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Chapter 1308: Ten Points First Completed

It’s only a 7 Star rating, but its effect is unexpectedly good.

And not to mention the shortcomings of the highest realm cultivating, several Ruler Supremes in the field believed that this “Fiendgod Collection” is no less inferior to some 9 Star-level cultivation techniques.

But according to the level of cultivation technique, this “Fiendgod Collection” is really only 7 Star.

So contradictions arise.

With 5 8 Star-level cultivation techniques already, how can it be possible for a 7-Star cultivation technique to win the final championship?

Then, because of different opinions, these Ruler Supremes divided two factions. One is that the “Fiendgod Collection” created by Qin Shaofeng is completely in line with the 2st place results with its effects and capabilities .

The other faction believes that the “Fiendgod Collection” is only a 7 Star cultivation technique. According to this competition, the cultivation technique is not as good as the 5 8 Star cultivation techniques, so it cannot be evaluated as 1st place.

As for Bai Lao, he stayed quietly without a word.

Because Bai Lao knows that in this situation, it is the most correct thing to keep quiet from his standpoint.

Brawl-like discussions continue!

In the end, a person who made Bai Lao very surprised spoke out.

“Well, don’t argue with everyone, don’t you forget, this time we are holding this so-called all-round contest, what is the reason!”

This sudden sound calmed down all the quarreling Ruler Supremes present.

Because of this sudden voice, Jiang Hengtian has the title of Celestial Emperor.

Jiang Hengtian did not have the name Celestial Emperor because of his name.

God, but has a very high representative!

Like the Spirit Race and Gu Family in 3 Saint Race, there are Ruler Supremes with the titles of Spirit Emperor and Ancient Emperor!

These two titles represent the strongest posessor of the two families!

Jiang Family naturally also exists Jiang Di, but in fact the person who can really make the decision is Demon Slaying Clan Jiang Family, but it is Jiang Hengtian who has the good name of Celestial Emperor.

Even the Celestial Emperor, Jiang Hengtian, has been identified as one of the top powerhouses in the Antiquity Saint Domain, even in the top-level house of Ruler Supreme!

No Ruler Supreme dares to ignore the words of Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

As soon as he made a noise, the Ruler Supreme immediately quieted down.

This is enough to prove Jiang Hengtian’s prestige, but also enough to show Jiang Hengtian’s power.

The opening of Jiang Hengtian surprised Bai Lao.

In this way, this sentence seems nothing, but in fact, it is somewhat favored by Qin Shaofeng.

The reason for this time’s all-round competition is exactly why everyone present is very clear.

Bai Lao is also clear, but Bai Lao is more clear. It is very beneficial to say this reason for Qin Shaofeng.

Because the “Fiendgod Collection” created by Qin Shaofeng is the most suitable for the purpose of this time all-round competition.

Therefore, Jiang Hengtian’s sentence is exactly for Qin Shaofeng.

But how is this possible?

Doesn’t this Old Guy admit the existence of that brat?

Bai Lao was puzzled and looked towards Jiang Hengtian’s eyes full of doubt.

Sure enough, after Jiang Hengtian said something like this, the Ruler Supremes present were all quiet immediately, and then all were silent for a moment.


How can they forget the purpose of holding the all-round contest at this time.

However, if it is the purpose of this all-around competition, it seems that Qin Shaofeng should really get 1st place.

After all, Qin Shaofeng’s “Fiendgod Collection” is, in that respect, the best fit for their destination.

In the end, those Ruler Supremes who had previously opposed Qin Shaofeng’s acquisition of a 1st place, were silent at the moment.

Then, no accident, 1st place is indeed.

Qin Shaofeng’s “Fiendgod Collection”!


What, how is this possible?

When referee announced that this competition 1st place belonged, everyone was stunned.

This 1st place is actually a 7 Star-level cultivation technique created by Qin Shaofeng?

Is referee wrong?

How is this possible that Qin Shaofeng can’t make it!

Before Qin Shaofeng’s 7 Star Level cultivation technique, there were still 5 8 Star Level cultivation techniques!

But finally after the referee announced the result again, everyone finally believed it.

Then everyone went crazy.

However, the most crazy person is Ling Young Master.

Wrong, too wrong, how could it be that I didn’t get a 1st place?

Ling Young Master brows tightly knit, puzzled, but he did not refute, because referee only announced the result, and it is the Ruler Supreme who really decides everything.

Since it was ruled by Ruler Supremes, this result cannot be wrong.

Therefore, the Spirit Young Master suppressed the anger in his heart and did nothing.

He is waiting!

He is waiting for the referee to announce the cultivation technique, but he wants to see what kind of 7 Star-level cultivation technique Qin Shaofeng has created, which actually can beat his “Spirit Art”!

People who have such an idea are not only the Ling Young Master, but many people.

Soon after, all the cultivation techniques created by this competition were announced.

At the moment when the cultivation technique was announced, many people’s eyes were the same, all looked towards a certain cultivation technique.

Not the 8 Star-level cultivation technique created by the Young Master and the others, but the 7-Star cultivation technique created by Qin Shaofeng.

The Fiendgod Collection?

When I saw the name of the cultivation technique created by Qin Shaofeng, many people thought of single thought at the same time.

Good arrogant name!

But after everyone saw the cultivation technique of the arrogant name, their eyes were unbelievable.

Can it actually make any cultivation?

And actually, when cultivated to Nirvana Realm, 1st Layer Realm condenses a Law Core?

If you see such a cultivation technique elsewhere, I’m afraid most people think it’s a joke.

How can such a cultivation technique exist, and it is only 7 Star level?

But here it is different. Since it was announced, it is still recognized by Ruler Supreme.

Then the cultivation technique of this “Fiendgod Collection” is absolutely true!

momentarily, countless people have made a complete sensation.

When the young Master saw the “Fiendgod Collection” on the playing field, his eyes flickered, and his heart was depressed.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he had to say that this cultivation technique with the arrogant name of “Fiendgod” is indeed stronger than his “Spirit Art”.

I want to say that there is something that is not as good as his “Spirit Art”, it is naturally that this “Fiendgod Collection” is not as good as his “Spirit Art”, which allows Supreme Ruler cultivating.

But aside from all these problems, this “Fiendgod Collection” is far superior to his “Spirit Art”, and even has the potential to become 9 Star.

This is not only the thought of Ling Young Master, but many people present have the same idea.

Because Qin Shaofeng is now Ruler’s realm, as long as he waits for his realm promotion, it will definitely continue to complete the “Fiendgod Collection”.

Therefore, this “Fiendgod Collection” is really likely to become a 9 Star-level cultivation technique in the future.


I actually lost!

Ling Young Master’s face was calm, but in his heart was the turbulence that surpassed the river!

Although there are 10000000 unwillings in his heart, Ling Young Master knows that he lost this time.

However, soon the spirit of Young Master returned to peace again.

It doesn’t matter, this perception competition has the second item, I don’t believe this Qin Shaofeng has won me in the second item competition!

The winner of this perception domain competition, I want to decide!


“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng won the 1st place on the first self-cultivation technique competition of the ‘Awareness Domain’ of the all-round competition. It has successfully won the 1st place of ten competitions and successfully completed the 5th Stage Mission ‘Ten Firsts!’ “

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng completed 5th Stage Mission ‘Tenth First’ and won 20 Skill Point and 100,000 System Exchange Points rewards! ‘All-round Champion’ 6th Stage Mission Opened!”

When hearing the two system prompts, Qin Shaofeng was extremely happy.

“Ha, ten firsts have been completed and 20 Skill Points and 100,000 system Exchange Points have been earned!”

Looking at his property interface, after Skill Point and System Exchange Points have increased, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth is slightly raised, and I am very happy.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not at all immediately and chose to consume 10 Skill Points to increase the level of Fiendgod Pill Scripture.

Because at this stage, Qin Shaofeng does not need to upgrade the star rating of Fiendgod Pill Scripture for the time being, and even if it is upgraded, it only consumes 10 Skill Points, then simply is not enough.

The reason is simple, Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod Pill Scripture has been leveled up to 4 stars.

For 100 years in the previous arena, Qin Shaofeng did more than create the Fiendgod Collection.

With Qin Shaofeng’s current Realm, it can completely do two things at the same time, so when creating the “Fiendgod Collection”, Qin Shaofeng dedicated part of his energy to run Fiendgod Pill Scripture for cultivation.

Rarely have such an opportunity to enter the area of ​​Time Acceleration. Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to cultivate.

Because 100 years in the arena is enough to make Fiendgod Pill Scripture promote to 4 stars.

And it just keeps the cultivation of Fiendgod Pill Scripture running. It doesn’t take any effort at all, and it doesn’t affect Qin Shaofeng’s original cultivation technique.

So, on the field, Qin Shaofeng leveled Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 4 stars.

Fiendgod Pill Scripture: special skill, a skill strengthened by the special cultivation technique [Pill Scripture] after the eyes of Fiendgod.

The current level is 4 stars, which can cultivate 500 Law Cores with Divine Demon’s Power, which can accommodate more Power of Laws. And awakened the Pill Fire of God (upgraded to 1 Star, cost 20Skill Point)

Fiendgod Pill Scripture is 4 stars, and has a Law Core of Divine Demon’s Power, 100 leveled to 500 directly!

This means that Qin Shaofeng is now equivalent to the cultivation base level of 5th layer Ruler Realm.

And there are 200 Law Cores without rules, which together with the strength of Qin Shaofeng Fiendgod, overall, Qin Shaofeng now has the battle strength that is not weak.

Under Supreme Ruler, I am afraid few people are his opponents.

This also makes Qin Shaofeng more confident that he can win the 1st place title in the strength domain competition at this time all-round competition.

Because Fiendgod Pill Scripture has been leveled up to 4 stars, Qin Shaofeng does not want to continue upgrading Fiendgod Pill Scripture anymore.

Although he is now able to level up Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 5 stars, Qin Shaofeng guessed that if he would level up Fiendgod Pill Scripture to 5 stars, he would definitely be able to own 1000 Law Core Divine Demon’s Power.

But this matter is not urgent. Qin Shaofeng’s current Power of Laws is still a little short of 1000.

2 is that Qin Shaofeng now only has 23 Skill Points. If it is used to upgrade Fiendgod Pill Scripture, he will have 3 Skill Points left.

It’s just 3 points for Skill Point, but that’s not good for Qin Shaofeng’s next competition.

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