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1312 Copy Ability Promotion

In 3 months, a 7 Star-level martial skill cultivation was successfully completed.

This is actually quite amazing.

The competition for this project is compared to the number of levels passed.

Through the contestant with the most levels, it is natural to get 1st place.

If it appears, there are several contestants that have passed ten levels, then the final 1st place can only be speed first.

The first contestant to pass ten levels is 1st place.

According to Qin Shaofeng’s current situation, the Young Master and the others are too many, even many geniuses have surpassed Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, because Qin Shaofeng knows that the more he gets to the next level, the higher the star level of the martial skill, the harder it is to cultivate, the longer it takes, the longer .

Because of this situation, Qin Shaofeng was not very worried because he had Fiendgod replication.

Fiendgod copy can copy any skill. Although the success rate is not high, he has 23 Skill Points.

During this time, Qin Shaofeng has probably figured out the situation of Fiendgod’s replication.

Especially after entering the fifth level card and using Fiendgod to copy those 5 Star-level martial skills, Qin Shaofeng knew more about Fiendgod’s ability to copy.

For 5 Star-level martial skills, Fiendgod’s replication success rate is less than 50%.

Basically, the copy of 5 martial skills failed 3 times. The fifth level card, like the fourth level card, has 100 steles, and has 100 5 Star-level martial skills.

And also on the 5 Star level martial skill, Qin Shaofeng failed for the first time on the same 5 Star level martial skill 2 times!

Using Fiendgod to replicate a success rate of 5 Star level, in addition to the first failure, there is also the possibility of a second failure, although this possibility is not very high.

However, Qin Shaofeng also found out a bit.

That is, after Fiendgod failed to copy the 5 Star level, he did not gain nothing.

Although the copy failed, Qin Shaofeng was able to understand the target of the copy. There are some special circumstances, which should be regarded as the cultivation insight of the target of the copy.

This is equivalent to cultivation on your own, and then cultivation fails, you can get EXP, know where it failed, and then you won’t make the same mistake again.

This is why, for Fiendgod replication, the failure rate of replication fails. When the second replication is performed, the success rate is improved accordingly.

At first Qin Shaofeng also thought that this was because the Fiendgod replication pair had a second replication, and the special enforcement that existed could increase some success rates.

But after failing to replicate a 5 Star level martial skill one time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly found that he had a lot of understanding about this 2 Star level martial skill.

This discovery made Qin Shaofeng feel that even if he did not use Fiendgod to copy, relying on his own understanding of cultivation, a 5-Star level martial skill, it would not take much time for him to realize this martial skill.

This gave Qin Shaofeng an extra guess.

To confirm this guess, Qin Shaofeng will cultivation himself before using Fiendgod to copy those 5 Star-level martial skills.

As a result, something that surprised Qin Shaofeng appeared.

After a little understanding of cultivation, Qin Shaofeng used Fiendgod to replicate these 5 Star-level martial skills, and the success rate that can be copied actually increased.

Before it was still less than 50%, 5 of them would have 3 failures. However, after understanding the cultivation a bit, the success rate can approach 70%, and ten 5 Star levels will have up to 3 replication failures. Happening.

This made Qin Shaofeng fully understand that even if he failed to perform Fiendgod’s copy-to-copy martial skill, it was equivalent to giving him some cultivation EXP.

In this case, even if 3 failures occur, making Fiendgod replication unable to replicate that martial skill, Qin Shaofeng can also cultivate the martial skill by himself.

And such cultivation, but accumulated a lot of EXP on 3 copies, cultivation is much easier than others.

This discovery is another surprise for Qin Shaofeng by Fiendgod’s replication.

But soon Qin Shaofeng found that Fiendgod’s copy brought him a big surprise.

When Qin Shaofeng copied 100 fifth-star martial skills of the fifth level card, a sudden system prompt sounded, making Qin Shaofeng hold it directly.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng Due to the implementation of Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod copy, the number of successful times has reached the Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod copy hidden condition, Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod Copy Ability improved!”

Fiendgod Copy Ability improved?

This system prompt sounded Qin Shaofeng a little, then a surprise flashed in his eyes.

Originally, Fiendgod replication has been very good ~ Fork, now it has improved its ability, isn’t it heaven defying?

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng was excited, and then couldn’t wait for the summoned system interface, went straight to his property interface and started to see Fiendgod copied.

Because Qin Shaofeng wants to know what capabilities have been improved after Fiendgod Copy Ability is improved.

As a result of this review, Qin Shaofeng was confused again.

Fiendgod Copy: One of the exclusive skills of the Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod, the special Dojutsu Skill. After awakening this skill, you can forcibly copy any skill (cultivation technique). The success rate depends on the level of the copy skill (cultivation technique). The lower the level, the higher the success rate. The higher the level, the lower the success rate!

(Please Note: Fiendgod can use Skill Point to increase its success rate!)

This attribute …

Nothing changed at all!

After watching it over and over again, Qin Shaofeng suddenly became confused.

“What’s the matter? It’s not a system prompt. My Fiendgod’s replication ability has improved. Why is there no change in attributes?” Qin Shaofeng couldn’t understand.

If it wasn’t for the system prompt, it is still clearly displayed on the system interface, and Qin Shaofeng would think that he had just heard a hallucination.

“Since there is a system upgrade, then it should be right! My Fiendgod replication ability has definitely improved, but why is the attribute still the same as before, or even the slightest change?”

At this time, Qin Shaofeng just came to one of the last few steles on the fifth level card, and then subconsciously directed a Fiendgod copy to the 5 Star-level martial skill on the stele.

Then, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that the enhancement of Fiendgod’s replication ability at this time was exactly leveled to, and what improved.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng performed Fiendgod successfully. The current copy target is 5 Star-level martial skill ‘Fire to Burn the City’, and the success rate is 73.12%! Use 1 Skill Point to set the success rate to 100%. Does Player Qin Shaofeng use Skill Point to increase the replication success rate? “


at last!

After this system prompt sounded, the long list of content finally made Qin Shaofeng understand that his ability to copy Fiendgod really improved.

And this time improved, there are still such detailed comments!

However, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that his copy of the Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod is a copy of the 5 Star-level martial skill ‘fire sea’, and the success rate of the copy actually reached 73.12%.

It should be known that Qin Shaofeng did not understand cultivation and failed to copy this ‘fire sea’. It was the first time he had faced it.

According to the previous situation, the success rate is less than 50%.

But now it’s over 70%!

Obviously, even if the annotations are detailed, even the success rate of Fiendgod’s replication will be increased accordingly.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng!

Of course, although the system prompt is already clear, Qin Shaofeng has immediately chosen to deny the use of Skill Point.

But even so, at a success rate of up to 73.12%, this time was completely successful without exception.

And then, when copying the last few 5 Star levels, Qin Shaofeng failed once, and then Qin Shaofeng discovered that for the 5 Star level martial skills that failed once, Fiendgod copied the second time, then The success rate actually reached 2%!

This can already be regarded as a 100% success rate!

This made Qin Shaofeng eagerly want to know, with Fiendgod’s current copy of 6 Star-level martial skills, how many successful copy success rates it has.

Not long after, Qin Shaofeng finally copied all the 5 Star-level martial skills.

Then, without stopping, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the sixth level card.

By this time, Qin Shaofeng had been staying at the fifth level for almost 2 months.

At this time, the Heaven’s Chosen contestants who stayed at the seventh level card, finally someone passed this level card.

And the first to enter the contestant of the eighth level card through the seventh level card, not someone else its Ling Young Master.

Qin Shaofeng can know these things if he wants to know them.

Because in order to stimulate the contestant on the field, under each stone monument, there will be a ranking, which can always show the current top 10 contestant progress at the moment.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t pay much attention to this, especially after he improved Fiendgod Copy Ability now.


“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng performed Fiendgod successfully. The current copy target is 6 Star-level martial skill ‘ghost shadow magic claw’, and the success rate is 51.47%! Use 3 Skill Points to level the success rate to 100%! Does Player Qin Shaofeng use Skill Point to increase the replication success rate? “


Seeing Fiendgod’s replication success rate of 6 Star-level martial skills, Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned: “Are you only half successful? And you need to add 3 Skill Points to level the success rate to 100%?”

“However, this comparison with before is pretty good, and the success rate of 51.74% is not low.”

Slightly smiled, Qin Shaofeng once again denied using Skill Point to improve the success rate of replication.

But next moment, a system prompt sounded, making Qin Shaofeng’s mouth twitch slightly.

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”


“Damn, it ’s not good to start! The first 6 Star martial skill failed?”

Qin Shaofeng shook the head with a bitter smile, but didn’t care much to go to the next stone monument.

There are still 100 steles for the sixth level card, and the one with one is a martial skill.

From the first to the 6 Star level, and even the later 7 Star level are martial skills.

Only at this moment is the eighth level cultivation technique on the stele in the eighth level card where the Young Master is located.

In fact, the competition for this item is not the case.

The content at first competition is the first second level card, which is a 1 Star and 2 Star level martial skill, and the third level card is a 3 Star level cultivation technique.

Then, the 4th fifth level card is also a 4 Star level and 5 Star level martial skill, and the sixth level card where Qin Shaofeng is now is a 6 Star level cultivation technique.

But now there is no change except the number. The cultivation techniques of the third and sixth level cards have been cancelled and replaced with martial skills.

Of course, only such referees and Ruler Supreme are aware of such changes. Neither the contestant like Qin Shaofeng nor the audience outside the stadium knows it, and thought it was the case!

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