When he opened his eyes again,

Xu Tian no longer knew where he was. He also didn't know how long he had been asleep.

It was pitch black all around him.

He couldn't see anything.

Xu Tian rubbed his swollen neck and sighed in pain:

"Damn! Who is it? It's like the devils have entered the village!"

The words fell!

There was an echo in the empty environment!

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Xu Tian:

"Are you a human being?"

Xu Tian was stunned at first, then turned around suddenly!


""Fuck! There’s finally someone here!" the voice came again!

"Who the hell are you? Can ghosts speak Chinese?"

【Resentment value from Fan Jian +999! 】


Listening to the system prompt in his mind!

Xu Tian was obviously startled!

"Fan Jian?"

"Damn! How do you know my name, brother? Am I already so famous?"

Xu Tian:"......"

You are so narcissistic!

Even I don't dare to say this!

How dare this guy?

Xu Tian stopped talking nonsense with Fan Jian, but asked in confusion:

"Do you know where this is? Why is it so dark?"

Fan Jian was surprised and asked,"You don't know where this is? Then how did you get here?"

Xu Tian:"......."

How did you get here?

It’s all tears if I talk too much!

He coughed twice and said,"A few men in black carried me here!"

【Fan Jian's surprise value ++666! 】

Fan Jian said faintly:

"Brother, you are bragging without thinking? They are from the Lingyin Corps! They will carry you here in a sedan chair? Who do you think you are? Even those rich and famous bosses don’t have this treatment!"

Xu Tian was stunned when he heard it.

Lingyin Corps?

This name sounds familiar!

Oh! That’s right! Lingyin Academy!

But, isn’t that a university?

How can it be an army?

And from Fan Jian’s tone, they seem very awesome!

Even those famous bosses can’t invite them?

Xu Tian thought there should be no danger, so he asked curiously:

"Judging from your tone, are you that awesome?"

"Damn! I’m awesome!"

"You know my name, but haven't you heard of my heroic deeds?"


Fan Jian:"......"

【Resentment from Fan Jian +666! 】

Xu Tian asked with interest:

"Do you have any amazing deeds? Tell us about them!" As soon as these words came out,

Fan Jian snorted with disdain!

"Oh! I have so many great achievements! I will just mention a few!"

"For example.....When I was three years old, I punched the Beihai Nursing Home, kicked the Nanshan Kindergarten, butted the big cow in Xiqiu on my head, and bit the Dongyuan steamed bread with my mouth!"

"How is it? Are you scared to death by my amazing deeds?"

Xu Tian:"......."

I don't want to laugh!

Unless I can't hold it back!

""Pfft!" Xu Tian laughed out loud,"Fuck that! If I laugh until my abdominal muscles show, I'll give you 4 pieces!"

Fan Jian:"......"

【Resentment from Fan Jian +690】

"Hey! What do you mean! Explain yourself clearly! Otherwise I will have to fencing with you! Let you see how powerful I am!"

Xu Tian:"Hahahahahahaha!"

He did not hide his smile at all!

The whole surrounding area was filled with the echo of his laughter!

Fan Jian:"......."

【The resentment value from Fan Jian +1111!】

""Fuck! A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated! Draw your sword!"

Xu Tian was not to be outdone:"Hey! Let me show you how awesome I am! Am I afraid of you?"

As he said that, he started to untie his belt!

And at this moment!

A door suddenly opened beside him!

Some light shone in from outside!

At the same time, a figure in a black cloak walked in!

But when he saw Xu Tian and Fan Jian who were about to take off their pants, he was stunned at first, then quietly retreated and closed the door tightly!

Xu Tian:"......"

Fan Jian:"......"

What's going on? We were just about to fight!

Why did someone suddenly come?

And you came, why did you run away?

What are you doing?

Now the enthusiasm of the two people for fencing has been poured with a basin of cold water!

The fire is out!

Xu Tian couldn't help but curse:"Damn! What are you doing? Why are you leaving again?"

Fan Jian also muttered:

"What is this Lingyin Army doing? They just caught me and threw me into a small dark room? Are they guarding the house?"

Xu Tian caught a key word from his words and asked curiously:

"Were you also captured?"

Hearing the tone, Fan Jian asked curiously,"You too?""

"You speak first!"

"I don't! You speak first!"

"You first..."

"You first..." finally...

Fan Jian groaned bitterly!

Xu Tian also groaned bitterly!

The two hugged each other in the dark, crying bitterly!

Two people who were so glorious on weekdays!

But now they were ruthlessly locked in a small dark room!

Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable?

【Fan Jian's mercy value +233! 】

Xu Tian:"......."

Good fellow!

You are still in the mood to pity me?

You might as well think about how to get out!

Just as the two were complaining to each other, the door opened again!

It was still the black-clad figure. When he saw Xu Tian and Fan Jian hugging each other tightly in the room, he was stunned again, then waved his hand, indicating"continue", and closed the door tightly!

Xu Tian:"......"

Fan Jian:"......"


Both of them left with a look of bad luck on their faces!

What a bummer! Damn it! What a jerk!

How come he always comes in by chance?

Isn't there a camera?

Both of them thought of a possibility at the same time, and Xu Tian asked first:

"Did you think of that too?"


"so...Do you have a light?"

""No! I have nothing on me now, everything has been taken away! Even my spiritual power is useless!"

Xu Tian was stunned at first!

He searched his crotch and found that the pineapple phone was really gone!

"Wow! Why are there so many perverts in the Lingyin Army? They even take out the contents of underwear?"

Fan Jian:"......"

"Bro, you have a strong taste!"

Put it in your pants?


【Appreciation value from Fan Jian +888!】

���The sky ignored him!

He silently said in his heart:

"System, are you still here?"

System: [Yes! I'm always here!]

Xu Tian heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this!

""Open the virtual panel!"

In an instant, a faintly glowing virtual panel appeared in front of Xu Tian!

Although the light was very weak, he could still barely see the surrounding environment!

The virtual panel would not be seen by others, so Xu Tian let it go!


Xu Tian's eyes fell on the corner of the room!

He walked slowly and saw a black spherical object quietly placed there!


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