"Depend on!"

"I give up! Who is that guy? Get out here!"

Xu Tian wiped the white transparent liquid off his face.

His eyes turned cold.

Anger surged in his heart!

My future wife hasn't treated me like this yet!

How dare you!?

""Oh, hey, isn't this my good classmate Xu Tian?" (Royal translator: Hey, isn't this my good classmate Xu Tian?)

An unclear voice came into Xu Tian's ears.

Then, a man in black jumped down from a big tree not far away.

When Xu Tian saw the person coming, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and his face was full of surprise,"You are...Baku fork?"

"Coal rub! Look like me for a long time, the needle beauty wants to be a knife against the burning and anxious to lie!"(Yes, it's me, I didn't expect you to still remember me)

Hearing this, the man in black showed a sinister smile on his face.

Seeing this,

Xu Tiancai nodded meaningfully.

This person, named...Bakucha.

He was Xu Tian’s junior high school classmate. Because he was jealous of Xu Tian’s good academic performance, he put Jianlibao brand laxatives in his cup before an exam.

Fortunately, Xu Tian gave the water to Wang Hu at that time.

So he didn’t fall for it.

After knowing the truth, Xu Tian was furious and took revenge immediately.

While no one was paying attention, he put some Xutian brand Four Seasons Constant Temperature Tea in Bakucha’s cup.


Bakucha realized something was wrong.

When he learned that he had drunk Four Seasons Constant Temperature Tea, his eyes went dark and he fainted.

Later, because he couldn’t accept this fact, he pulled out all his teeth. He also dropped out of school and stayed at home.

He didn’t care about worldly affairs.

He became a legendary event in Gouba City.

Xu Tian really didn’t expect that he would meet him again now.

What a coincidence!

"Bakucha, why did you come to see me? Do you still want to drink the Xu Tian brand four seasons constant temperature tea that I carefully prepared for you?"

Xu Tian's mouth twitched wildly, but his brows were still tightly furrowed.

"Ah! What are you doing? You are so annoying. Why are you trying to harm Jian Shiqing?" (Ah! You stinky idiot, you dare to bring up this matter.)

Bakucha was furious when he heard this.

"Hey! Next time you speak, remember to straighten your tongue." Xu Tian kindly reminded,"Oh, by the way! Have you ever asked your tongue? Is my Four Seasons Constant Temperature Tea delicious?"


"Don't hesitate! Ask now!"


"Stop wondering whether you want to lie down or not. Do you think you are Mr. Wolong?"


"Damn it! A gentleman should talk instead of fight! Don't slap me, you little brat!"

Xu Tian dodged and gestured at the same time.

His mouth was never idle.

And Bakucha stopped talking.

He knew that he couldn't win the argument with Xu Tian, and it would only make him feel bored.

So the only thing that could make him feel happy was to knock Xu Tian down and make him kneel in front of him....


" Whoosh!

Another arrow shot towards Xu Tian.

But it exploded in mid-air.

Xu Tian was caught off guard and was blown into the air.

"I'm a bitch! You're playing dirty tricks on me! If I don't show my power, do you really think I'm Hello Kitty?"

Xu Tian looked at the Baku fork on the ground, opened his lips and murmured:

"Crows are on a plane!"


A flash of white light.

Xu Tian's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

On the ground,

Bakucha, who was about to shoot an arrow again, was stunned.

Xu Tian's figure was still there just now, how could he suddenly disappear?

He looked around cautiously.

Not to mention people, there was not even a crow.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from above him

"Haha haha haha!"

""Hmm?" Bakucha looked up in confusion.

He saw Xu Tian swooping down from above him.

His speed was extremely fast.

Bakucha's pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't hesitate, raised his bow and arrow, and was about to shoot the bird.

But suddenly he found that his spiritual power was unusable. He could only watch as Xu Tian's figure got closer and closer.


Xu Tian, whose weight increased 10 times, fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust....

Under his butt, there was a Bakucha that was almost turned into a meat pie.

Xu Tian stood up and pinched Bakucha's body with two fingers.

"How is it? Are you convinced?"

""Liebu Fu!" Bakucha used up his last bit of strength and said stubbornly.


Xu Tian slapped it with a big bag.

"What about now? Are you still convinced?"


" Lying down!"——!



"Are you convinced or not?"

"Fu! Lying Fu! Bida Le!"(I surrender! I surrender! Stop fighting!)

"Hey! That's right!"

Xu Tian nodded with satisfaction and threw the thin meat pie of Bakucha aside.

"My good classmate, I'm leaving first! You should also pay attention to safety, don't be accidentally turned into wild boar feces."

On the side,

Bakucha has returned to his normal form.

Hearing this, he didn't say anything, just covered his red face and nodded with tears in his eyes.


Xu Tian didn't stay for too long and walked straight into the depths of the forest.

Only Bakucha was left, sitting on the ground alone....


Deep in the forest.

Xu Tian opened the [Hunting Point Ranking】

【First place: Bai Xiaoxiao - 930 points】

【Second place: Liu Qiang - 860 points】

【Third place: Wei Wuji - 750 points】

【Fourth place: Wang Hu - 680 points】


"Wow, not bad! Hu Zi is actually fourth."

Xu Tian looked surprised.


Xu Tian looked at the bottom of the panel....

【No. 5239: Do you think I am big? - 0:00] In an instant , a bitter look appeared on his face again.

"Damn it! They are all in this internal competition! So I am the only one who has done nothing!"

Xu Tian originally planned to go to the depths of the forest and try his luck to see if he could encounter some high-level beasts to kill for fun.

Because it was said in the previous class that the deeper you go into the forest, the higher the level of the beasts.

The corresponding hunting points are also higher.

So Xu Tian came here.

However, along the way, apart from seeing a bunch of wild boar footprints, he didn't see any other beasts at all.

So let alone killing the beasts and getting hunting points.

So far, it has been almost an hour since he entered the spiritual realm.

And the total assessment time is only two hours.

So there is not much time left for Xu Tian.

If he doesn't encounter any more beasts, then let alone get first place, he won't even be able to enter the top 1,000, which would be really embarrassing.

At this time,

Xu Tian even doubted his life.

Am I not the son of luck with the system?

Shouldn't I kill all the way?

Why is it different from the plot of the novel in the previous life?

Just when Xu Tian felt miserable, a roar suddenly came.


As soon as the roar came out, the earth shook!

"What is going on?"

Xu Tian was puzzled.

This was just a small spiritual realm.

What kind of beast could have such a powerful roar?

Although curiosity killed the cat, unfortunately, Xu Tian was not a cat, so...

He hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind. A look of determination flashed in his eyes. It seemed as if he was going to die on the front line.


Walk towards the source of the sound


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