
The transmitter lit up with a faint light!



Xu Tian and Wang Hu were surrounded by a flash of white light!

In an instant, they disappeared from the spot!

The spiritual realm they entered this time...Codename: [Wild Boar Forest].

Buzz! The world spun around!

Xu Tian appeared in the spiritual realm!

This was a dense forest!

He looked around and found no one!

Randomly shuffle the transmission!


A crisp sound rang out!

Xu Tian subconsciously thought it was a prompt from the system!

But he guessed wrong!

The transmitter on his left wrist vibrated slightly!

The screen on it lit up white!

And three illusory projections were projected in front of him!

【Spirit Realm Rules】

【Hunting Point Leaderboard】

【Incomplete map】

"Ding! Please choose a distinctive nickname as soon as possible!"

The mechanical electronic sound of the transmitter came out!

"Name? I haven't named it for a long time. The last time I named it was last time."

After thinking for a moment, Xu Tian said seriously:"Just call it....Do you think I am big?"

"Ding! Nickname has been registered! Please complete the hunting task as soon as possible to achieve excellent results!"

After that!

【[Hunting Point Ranking] automatically appeared in front of Xu Tian!

【First place: Bai Xiaoxiao - 90 points】

【Second place: Liu Qiang - 70 points】

【Third place: Wei Wuji - 50 points】


The ranking list was concise and clear!

Xu Tian took a quick glance!

"Oh my god! I just came in and these people have already started killing the monsters?"

"This is too cruel!"

At this moment, the system virtual panel suddenly appeared.

【Option 1: Now! Immediately! Right now! Climb up the tree next to you! Completion reward: Skill 'Crow Flying’】

【Option 2: Be a warrior! Wait and do nothing, give the wild boars some meat and a dish, and the reward for completion: a Dali hair dryer!】

【Option 3: Strike first! Take the initiative! Enjoy the fresh and delicious roast suckling pig! Completion reward: a bottle of AD calcium milk!】

"Holy shit! What’s going on?"

"What is Gou Ba Wild Boar? Why didn't I see it?"

Xu Tian looked around and asked in confusion.

System: [This may be the last time I talk to the host. I hope the host will pay attention in the next life! Be obedient!]

Xu Tian∑(´△`)?!

Boom boom!


The ground began to shake violently!

Xu Tian staggered and almost fell to the ground!

Xu Tian looked in the direction of the sound, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

"Lying..."Shit! Why are there so many wild boars?"

Not far away, a dense herd of pigs came like a rising tide!

They pushed forward all the way!

Trees died halfway! Flowers were ruthlessly ravaged!

It was horrible to watch!

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment!

Not to mention taking the initiative to attack the pigs first! It would be difficult to even save his life!

The wild boars were rushing towards him at a rapid speed!

"Damn it! I'll fight! At most, I'll still be a tough guy in 18 years!"

Xu Tian was determined!

He climbed up the big tree next to him!


Look at your momentum! I thought you were going to attack the pigs alone!

I didn't expect that you would become soft halfway through!


The wild boars rushed like lightning! In a blink of an eye, they rushed to the place where Xu Tian was just now!


The wild boars did not hit the tree where Xu Tian was!

At this time, Xu Tian was squatting on the tree timidly!

Looking at the wild boars below, cold sweat broke out on his back!


An illusory panel appeared in front of Xu Tian.

【Scientific name of the exotic animal: Jijibang (commonly known as: Pig Man or Yizhizhu)】

【Realm: Scrap Metal 5 Stars!】

【Strength: 19】

【Speed: 12】

【Mental strength: 4】

【Defense: 21】

【Skill: Pig Rush!!】

【They often go out in groups, have hard skin, are cruel and violent by nature, and like to ravage flowers, plants, and trees. If you encounter them, do not show mercy and burn them to death! 】

Seeing this, Xu Tian pulled the corner of his mouth fiercely!

It almost reached his ears!

"Jijibang? It turned into this? It ruined my childhood!"

【Ding! Option 1 mission completed, reward: Skill Crow Flying!】

【Crow Flying Skill Introduction: It can accurately lock onto the opponent, restrict the opponent from using spiritual power for a short period of time, and instantly appear above him, increasing his own weight by 10 times, without any spiritual energy leaking out, and the opponent is not easy to detect! 】

Seeing this familiar skill name!

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment!

This seems to be a character in Jackie Chan's Adventures in the previous life.....

Black Tiger Ah Fu!

A man without a basic attack!

This skill is simply too powerful!

The next moment!

The virtual panel appeared in front of Xu Tian!

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Scrap Four Stars!】

【Talent: F level】

【Awakened ability: Space-related 'Great Shift of the Universe' (can exchange positions with objects or creatures with space marks)】

【Strength: 8 (+4)】

【Speed: 8 (+4)】

【Mental strength: 8 (+8)】

【Defense: 8 (+2)】

【Skills: Come here, Crow on a plane】

【Points: 50 points (you can get points by improving your realm or killing monsters) (can be used to purchase store items)】

【Backpack: The butcher knife of time, the universal pill】

【Shop: (Click to view all)]


Xu Tian already has the two skills [Come here] and [Crows take a plane] to protect him! He can still save his life!

So his current goal is...

Take first place!

"Hehehe! From now on, this place is called Xu Tian Lingjing!"

Xu Tian jumped down from the tree and landed safely!

But just when he was proud!


A subtle sound of breaking through the air came!

Xu Tian keenly noticed it!

He quickly rolled to the side! He narrowly avoided it!


A black arrow shot at the big tree next to him!

It exploded directly!

The sap of the tree splashed!

It sprayed Xu Tian's face!


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