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Chapter 1348: He’s Here To Make Trouble

Warranty divine runes are fresh divine runes, which are used to keep some items fresh. They are usually used on ingredients.

Although there is no need to eat as long as you enter World Seven Realms, it is even more so after entering Ruler.

In fact, there are still places like restaurant in Antiquity Saint Domain, and there are quite a lot of Antiquity Saint Domain restaurants.

Of course, these restaurant flavours are not simply food and drink.

The wine is definitely a rare wine!

The top grade medicinal herb is topped with numerous precious heavenly materials earthly treasures.

This kind of wine is not only a peerless dish, but also helpful for cultivation.

The dishes are absolutely peerless!

There are a lot of Ominous Beasts, Monster Beasts, and rare beasts. As long as the price is sufficient, there are everything you want to eat.

Even Divine Beast!

However, it is precisely because of this situation that it is important to keep the freshness of the ingredients.

Although the Monster Beast of World Seven Realms, or other beasts, after being killed, the physical body can be kept for a long time without decay.

But freshness is hard to keep.

At this time, it is different if there is a warranty divine runes.

Because once you describe the warranty runes, you can maintain the freshness and completely immobilize the freshness of a Monster Beast after death.

Even if it is ordinary chicken, duck, and fish, if it is loaded with the items that describe the warranty runes for divination, even if it is placed for 1000 800 years, it will be the same as the one just slaughtered.

But the warranty divine runes is just such a function, at most it is used to keep the freshness of the ingredients and fruits.

The warranty divine runes are injected into the ethereal divine runes, then the ethereal divine runes in the Divine runes of the No Attribute space itself will be transformed into the warranty divine runes by injecting the warranty divine runes.

Well, we still guarantee the divine runes, but with the special space ability of the ethereal divine runes, we can upgrade the level.

Warranty divine runes is among the 1 Star divine runes, and even the simplest of all divine runes.

Even the formation mark of some simple array veined pattern is easier to describe than the warranty divine runes.

And as long as the strength possessed by within the body is sufficient, even people in the World Lord can barely portray this guaranteed divine runes.

This is also one of the few special divine runes that can be portrayed without Power of Laws.

Usually keeping freshness, a warranty divine runes is enough.

A storage ring characterizes a warranty divide runes, which can keep a lot of items fresh.

However, in some restaurants, when dealing with some bulky ingredients, the storage ring is not suitable for anything.

In order to ensure that the freshness of the ingredients does not decrease during the processing, at this time, a warranty divine runes array needs to be arranged.

Well, it’s an array laid out with warranty divine runes.

This array is very simple. It can be successfully arranged with 3 or more warranty divine runes according to a certain array orientation.

You don’t need the maintenance of Power of Laws, and you don’t need to consume any Divine Consciousness. That’s it.

At this point, anyone who knows how to arrange arrays can arrange this warranty divine runes array without a cultivation base.

However, the warranty divine runes array laid out in this way does not increase any freshness ability, it just expands the scope of freshness that’s all.

In fact, a 1 Star warranty divine runes is enough to keep any ingredients fresh, there is no need to level the warranty divine runes to 2 Star.

Of course, it is estimated that no one will be bored to go to the Divine Runes leveled to 2 Star level warranty.

The reason is simple, regardless of the 1 Star, 2 Star, or 3 Star Warranty Divine Runes, the effect is the same to keep it fresh.

And the warranty divine runes is also one of the only special divine runes that formidable power does not seem to improve.

A long time ago, there were rumors that a certain Divine Runes Master felt that the Divine Runes Warranty must have the ability to stand out from the masses. As long as it is leveled up, it will definitely appear.

For this reason, the Divine Runes Master spent 10000 hours to study the improvement method of warranty Divine Runes.

Unfortunately, in the end, he researched the warranty divine runes to improve the 6 Star level, and did not develop the so-called to stand out from the masses ability of the warranty divine runes.

Because even if it is a leveled to 6 Star-level warranty run, its ability is still the same as 1 Star, there is no change at all.

In the end, the divine runes Master was hit hard by this matter, and eventually it was depressed.

Since then, no one has studied warranty runes.

That perfection is in vain, not necessary.

Qin Shaofeng now seems to be upgrading the warranty divine runes, and then arranging the warranty divine runes array.

And Qin Shaofeng’s speed is still very fast. Warranty divine runes are very simple to describe. With Qin Shaofeng’s ability, you only need to tick your finger gently, and a warranty divine runes is drawn.

Even within a second, Qin Shaofeng was able to characterize 100 warranty divine runes at once.

Especially now that he is still in the state of God’s recovery, the speed is even faster.

A few thousand to one thousand on a second can be done.

Therefore, it didn’t take long for the three ethereal divide runes in front of Qin Shaofeng to be leveled to 3 4 Star.

Well, 4 5 Star-level warranty divine runes!

Seeing this situation, people finally became convinced that Qin Shaofeng was really fucking planning to arrange a warranty divine runes array.

7 Star-level warranty divide runes array?

Uh, this looks like it can be arranged!

The warranty runes array layout is very simple, but does not require a certain cultivation base, or even consumes its own Power of Laws and Divine Consciousness.

Just put it out.

And the warranty divine runes array is the same temperament as the warranty divine runes.

The 1 Star Warranty Divine Runes Array is exactly the same as the 6 Star Warranty Divine Runes Array.

At most, the scope will be expanded, but under such conditions, if you add more 1 Star warranty divine runes, you can still do it.

Therefore, in order to expand the coverage of the warranty divide runes array, no one will arrange a 2 Star-level warranty divide runes array, let alone a 5 Star-level, 6 Star-level warranty divide runes array.

But the current situation is that this array of 2nd Stage competition does not have any requirements for array of arrays!

This means that a 7 Star-level warranty divide runes array is also acceptable.

So, after two minutes, Qin Shaofeng passed a 3 star Star Warranty Divine Runes great array with 7 7 Star Star Warranty Divine Runes.

Qin Shaofeng passed the 2nd Stage competition!

Really passed!

This made countless people look completely shocked!

“My grass, is this OK?”

“How dying? This is also a 7 Star level array! Although it is only a warranty divine runes array …”

“I’m crying. Is there such a simple way to pass?”

“This fucking is so weird, didn’t expect the warranty run divine runes also has such a big effect!”

“Well, after going back, I will study this array of warranty divine runes, because after learning, I will be able to crush countless people who have been eliminated in the 1st Stage of the array!”

“Hahaha, that’s a good idea, you can have it!”

Countless people talk about it, and most of the contestants who were eliminated in the 1st stage are crying.

Because they suddenly found out that the competition in the 2nd Stage was more than 1 times simpler than the competition in the 100st Stage.

With the warranty divine runes array, this 2nd stage fucking is just a joke, OK?

It seemed to confirm that the inner crying contestant was so common that a voice suddenly appeared among the crowd.

“I suddenly have a hunch now, and soon something bad will happen!”

“I also have such a hunch. I think that through this contest of the 1 contestants of the 1800st Stage, it is estimated that 1000 5 6 contestants will pass the competition of the 2nd Stage!”

“Oh, I think these 1800 contestants will all pass!”

“Haha, in the face of such results, I said that I was about to laugh and cry!”

“This Qin Shaofeng is really here to make troubles. He won all the Domain champions without saying, but now he still puts out the same way of cheating. I think the competition of this time is probably going to be yellow.”

“Hehe, I want to know now, what do those referees think!”

“Hahaha, so to speak, I thought of it too!”




Very ugly!

In this brief moment, after watching Qin Shaofeng easily pass this Rank 1 segment competition, all referee’s faces are very ugly.

At this moment, they all hated Qin Shaofeng.

Fucking, this Qin Shaofeng is here to make trouble?

Let him use this warranty divine runes for a whole, can this competition continue?

These referees who set up competitions are worried now.

Because they all remembered, Qin Shaofeng could pass this 2nd Stage competition with this warranty divine runes, so why not others?

And how easy it is to pass, didn’t expect, it also appears that’s all.

It has already appeared. If no one is selected, it is estimated that there is something wrong with the brain.

After all, the Divine Runes Master originally published the results of the research on the warranty Divine Runes.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the divine runes can now describe the 6-star warranty divine runes.

Of course, this so-called 6 Star warranty divine runes is not directly described, but is a fusion of a large number of 1 Star warranty divine runes.

And because there is no difference between the 6 Star Warranty Divine Runes and the 1 Star Warranty Divine Runes, such a fusion is at most a star upgrade.

Therefore, this warranty divine runes fusion upgrades the star rating, and it is much less than the other divine runes fusion upgrades.

However, such a warranty does not run very much.

But now it’s different!

With Qin Shaofeng as a stark example, how could anyone not follow suit?

Although in this ability domain, only the contestant with the top 10 and the top 1 can have a generous reward.

As a matter of fact, as long as you participate in any contestant of the competition, even if you get a little bit of achievement, you can get some rewards.

Although the rewards are not many, for many contestants, they are all very good rewards.

And even more so in the last five competitions.

The rewards of the 1st Stage competition and the 2nd Stage competition are all different rewards. Even in comparison, the later the reward, the richer it will be.

Now the competition of the 2nd Stage can pass in such a simple way, and then can get more generous rewards.

That is certainly not to be missed, especially for those contestants who have failed to pass.

Then, as referee and everyone expected, the contestant on the field began to arrange warranty runes.

Even some contestants that have been arranged to the array and are about to be completed have also dispersed the arranged array, and then began to characterize the warranty divide runes, and are ready to start the warranty divide runes array.

Then, it didn’t take long for each and everyone contestant to pass.

The appearance of this scene has also made those referees more convinced of the thoughts in their hearts.

Then Qin Shaofeng is here to make trouble!

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