s all.

Because it’s a long time before they imagine it.

They didn’t expect that someone would be able to kill the Barbarian Race’s median fighter so early.

However, it is from this point that these Ruler Supremes have understood for some time.

For the sudden deaths of a team of 2 100 and 300-500 contestants, they finally figured out why.

Previously, these Ruler Supremes thought that because of the contestant, they encountered large wild beasts, but now it seems that they encountered the Barbarian Race.

The contestants at this stage, even if they have absorbed some wild beasts, will still be greatly suppressed by the wild beasts. If they compete with the Barbarian Race, they will still suffer a lot.

“Is Barbarian Race in motion? Was it noticed?”

A Ruler Supreme brows slightly wrinkle.

“No, it shouldn’t!” Bai Di shook the head. “If you find it, I’m afraid the contestant of death is more than that.

“Well, what Baidi said!”

The 10000 array emperor was nodded, opened the mouth and said: “From the feedback from the empire array tower, the Barbarian Race should not have noticed anything, I’m afraid it just sent some soldiers to conduct detection and the like!”

This is what the White Emperor and the 10000 Great Emperor said, and other Ruler Supreme was relieved.

Also, if the Barbarian Race really noticed something, then I’m afraid it would have sent an army to kill those contestants.

I’m afraid it’s really just an investigation. After all, the number of Antiquity Saint Domain this time sent into the brutal beast is very large, and it is impossible to not attract the attention of the Barbarian Race.

However, this is also one of the plans.

When the Barbarian Race was attracted by these huge numbers of invaders, it was not easy to find out what they were trying to do in secret.

Even if it was discovered at least, it is already too late!

However, these Ruler Supremes are not clear that something is happening in the brutal world at this moment, beyond their expectations, and even have some impact on their entire plan.

In their opinion, Qin Shaofeng was the first to kill the Barbarian Race among all contestants in the brutal beast.

In fact, this is not the case.

And at this moment, a barbarian race tribe in the brutal world is staged a terrible massacre!

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