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Chapter 1311: fifth level card

too fast!

Feeling the past, Qin Shaofeng himself was startled.

5 6 hours successfully cultivation 990 1 Star martial skills, this speed is too fast.

After waking up, Qin Shaofeng also felt that this was not appropriate.

Because of this speed, it is too abnormal!

Fortunately, fortunately, this is just a 1 star martial skill. Even if it is so fast, it can fill the past with a high level of perception.

Fortunately, my last competition created the “Fiendgod Collection” and won 1st place, so I can barely make sense.

However, Qin Shaofeng also remembered that in the next words, don’t do this.

Low-key! Low-key! Low-key!

Qin Shaofeng whispered secretly in his heart, because he finally entered the second level card.

In fact, at this time, many people have already entered the second level card.

Even geniuses like Ling Young Master have entered the 3rd and 4th levels.

For Heaven’s Chosen geniuses like Spirit Young Master, martial skills below 4 Star level, simply is a pediatric time.

1 Star martial skill’s first level card, Ling Young Master and the others only have 7.5 minutes of time, they have successfully cultivated.

And they just cultivated a 1 Star martial skill, unlike Qin Shaofeng, they cultivated 990 1 Star martial skills.

In this way, they are naturally far ahead of others.

After entering the second level card, the stele here still has 999 pieces like the previous first level card, and also the 2 Star level martial skill of the second level card, also has 990 pieces.

Qin Shaofeng naturally also wants to use these 2 Star-level martial skills to the best of his cultivation success.

The only thing that worries Qin Shaofeng is that the success rate of his Fiendgod replication to 2 Star-level forced replication will be 100%.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng is very assured. The 2 Star-level martial skill is a copy of Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod, which is also a very simple martial skill.

The success rate is still 100%!

However, at this time Qin Shaofeng noticed that there was no crazy fast copy like the first level card.

That was so eye-catching, Qin Shaofeng not at all planned to do that.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng only had 3 days to pass this second level.

At this time, those who pass the customs quickly, such as Spirit Young Master and other Heaven’s Chosen contestants, have now entered the seventh level.

The third level card’s martial skill stele also exists in 999. Qin Shaofeng still enters among the 999, which is a special one, with 990 3 Star-level martial skills.

After reaching my 3 Star level martial skill, Qin Shaofeng finally found out that the success rate of Fiendgod’s copy was not 100%.

When Qin Shaofeng copied Fiendgod to the 3th 3 Star-level martial skill, a sudden system prompt sounded Qin Shaofeng’s heart full of surprises.

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”


This system prompt made Qin Shaofeng startled for a moment, never thinking that this would happen.

After all, Qin Shaofeng has successfully copied the 2 3 Star-level martial skills. He also subconsciously believed that Fiendgod copied the 3 Star-level martial skills, and the replication success rate is also 100%.

But now Qin Shaofeng let Qin Shaofeng understand that Fiendgod’s replication success rate for 3 Star-level martial skills is not 100% because it has already failed.

“It actually failed. It seems that the success rate of 100% is interrupted here in the 3 Star level martial skill!”

Shook the head lightly, but Qin Shaofeng didn’t care, after paused, he subconsciously performed Fiendgod again to copy it.

Failed once, then you can’t do it again!

But next moment, another system prompt came, making Qin Shaofeng hold back.

“System Prompt: Fiendgod failed to replicate!”


Show failure?

What is the situation?

Qin Shaofeng was a little dazed, but soon he got the answer from system.

It turns out that although Fiendgod replication can forcibly copy any skill, once the replication fails, it is impossible to replicate the cultivation technique of the replication failure in a short time.

This needs to wait for a period of time, it can be regarded as the skill of the replication failure, corresponding to the cooling time!

Of course, this cooldown will depend on the skill level of the replication failure. The higher the level, the longer it takes to cool down.

For 3 Star level, just one hour of cooldown is enough.

And this cooldown, even Time Flow Speed ​​in the arena, is also possible.

However, Qin Shaofeng also noticed.

No matter what martial skill and cultivation skill, once Fiendgod replication failed 3 times, then he can no longer replicate this skill with Fiendgod replication.

Except for Qin Shaofeng’s own cultivation, otherwise, it is impossible to obtain this skill.

Of course, there is another situation that can change this, and that is to use Skill Point to erase the number of failures.

At this moment Qin Shaofeng is facing this 3 Star-level martial skill. He can use a little Skill Point to erase the previous failure. It has not failed, and the cooldown will be eliminated directly.

But it’s just a 3 Star level martial skill. For Qin Shaofeng, simply doesn’t have that value.

After all, in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, 1 Skill Point is very precious.

No way, Qin Shaofeng had to wait for an hour to pass.

After an hour in the arena, Qin Shaofeng cast Fiendgod again to replicate.

This time, no exceptions, replication was successful.

This situation also made Qin Shaofeng mind sighed in relief, because it seems that the success rate of Fiendgod’s copy of 3 Star-level martial skills, even if it is not 100%, is absolutely high.

The next time, Qin Shaofeng figured out the success rate.

Fiendgod’s replication success rate for 3 Star-level martial skills should be around 95%.

Because in copying 100 3 Star-level martial skills, Qin Shaofeng failed 4 or 5 times.

And basically, after the second copy after the failure, the direct copy succeeded.

This also made Qin Shaofeng guess that although there is a failure rate for Fiendgod replication, after one failure, the success rate will be improved to a certain extent during the second replication.

This is the result of Qin Shaofeng’s groping out of 990 3 Star-level martial skills.

Although this situation took Qin Shaofeng to spend a month, but this is not without gain.

Then, this level card Qin Shaofeng also passed.

When it comes to the fourth level card, this appears to be a 4 Star level martial skill.

Even in the Antiquity Saint Domain, the 4-Star martial skill is already a very powerful martial skill.

Even for a 4 Star-level martial skill, only when the cultivation base reaches the Ruler level can it exert its true formidable power.

And with this level of martial skill, it is naturally impossible to have 990 that many again.

But even if there are no 990 steles available at this fourth level card, they have a full 100.

However, there are no steles that can show all the martial skills of all fourth level cards. Each stele only records a 100-Star martial skill.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to only stay under one stone monument. If Qin Shaofeng wants to learn all 4 Star-level martial skills, he will only have to walk through these 100 stone monuments.

However, this also has the advantage that when there is no stone tablet, Qin Shaofeng can completely copy the 4 Star-level martial skills on the stone tablet without anyone knowing, without alarming anyone.

In this way, no one except Qin Shaofeng knows how many martial skills he has cultivated.

Fiendgod’s replication success rate for 3 Star-level martial skills is about 95%.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng knows that Fiendgod’s replication success rate for 4 Star-level martial skills is definitely not more than 95%.

Qin Shaofeng was already prepared, but when the first 4 Star-level martial skill failed to copy, it was beyond Qin Shaofeng’s expectations.

Because this is only the third 3 Star level skill, replication failed.

This success rate surprised Qin Shaofeng.

However, this time is okay, the copy fails, and Qin Shaofeng does not stop and heads directly to the next stele.

Because this time cannot be held on a stele, there is only a 4 Star skill in a stele. If this fails, go to the next stele.

Fortunately, the distance between these 100 steles is not too far. With Qin Shaofeng’s strength, it only takes 3 minutes to get through.

This is faster than staying in place and waiting for Fiendgod’s replication to cool down in the event of replication failure.

After reaching the next stone monument, Qin Shaofeng immediately performed the Fiendgod reproduction.

This time did not fail, and soon Qin Shaofeng figured it out, Fiendgod replication had a success rate of 4 Star level replication.

It is not as high as 3% at 95 Star level, but fails once when it is not as low as 3 replications.



This is the success rate of Fiendgod replication to 4 Star level replication, and after each replication failure, Fiendgod replication has a cooldown on it, which adds a lot, a full day.

After finding that cooldown has grown, Qin Shaofeng eyebrows is slightly frowned.

Because in this way, once the subsequent star-level martial skill fails to copy, I am afraid it will exist for a longer time.

“It seems that for later levels, maybe I should not continue to copy all the martial skills!”

be that as it may, but Qin Shaofeng ended up in this fourth level card. After staying for almost a month, all 4 Star-level cultivation techniques were copied.

At this time, the Young Master and the others have not yet passed the seventh level, that is, in the past month, no one successfully cultivated the 7 Star-level martial skill of the seventh level card.

This is natural.

The martial skill is a step from the 4 Star level, and the 4 Star to 6 Star levels are regarded as the cultivating martial skill by the First Step Realm in the Ruler realm.

At 7 Star level, it is the cultivating martial skill of Supreme Ruler.

Although this competition does not allow all contestants to master these martial skills thoroughly, as long as the cultivation is successful, then the cultivating martial skill is used to attack the stele once.

Then, as long as you get the approval of the stele, you can go to the next level.

But the problem is that even if the 7 Star level is only successful in cultivation, it is absolutely not simple.

If you want to succeed in a 2-star martial skill cultivation in one month, that would be too much fun.

Such innate talent, even if it is the Spirit Young Master this evildoer Heaven’s Chosen, I am afraid it is impossible.

Otherwise, the competition for this project will not give 100 years.

However, with the understanding of Ling Young Master and the others, although one month’s time is unlikely, it can take up to 3 months to successfully cultivate 7 Star-level martial skills.

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