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Chapter 1347: What Is He Doing?


Did he actually arrange a ten yuan 2 array?

Everyone was shocked to see Qin Shaofeng on the arena, who really successfully arranged the one yuan ten 2 array.

Ruler Supremes were collectively silent in this brief moment.

However, the most exciting thing is Ling Young Master.

“Impossible, this is impossible, how could this Qin Shaofeng arrange a ten yuan 2 array? Is this impossible?”

The mouth is impossible, Ling Young Master’s eyes are full of disbelief.

That’s 2 yuan for 1 yuan!

But even some Supreme Rulers that reach the title of Realm are not necessarily arrays!

But now it is arranged by this Qin Shaofeng?

How can this be?

He Qin Shaofeng is the cultivation base of the First Step in the Ruler realm. How can it be possible to arrange such a powerful array?

Although the ten yuan 2 yuan array is a 7 Star array on the level, the formidable power of the array is definitely more powerful than some powerful 8 Star arrays.

And there is a 2 star level array of ten yuan and two yuan arrays, which are no longer afraid of some Supreme Ruler titles.

Even when used properly, even the Supreme Ruler of the Emperor’s title Realm can feel tricky when it is not fully prepared.

This is already equivalent to the current Qin Shaofeng, with the strength of the Realm powerhouse against the title of general emperor.

But Taling Young Master is now just a 9th Layer Supreme Ruler that’s all, which is not far from Realm, the title of Emperor.

Isn’t that better than Qin Shaofeng in terms of strength?

Faced with such a situation, the thing that Ling Young Master cannot accept.

Because according to this situation, the subsequent Strength Domain competes, as long as Qin Shaofeng comes out with this yuan ten 2 array, he simply has no way to respond.

One yuan and ten yuan are very strong. If it is on the strength domain, Qin Shaofeng takes out such an array, and the Spirit Young Master is simply incomparable.

So, in this brief moment, Ling Young Master was in a hurry.

“No, in the subsequent strength of the Domain Domain competition, you do n’t want to be in the same competition. Divine Consciousness will not be suppressed by Nirvana. When the time comes, whether it is the cultivation base or Divine Consciousness Realm, it will be suppressed at Nirvana Realm Peak.”

Suddenly, thinking of this, Ling Young Master’s mind was slightly sighed in relief.

But soon, his face changed dramatically.

“Not right, even though Qin Shaofeng could not arrange a ten yuan and ten arrays at that time, his ability, even if it is a yuan Nine Palace Array, even a yuan Eight Trigrams Array is very tricky!”

Divine Consciousness suppressed at Nirvana Realm Peak?

However, in the previous Divine Consciousness Domain competition, Qin Shaofeng also broke out the Divine Consciousness of the Supreme Ruler Realm. Such Divine Consciousness is not yet the limit of the other party.

Judging from the current situation where Qin Shaofeng can arrange a yuan and ten yuan array, Ling Young Master took it for granted that even if Divine Consciousness Realm is suppressed, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng can also arrange a yuan Eight Trigrams Array and a yuan Nine Palace Array .

Unary Nine Palace Array For the time being, even if it is a unary Eight Trigrams Array, as long as it is just a few, it is enough to make him headache.

Why the hell is this?

Ling Young Master was extremely angry, and his face was a little frowning.

In this brief moment, he felt incomparable threats.

Not only the Spirit Young Master, but also other contestants.

However, next moment, including the Spiritual Young Master, everyone was sighed in relief.

Because in this brief moment, that is, after Qin Shaofeng successfully arranged the 2 yuan 2 array, that is, so eleven-twelve breath time, Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to disperse the 1 yuan 1 array.

“Scattered … dispersed?”

Seeing this scene, the Ling Young Master was a little surprised, and then there was a ecstasy in his heart.

“Hahaha, dispersed, this Qin Shaofeng actually scattered one yuan and ten yuan!”

Taking the initiative to disperse the ten yuan and two yuan arrays, in the view of Ling Young Master, there is only one possibility, that is, Qin Shaofeng can’t persist.

Although it was able to successfully arrange the one yuan ten yuan array, Qin Shaofeng was unable to maintain it, which clearly shows that the opponent’s Divine Consciousness did not completely meet the requirements of the one yuan ten yuan array.

“Haha, it seems that the Divine Consciousness of Qin Shaofeng is not as strong as I thought!”

The spirit of Young Master’s laughing heartily was not only relaxed, but also extremely happy.

Because of this, I am afraid that after the competition in the Strength Domain, Divine Consciousness Realm is suppressed to Nirvana Realm Peak Realm, the Divine Consciousness owned by Qin Shaofeng may not be very powerful.

This means that Qin Shaofeng can’t arrange a one yuan Nine Palace Array at all, even if it is even a one yuan Eight Trigrams Array, it is a bit reluctant.

In this way, his master Young Master can rest assured.

Oh, without the array, why would you Qin Shaofeng fight with me?

Ling Young Master sneered.

But he and most of them didn’t know that Qin Shaofeng simply couldn’t hold on at this moment.

And in fact, if it is really on the competition of strength domain, Qin Shaofeng can really arrange the one yuan Eight Trigrams Array, the one yuan Nine Palace Array and even the one yuan ten 2 arrays, which can be arranged one after another.

Although this ten yuan 2 array, Qin Shaofeng needs to rely on the ability of God’s recovery to successfully arrange it.

However, there is a ten-for-two battle, Qin Shaofeng can completely crush all opponents.

And it is also the state of the recovery of the gods. Qin Shaofeng is not able to maintain a one-ten ten-strike array. If he thinks it, Qin Shaofeng can maintain 2 minutes.

However, in the 2nd Stage competition, the arrays of 1 Star to 7 Star level need to be arranged, but they need to be maintained for 15 minutes.

However, once there is no resurrection of God, Qin Shaofeng simply cannot maintain the ten yuan and twenty-two formations, and even if it can be barely maintained.

But Qin Shaofeng’s current Fiendgod status can’t be maintained anymore, because the remaining time of Qin Shaofeng Fiendgod status is less than 15 minutes, and even 7.5 minutes is gone.

Qin Shaofeng was able to maintain this yuan ten array for 2 minutes, but it was unable to maintain 3 minutes for 15 minutes.

Therefore, it is obviously an unrealistic thing to complete the final request of Rank 2 with a 1 yuan array and then pass the Rank 1 competition.

In this case, it would be better to actively disperse the 2 yuan arrays of one yuan and pass the competition of the Rank 7 segment as other 1 Star-level arrays.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also has a way to deal with this Rank 1 segment competition.

And this is still before, Qin Shaofeng saw the single thought head appearing in his head when the Young Master was less than 100 spirit great array.

This is not to say that Qin Shaofeng also intends to arrange a 100-spirit great array.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng’s own situation, the symbol does not meet the layout requirements of the unique 100-spirit great array of the Spirit Race, even if it meets such requirements, Qin Shaofeng does not know how to arrange the 100-spirit great array!

The 100 spirit great array is a special special array unique to Spirit Race, and it is only in the hands of a few Spirit Race disciple and powerhouse. Even Bai Lao does not know. The layout method of the Spirit Race 100 spirit great array is naturally more Qin Shaofeng. Not understood.

However, because the Spirit Young Master combines the origin of the movement technique, the 100 spirit great array is arranged, and even a 100 spirit great array is used to gradually improve the star rating. Eventually, this Rank 1 segment competition is passed. In Qin Shaofeng’s mind, there was a single thought head.

Then, in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng immediately depicts divide runes after dissipating ten yuan for 2 yuan.

And at this time, the divine runes portrayed by Qin Shaofeng are ethereal divine runes.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lao finally sighed in relief in his heart.

Although Qin Shaofeng did not maintain the ten yuan and ten yuan array, he did not pass the competition of Rank 2 thoroughly, which made Bai Lao’s heart a bit regrettable.

But Qin Shaofeng can arrange to eat 2 yuan for 1 yuan, even if it can not be maintained for a long time, this is enough to make Bai Lao proud.

His white emperor’s disciple is really not simple!

But then again, now Qin Shaofeng still hasn’t passed the competition for Rank 1. This makes Bai Lao a little worried.

But after seeing Qin Shaofeng arranging ethereal divide runes, Bai Lao’s heart was completely relieved.

“Hu, this brat has finally been discovered! What else needs to be considered at this time competition, directly portray the ethereal divide runes and then arrange the array, and you can easily pass the competition!”

Bai Lao smiled, slightly nodded.

In Bai Lao’s opinion, with the ethereal divine runes that he created, the kind that can be incorporated into other divine runes and then enhance his own characteristics, this can completely arrange a 7 Star-level array!

For example, the simplest Five Elements array can be arranged from one to 7 Star level.

You can directly describe 5 ethereal divide runes, and then inject Power, Laws, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.

In this way, the 5 ethereal divide runes will present 5 independent Five Elements Attributes, and then the Five Elements array will be used to lay out the Five Elements array, and then the Power of Laws will be injected into the 5 attribute ethereal divide runes. .

In this way, with the increase of the Power of Laws injection, the ethereal divide runes of the 5 attributes are gradually strengthened, which can fully reach the level of the 1 Star-level array finally required for this Rank 7.

This will pass the competition of Rank 1!

This is a few times faster than the 100 Spirit Great Array of Spirit Young Master!

And even if you don’t choose Five Elements array, you choose to arrange other arrays with ethereal divide runes.

It’s all because there are more ethereal divide runes required to arrange the array, but it’s a bit more time that’s all.

But in general, this is the most effective and convenient way.

In fact, at this point, it’s not just Bai Lao who thought that at first those Ruler Supremes also thought that Qin Shaofeng would portray ethereal divine runes.

Therefore, before Qin Shaofeng did not portray ethereal divide runes, Bai Lao and those Ruler Supremes were somewhat surprised.

However, now that Qin Shaofeng has begun laying out ethereal divide runes, these Ruler Supremes are clear.

The competition of Rank 1 may not stop Qin Shaofeng’s footsteps.

But next moment, a scene that made them dumbfounded.

Because Qin Shaofeng on the arena, he simply portrayed 3 ethereal divine runes.

Then, Qin Shaofeng actually arranged the array with these three ethereal divide runes.

Can 3 divine runes lay out a 7 Star array?

Is there such a simple 7 Star level array?

These Ruler Supremes can’t think of it, there is such a simple 7 Star level array.

But at the next moment, they finally knew what array Qin Shaofeng was going to lay out.

Because after depicting the 3 ethereal divine runes, Qin Shaofeng began to characterize the divine runes and injecting them into the 3 ethereal divine runes.

It can be seen that the divine runes portrayed by Qin Shaofeng are not only all the people present, but even those Ruler Supreme are stunned.

divine runes 1 Star, name warranty divine runes!

Warranty divine runes?

Well, the name is good, but in fact this warranty divine runes is actually a simple divine runes.

Not only in the Antiquity Saint Domain, but even outside of the Antiquity Saint Domain, this warranty divine runes is a very simple identity.

Even as long as you have the cultivation base of Nirvana Realm, you don’t need Power of Laws, you can characterize this warranty divine runes.

Because this warranty divine runes is actually just keeping fresh divine runes!

Therefore, the warranty divine runes is actually the preservation divine runes, but the preservation divine runes have a bad name, which is called the warranty divine runes.

But now Qin Shaofeng characterizes what these warranty divine runes do?

What does he want to do?

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