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Chapter 1309: Too Simple

The perception domain has 2 competitions. The competition for the first project is now over.

But the competition for the second item, but it is about to start.

And this second project competition, Qin Shaofeng also wants to win the championship, so keep more Skill Points on his body, but it is well prepared.

Because the next savvy domain competition, but understand the competition of martial skill and cultivation technique.

In this project competition, an array space will appear on the field.

In this array space, there will be a circle of rings, each of which is composed of some steles, and these steles are a martial skill, even a cultivation technique.

Only through these steles can we reach the next stele and eventually enter the center.

How to pass through these steles is actually very simple.

Because these times, there are some martial skills and cultivation techniques. As long as the martial skills and cultivation techniques on the stele are successfully cultivated, you can pass these steles.

It can be said that speaking of which is simple, but if it is really done, then it will be difficult.

Whether it is a martial skill or a cultivation technique, cultivation is not a simple matter and it takes a certain amount of time.

Similarly, the second competition of this time also has 2 years of Time Acceleration in the arena.

However, from the outermost ring stone to the inner stone, there are ten, which are regarded as ten levels.

In other words, in order to pass the competition of this project, it is necessary to cultivate a total of ten martial skills and cultivation techniques.

For 100 years, more and more people are under pressure.

And the most important thing is that time will not be said for the time being. I am afraid that I can reach the end without sufficient understanding and innate talent, then simply cannot.

Qin Shaofeng has full confidence in himself, but also referee has already said that the martial skills and cultivation techniques prepared for the game field do not exist. Special physique and bloodline are required to cultivate this cultivation technique.

These cultivation techniques are popular cultivation techniques provided by Ruler Supremes, and most importantly, there is not only one martial skill or one cultivation technique in the same level.

It seems to take care of all contestant, the popular cultivation technique on the whole field, whether it is Saint Race cultivate this cultivation technique or Demon Race cultivate this cultivation technique, and all race cultivate this cultivation technique such as Monster Race, there are a lot of numbers.

As long as the contestants choose a martial skill or a cultivation technique, and the cultivation is successful, they can pass.

that many cultivation techniques, the overall selection of the right one can make one’s cultivation successful.

However, in case of 10000, Qin Shaofeng feels that it is better to have a little Skill Point on his body.

Because in the end, he may encounter some tricky martial skills and cultivation techniques, which will make him unable to cultivate successfully in a short time.

Then at this time, he can use special means.

Qin Shaofeng’s special method is to copy the exclusive skill Fiendgod awakened after the eye of Fiendgod is promoted to 4 stars.

Fiendgod Copy: One of the exclusive skills of the Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod, the special Dojutsu Skill. After awakening this skill, you can forcibly copy any skill (cultivation technique). The success rate depends on the level of the copy skill (cultivation technique). The lower the level, the higher the success rate. The higher the level, the lower the success rate!

(Please Note: Fiendgod can use Skill Point to increase its success rate!)

The reason why Qin Shaofeng is confident that he won the 1st place of this project is the existence of Fiendgod’s copy.

This is why the 23 Skill Points were not moved.

Of course, if you can save these Skill Points in the competition of this project, it will be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

However, even if these 23 Skill Points are exhausted, Qin Shaofeng will not be distressed, as long as this project is completed and the competition is finally won in this perception domain, Qin Shaofeng can get Skill Points again. Already.

Because Qin Shaofeng ’s “All-Around Champion” 6th Stage Mission is already open, and as long as he wins the savvy Domain competition, he can complete this “All-Around Champion” 6th Stage Mission.

Then, it is the reward of Skill Point and system Exchange Points again!

All-round champion: Antiquity Saint Domain rising winds, scudding clouds, countless genius evildoer. In such an environment, where can you go?

Shock it! juvenile! Do your best to shine your own rays of light in this all-round competition, crush those countless days and evildoer of Antiquity Saint Domain!

Mission content: This mission is a special trigger mission, which completes the evaluation without stars, and receives different rewards depending on the progress of the mission that the player can finally complete. Each stage of the mission has different rewards, the more rewards the more the stage. Once it fails, this mission ends!

(Note: If Player Qin Shaofeng can complete the mission of all stages of the all-round champion, you can get the mysterious reward prepared by the system.)

Goal progress is 6th Stage opened!

1st Stage: The victory is over! (Completed)

2nd Stage: First Champion! (Completed)

3rd Stage: Keep going! (Completed)

4th Stage: 3 consecutive championships! (Completed)

5th Stage: Ten Firsts! (Completed)

6th Stage: 5 Champions! Compete for 5 consecutive Domains in the all-round competition to win the championship and complete 5 crowns! Reward Skill Point 30, system Exchange Points 300,000, Player Qin Shaofeng within the body Law Core 30 pieces!

7th Stage: Unopened (opened after 6th Stage is completed)


‘5 Champions Dominance’ This is the requirement of the ‘All-Around Champion’ 6th Stage Mission.

And to complete this requirement, it is not difficult for Qin Shaofeng. As long as you capture the 1st place of this competition, it can be completed 100%.

And this time, there are not only 30 Skill Points, but also 300,000 system Exchange Points rewards. There are actually rewards for upgrading the Law Core.

30 Law Core boost rewards, which is also a very good reward for Qin Shaofeng.

Although there are only 30 pieces, if Qin Shaofeng himself is cultivating, then the Power of Laws required for these 30 Law Cores to be lifted up is probably no less than the Power of Laws required for him to increase from 100 Law Core to 700 Law Cores. .

Although from his Master Baidi, Qin Shaofeng understood, this time all-round competition has a lot of rewards, among which are his current several domain champion awards, which is enough to make him cultivate to 1000 Law Core Realm.

However, the rewards for the all-round competition, but it will not be awarded after one after another until the end of the all-round competition.

Now that we can improve some Law Cores in advance, it is also a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Although the increase of Law Core will not increase Divine Demon’s Power, anyway, the more Law Cores, the more Qin Shaofeng will have more Power of Laws, which will be very advantageous in the future strength domain competition.


Competitive Domain Item 2 begins!

Then, for a moment, a large number of contestants poured into it.

As the 1st place of the previous project, Qin Shaofeng has some privileges. After entering the arena, he appeared directly in front of a stone monument.

One stone tablet per person, this is the privilege of Qin Shaofeng!

Precisely, it is the previous nine privileges, one for each exclusive stele, and unlike other contestants, dozens or even thousands of people are crowded in front of a stele.

And there is another difference. At this moment, all contestants entering the field including Qin Shaofeng are just in front of the stone lap on the first lap.

This first circle of steles has 999 pieces!

And among these 999 steles, almost every stele depicts a martial skill, and only Qin Shaofeng’s nine people are very special steles, because these nine steles describe all the martials that appear in the first circle. skill.

However, one thing is the same, these martial skills are just 1 Star martial skills.

‘Brute force finger’, ‘Large capture’, ‘Li Wangquan’ …

In the arena, Qin Shaofeng saw the martial skills one after another in the stele in front of him.

Although these martial skills are only 1 Star, Qin Shaofeng has written down most of the martial skills.

This may be a strenuous task for others, because the martial skill on the stele, the name of the martial skill appearing at first, but there will be an introduction about the martial skill, the specific cultivation method and law must be selected Will not appear until after it is set.

However, once a martial skill is selected, only if the martial skill is successfully cultivated, can the next martial skill be selected. Otherwise, the cultivation of other martial skills will not be possible.

And most importantly, as long as the martial skill displayed on the stele is successfully cultivated, the entrance to the next level will appear on the stele.

If you continue to choose other cultivation martial skills, that entrance will be closed. As long as you successfully cultivate the martial skill on the stele, the entrance will appear again.

In general, it is estimated that no one dares to do so.

Basically, the cultivation was successful, and it was passed directly. Everyone is planning this.

Of course, some contestants are not excluded, in order to obtain more martial skills and cultivation techniques, there is no ambition to compete for the championship, well, as long as there is no such ability.

In such a contestant, they will choose to be at the same level, cultivation with more martial skills and cultivation techniques.

However, at least this situation will not happen now.

Because now is the first level, these martial skills appearing are only 1 Star martial skills.

I’m afraid not many people will waste time on 1 Star’s martial skills.

Although the competition time for this project is 100 years in this arena, whether it is a martial skill or a cultivation technique, it is not easy to cultivating and it takes time.

However, this is not the case for Qin Shaofeng.

Upon entering the arena and seeing these 1 Star martial skills on the stele, Qin Shaofeng felt no pressure in his heart.

Because most of the 1 Star martial skills he has seen are very simple martial skills for him, the success of cultivation is simply not a problem.

And most importantly, it didn’t waste much time on him.

1 Star ‘Brute Force Finger’, this is Qin Shaofeng’s first choice of cultivation martial skill. As a result, he smiled after seeing the cultivation method of ‘Brute Force Finger’.

“Oh, this 1 Star martial skill is really easy! This ‘brute force’ means I can do it in one hour!”

slightly smiled, Qin Shaofeng’s face was confident.

A ‘brute force finger’ only needs one hour. According to this calculation, he can cultivate 20-30 such 1 Star martial skills in a day.

Enough time!

These 1 Star martial skills are too simple!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered it, something that made him even more excited.

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