Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 203: Behind the scenes! (under)

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask them!" Just as the ten flying swords were about to sink into the bodies of the remaining three men in black, Lu Chen, standing in mid-air, finally spoke!

The remaining three men in black didn't even notice that there were people in the air. When they looked up at Lu Chen and Feng Yi, they almost passed out in terror. People who can stay in mid-air forever without being discovered by them, where is their opponent, can't help but regret it!

As soon as Lu Chen’s voice fell, Lu Ye stopped the flying sword abruptly, and then surrounded the three people like this. As long as the three of them move, Lu Ye will be able to move without hesitation. These flying swords were directly inserted into the bodies of three people.

"Who are you guys! Why did you sneak attack on us?" In order to prevent the three of them from hiding poison in their teeth, like those killers, Lu Chen teleported to the three of them and checked their mouths. , Didn't ask until he found any poison.

"We are the thieves of the Assassin's Guild!" The leader of the man in black stated his identity directly, without any concealment!

This made Lu Chen a little puzzled. Shouldn't their mouths be very hard? It should be very difficult to knock something out of their mouths! Are these people playing tricks and having enemies with the killer guild, and want to borrow our hand to kill the killer guild?

And what makes Lu Chen most suspicious, shouldn't the killer guilds be some killers! When will there be a group of thieves! Don't the thieves have their own guild?

"Didn't you say that you are thieves? Why did you run to the Killer Guild?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

"I...we have a small number of thieves, and we originally had our own guild, but I didn’t know why, and merged with the assassin’s guild! So we all belong to the assassin’s guild now!" The leader of the man in black did not hesitate. Tell Lu Chen.

"Then why are you here to assassinate us?" Lu Chen continued to ask.

"The quest to receive! Just like those mercenaries, we can also earn rewards by receiving quests! However, the mercenary guild is not so formal. The quests we receive are all quests such as murder and robbery! !" The leader of the man in black said awkwardly.

"Receiving the task! So, you don't know who arranged this task?" Lu Chen couldn't help asking when he was surprised.

"This...I know! Because I want to earn that little handling fee, although it is also a task that was taken by the Assassin Guild, I took it directly from the person who was under the task!" said the man in black.

"Oh! Tell me then! Who is trying to kill us?" Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect this girl, he would know!

"People of the blood tyrant mercenary group!" said the man in black.

"What, these guys! They don't give up! I would have let them go!" Lu Chen muttered, "Do you know where they are now? A small mercenary group actually paid back Dare to shout at me, NND, you must be killed!"

"I don’t know about this! The people who came at the time were headed by a woman, probably in their 30s and 40s. There was sorrow on their faces! Then I checked it out. That woman was exactly The wife of the leader of the blood tyrant mercenary group, the current leader of the blood tyrant mercenary group!" the leader in black explained.

"Are you sure?" Lu Chen hesitated.

"I'm sure, and not long after I found out the blood tyrant mercenary group, all members of the blood tyrant disappeared at the same time, and I don't know where they went!" said the leader in black.

"Then how can you explain what you said, you didn't lie to us!" Lu Chen stared into the eyes of the leader in black and said.

Although the man in black was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Lu Chen, he did not escape Lu Chen's eyes and said directly: "Although I never think of myself as a gentleman, and I never do things like a gentleman, but it's a lie. I will never do anything!"

"Okay! I believe you! I'll let you go this time! I hope I won't let me find you to assassinate me next time, otherwise the end will be much more miserable than your companions!" Lu Chen waved his hand. , Asked Lu Ye to put away those long swords and let go of these three guys.

After the three people left, Lu Ye and the others surrounded Lu Chen and asked him why he wanted to let go of the three guys. In case they lied to themselves, wouldn't it be troublesome for themselves!

"Haha! I believe them! But even if they really lied to themselves and caused trouble to themselves, wouldn't it be better! We are here to experience it, if there is no danger, then experience something! Just like before For a few days, if you were a little wary, you would be so embarrassed at the beginning of today!" Lu Chen said dissatisfied.

Lu Chen’s words made a few people bow their heads in embarrassment. Indeed, if it were not because they had never experienced this experience and thought with all their heart, anyway, if Lu Chen was by his side, he would not meet him. What's dangerous! Even if there is, it will definitely not hurt yourself!

"Lu Chen, how are you going to deal with those blood tyrants in the mercenary group!" Feng Yi had no idea about Lu Chen letting go of the three men in black, but was very interested in the blood tyrant led by that woman.

"Let’s talk about it later! Those people didn’t tell me just now. The blood tyrants have already hid. It is estimated that they are plotting something, waiting for us to get the bait! When they show up, let’s talk about it! I don’t have time to let it go. On them!" Lu Chen said disdainfully.

"Okay! It's up to you! Anyway, it's your thing, but if you need help, you can find me!" After that, Feng Yi silently walked to the end of the team again, not saying anything! He stayed in this position all the way!

Lu Chen was not nearly caught by Feng Yi’s words, so he vomited blood. However, if he was still behind Feng Yi, Lu Chen was relieved, or maybe Lu Chen wouldn’t care about Feng Yi’s identity, so he was going to fight this old guy. !

"Okay, it's not too early. I will rest here for one night today, and still follow the previous missions and start to act!" Lu Chen looked up at the time and found that the sun had already slanted to the west, and the position here was also good. So he turned his head and said to everyone.

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, everyone dispersed in twos and threes and started to get busy! Those who set up tents set up tents, those who look for firewood, those who look for firewood, and Lu Ye, who is in charge of cooking, also took out a variety of rich condiments from the ring and began to organize them.

At the beginning, Lu Ye took out so many kinds of seasonings from the ring, and everyone was stunned. Even Lu Chen was no exception. The most important thing was Feng Yi and Li Yan, who had never seen them. With so many spices, they thought what Lu Ye wanted to do!

At this time, Lu Chen is usually the most leisurely egg pain. Bored, he saw a lot of fish and shrimp swimming in the small river next to him. A burst of saliva flowed out of the corner of his mouth. After he smiled, he took off his own. Shoes, rolled up pants, and jumped into the river.

For Lu Chen, as many fish and shrimp in this kind of river as he wanted, just a magic would be enough, but at this moment he suddenly thought that when he was little on earth, he would go to this kind of river alone to catch fish. Catch shrimp, and even sometimes, can catch one or two crabs. At this time, it is his fastest moment!

Perhaps it was because no one had ever caught these fishes and shrimps. They were scared when Lu Chen jumped into the water, but when Lu Chen calmed down, they came over very curiously, even some curious. The little fish with more heart pecked Lu Chen's feet with his mouth.

It's been a long time since Lu Chen seemed to be very happy. He stretched out his hands quickly and caught the biggest fish in front of him. Feeling the fatness of the big fish in his hand, Lu Chen seemed to have returned to the days when he was a child on Earth, and he couldn't help but smile happily!

"Ye'er, go on!" Lu Chen called to Lu Ye, recognized the big fish in his hand, and continued to work hard! With so many people, one fish is obviously not enough, at least there are about a dozen fish! Of course it must be a smaller one, not the big one just now!

Seeing Lu Chen playing so happily in the river, the few women who were free were also a little bit stunned. They ran to the river one by one and asked Lu Chen about this!

The fish in the river obviously have never seen so many humans. Just now because there is only Lu Chen alone, they will not be afraid, but now with so many people, they are still fleeing into the distance in panic!

"Can't you just speak softly! It scared the fish away!" Lu Chen said with some chagrin.

After speaking, he ignored the women, and walked gently in the direction where the fish fled.

Perhaps it was because of his age. As time went on, Lu Chen never had the joyful feeling that he started. He hastily caught a dozen fish that were one size smaller than the one just now, and handed them to Lu Ye. After she finishes cleaning, she will bake it for everyone!

Then Lu Chen walked to a hidden place and started to catch the lobster inside. These lobsters were discovered by Lu Chen just now because he was chasing a small fish! It's just that he didn't expect that there would be so many lobsters here, and he was not afraid of people at all, lying on the rocks, motionless. It seems to be saying, come catch me! Come catch me!

In just half an hour, Lu Chen caught at least ten catties of lobsters. So many lobsters were enough for people like Lu Chen to eat!

Because Lu Ye had never made lobsters, Lu Chen was not at ease, so he planned to let them handle these lobsters and do it himself!

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