Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 202: Behind the scenes! (on)

Although he didn't know what these people wanted to do, Lu Ye still felt something was wrong, and quickly stepped back, avoiding the first combined attack by the four, and then quickly met with Bai Bingxin and others who had caught up. , Looking at these people in front of you warily.

The appearance of the few people made the leader of the man in black a glimmer of joy, and he glanced at the three of his men, once again surrounded Lu Ye in the center, thinking in his heart!

Only a few people didn’t notice that Lu Chen, who was in mid-air, had a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "Oh! A few little guys even know how to use formations! I don’t know these people. Will his formation be very powerful! I am really looking forward to it!"

The three men in black are all archers, and the other, the leader, is a swordsman.

The three wizards pointed in one direction and shot a red arrow. After the three arrows collided, there was no explosion, but a wave visible to the naked eye scattered towards the surroundings. Wherever the wave passed, there was a burst. Chaos was still blowing blue smoke, as if it had been burned by something.

A few people looked appallingly at the place where the wave passed. Lu Ye wanted to add a water escape to everyone around him, and then tried to shoot a few ice arrows, flying towards the place where the wave moved. See what effect these things have!

After the Frostbolt touched the wave, it began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, but when the Frostbolt passed through the wave, it was the same as before. There was no melting at all, as if everything I saw just now was an illusion. The same, no one exists!

Lu Ye looked at the Frostbolt he shot in disbelief. It was indeed exactly the same as when he shot it, but why did it appear to melt when it went through fluctuations?

"Is everything in the fluctuations an illusion?" Lu Ye shook his head, thinking in disbelief.

"Boss, what does that woman seem to find?" One of the people in black, quietly approaching his leader, asked in a low voice.

"Idiot! Have you forgotten our last move! What if she finds it out!" The black leader smiled yinly, and a small packet of white powder on his back fell into the air...

Lu Ye, who doesn't believe in evil, once again made some small moves, what a fireball! Earth arrow! And so on, they shot out one after another, but every little trick, after the fluctuation, there will be a phenomenon of dissolution, and after it comes out of the fluctuation, it will be restored to its original state!

"These things must be fake!" Lu Ye finally came to a conclusion, and then ignored everyone's surprised gazes, alone, bravely rushing towards the fluctuations!

Li Yan, who discovered the operation of Lu Ye, was terribly trying to hold Lu Ye, but Lu Ye's speed was so fast that he could not stop it at all, so he could only look at Lu Chen in mid-air.

But when he saw Lu Chen, he suddenly thought he was wrong, because Lu Chen looked at Lu Ye with a smile at this time, he didn't mean to save people at all!

"What the **** is going on! Isn't these things dangerous at all? Or did Lu Ye's sister-in-law think of a solution?" Li Yan let go of his worries and began to carefully observe Lu Ye's actions. Lu Chen didn't worry about Lu Ye, what else could he worry about!

As soon as Lu Ye entered the fluctuations, the whole person began to dissolve at a terrifying speed. Of course, this was the scene that people outside saw, but in fact, as he himself guessed, the fluctuations did not affect her at all. After passing through the fluctuation, the whole person has returned to normal.

But what she never expected was that when she was in the wave, some small white powder rushed into her body through her nostrils...

"Don't worry! This thing has no effect at all, they are deceiving!" Lu Ye waved his hand, and before thinking about it, he turned around with a magic spell and attacked the man in black behind him.

The man in black didn't seem to care about the magic that Lu Ye shot at all. He shook his body leisurely with his face, and then took out a mirror from his body unhurriedly and blocked it in front of him. I got the magic shot at myself!

"Swish!" Lu Ye's magic stopped miraculously, and then turned around and shot Lu Ye himself.

Although she was a little puzzled, Lu Ye didn't dare to neglect her own magic. She still knew how powerful it was, but because of the mirror, Lu Ye didn't dare to use magic, so she took out her other weapon and flew. The sword fiercely cleaved the magic that bounced back!

With a "touch", the flying sword collided with the magic, and the magic was directly split by the flying sword!

"Damn! What kind of weapon is that capable of directly splitting the magic!" The man in black holding the mirror stared at the flying sword in Lu Ye's hand in a daze, with envy in his eyes, wishing to put Lu Ye in his hand immediately. Snatch the flying sword and use it as your own weapon!

Xiao Wuming even stared at the flying sword in Lu Ye's hand. He had been expecting such a weapon for a long time, but he had never had a chance to get it. Otherwise, how could he take a hand that is twice as tall as he is. The epee, isn't this just a joke!

"You can have a weapon that rebounds magic, why can't I have a weapon that splits magic?" Lu Ye smiled coldly, and appeared next to the man in black. The man in black did not have any His reaction felt like the sky was spinning, and then he lost consciousness!

Lu Ye looked at the man in black who was cut in half by himself with disdain, and picked up the mirror that fell on the ground, but it felt like an ordinary mirror no matter how you looked at it! Lu Ye muttered doubtfully!

"Be careful!"

Lu Ye, who was observing carefully, suddenly heard an exclamation in his ear, and then a sound of breaking through the air, shooting at him quickly.

Lu Ye, who had been attacked several times, naturally knew which despicable enemy it was, the arrow he shot!

He quickly put away the mirror in his hand, then without looking at it, he raised his flying sword, and threw it directly at the arrow that broke through the air.

With a "touch", it was exactly as Lu Ye had guessed. This was another explosive arrow, but the man in black who shot out of the explosion chamber never expected that Lu Ye would throw his flying sword directly, and it was accurate. When the second-class arrow reached its destination, it exploded!

The arrow's explosion did not have any effect on Lu Ye. After holding the long sword that returned to his hand in one hand, regardless of everyone's surprised gaze, he directly played the ten thousand swords that Lu Chen taught!

It is said to be Wanjian, but for Lu Ye now, in fact, she can only bring about ten flying swords out of the wind. This can be regarded as the result of her very hard practice of Wanjian. Otherwise, at the beginning, Lu Ye only Can you separate a handful and a half? Why is it a handful and a half!

Because the one that was separated has only the hilt and no blade!

The ten flying swords were neatly arranged on top of Lu Ye's head, giving people a sluggish atmosphere. Even the little bugs seemed to have felt the atmosphere, and they closed silently and never stopped. The screaming mouth made the entire battlefield instantly become extremely quiet.

"This...what is this? Witchcraft?" Li Yan stared blankly at what was happening in front of him, and didn't believe it was true at all!

"Old... Boss! What are you! Is that woman a monster? Why can she use the sword to suddenly change so much, and still float in the air without falling!" The remaining three black clothes People, who were leaning together at this time, looked at Lu Ye in shock.

"How do I know that it must be that woman? By some method, let those swords float in the office. As for those weird weapons, it can be explained even more. Isn't that woman very fast? Just put her in the ring Put more of the same swords, let them out while we don't pay attention, just don't!" The leader in black said with an expression that you are an idiot.

"Hey! The boss really deserves to be the boss. He knows something, but there is so much!" Although the leader of the black-clothed leader said so in his mouth, he was cursing in his heart: "Damn! Don't look at me with that look, OK? I don’t know what you said! What a nonsense article!"

"Boss, what do we do now! That woman's trick seems to be very powerful! You see she is still talking about it!" said another subordinate.

"Damn! Then why didn't you say it earlier, attack now! Otherwise, wait until she finishes chanting the spell, you just wait to die!" The black-clothed leader patted this subordinate's head angrily and said angrily.

"Yes, yes!" The scolded man drooped his head. Although he was very dissatisfied, he did not dare to say it. He took out his arrow and shot directly at Lu Ye.

The black-clothed leader also had another subordinate, no longer talking nonsense, and also took out his bow and arrow and shot it at Lu Ye.

It seems that this organization is a group of guys who like to use bows and arrows! Although the leader usually holds an epee in his hand, but at this time, he also took out a golden bow and arrow, a seemingly powerful arrow, after drawing the bow, shot at the landing leaf!

The boss is worthy of being the boss. The weapons in his hand are much stronger than those of his own. After the arrows are separated from the golden bows, the sound of breaking through the air is lighter, like a great eagle flying in the sky. , The sound made.

"Even if your weapon is powerful! It's of no use!" Lu Ye muttered softly, and the spell was also chanted in an instant. Ten flying swords suspended in mid-air shot at the three men in black quickly...

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