Xu Tian was confused!

"you...What are you doing? I don't have any red envelopes!"

"Xu Ge...Ah! Father Xu! Thanks to you!"Wang Junka was very excited!

Xu Tian still had a face full of question marks:

"What's wrong with you? Too much dopamine? Hyperthyroidism?"


What the hell is hyperthyroidism?

Do you think this is a hospital?

Are you here to see a doctor?

【Resentment value from Wang Junka +333!】

【The hilarious value from Luha is +666!】

【The hilarious value from Wang Erbo +999! 】

Wang Junka held Xu Tian's hand tightly and said affectionately:

""Dad Xu, the formula you taught me yesterday is really amazing! I tried it according to your method, and when I went back to check the answers, I found that I only got 5 wrong!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Oh my god!

Is this true?

He was also a little dumbfounded!

Those formulas were all compiled by Internet experts in the previous life!

Xu Tian just wrote them for fun, but he didn't expect them to be true?

At this time, Wang Yuanfeng walked in with a stack of test papers in his hand.

Seeing this, everyone returned to���In my own position!

Wang Yuanfeng coughed twice and said:

"The results are out! Full score is 300!"

"Then I will read the results..."

"First Place...Xu Tian! 297 points!"

After the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Xu Tian!


It's Xu Tian again!

Everyone has gotten used to this result!

3 points for one question!

That means Xu Tian only got one wrong!

And he finished it in half an hour!

It's so scary!

As the focus of everyone, Xu Tian just sighed:

"Why are you all looking at me? I deliberately got one question wrong!"

Wang Yuanfeng:"......" students:"......"

【Resentment value from Zhang Yu +333!】

【The resentment value from Zhu Zhengting is +666!】

【The resentment value from Li Kui +999!】


Xu Tian listened to the continuous system prompts and was secretly delighted!

Wang Yuanfeng coughed twice and continued to read:

"Second Place...Bai Xiaoxiao! 291 points!"

"Wow~!"All the students shouted!

"Third Place...Wang Junka! 285!"

After he finished speaking, the classroom was in silence.

Everyone looked at Wang Junka in shock.

It was incredible.

Because Wang Junka's grades were always in the middle and lower reaches of the class.

And this time, he was actually ranked third?

It was unbelievable.

Those who knew the inside story were envious.

What a good luck!

To be in the same examination room with Xu Tian!

Just when Wang Yuanfeng was about to continue reading the results, the sound of propellers suddenly rang out in the sky. The students by the window looked up, and for a moment, they were dumbfounded.

"Lying......Helicopter...good...So many helicopters!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuanfeng also came to the window. When he saw the helicopter with a special symbol in the sky, he couldn't help but smile!

"finally...Here they come!"

On the azure sky, many helicopters were densely packed and lined up!

Very neat!

The first helicopter landed directly on the school playground, and several figures wearing black cloaks walked down from it!

"Hello, my name is Li Qi, I am from Lingyin Academy, and I am here to pick up student Xu Tian back to school!"

A figure wearing a cloak and a gray mask introduced himself.

Du Kang, the principal of Gou Bayi Middle School, hurried forward to greet him!

∠(°ゝ°) He was flattered and responded:

"Commander Li! Hello! I will notify Xu Tian to come over now!"

"No need!" Li Qi waved his hand.

He said to the team members behind him:"Go! Catch him!" As soon as he finished speaking!

The people behind him looked at the photo of Xu Tian in their hands, and rushed to the teaching building at lightning speed!

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the classroom!

"it's him!"


Without saying anything, several people tied up Xu Tian's whole body!

"What the hell are you doing?"


""Ahhh help!"

Xu Tian screamed in fear!

The sound was so loud that the whole building could hear it!

Many curious little heads popped out and looked in the direction of Class 1!

As a victim, Xu Tian was confused!

He was sleeping just now. When he heard the noise and opened his eyes, he saw several men in black rushing towards him!

Without saying a word!

They tied him up with their hands tied behind their backs!

It was outrageous!

""Noisy! Knock him out!"

A sturdy man in black knocked Xu Tian unconscious with a knife!

Then he grabbed one of his feet and threw it into the urea bag in his hand!


Wang Yuanfengo(* ̄▽ ̄*)o!

His face was filled with uncontrollable joy, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly!

Bai Xiaoxiao saw Xu Tian being caught!

He was stunned at first!

When he was about to make a move, his wrist was grabbed by Wang Yuanfeng!

Wang Yuanfeng winked and said,"Don't worry!"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked worried:"Teacher Wang...Xu Tian..he..."

Wang Yuanfeng:"Don't worry! He will be fine!"

Bai Xiaoxiao:"......"

How did you know?

゛(◎_◎;)Full of doubts? ? ?

But out of trust in Wang Yuanfeng, Bai Xiaoxiao's body also relaxed!

The clenched fists slowly loosened!

Several men in black were very fast and arrived beside Li Qi in less than 10 seconds:

"Captain, Xu Tian is here!"

Li Qi nodded:"Okay! Return to the team!"

Du Kang:"......"

He looked at the urea bags in the hands of several people, with a confused look on his face!

What's going on?

Didn't they say they were going to pick up the students back to school?

Why did they just throw them into the urea bag?

Li Qi looked at Du Kang and said,"Principal Du, I'll take Xu Tian away!"

Du Kang nodded blankly and said,"Okay!" As soon as he finished speaking!

Li Qi got on the helicopter directly!


It took off again!

There were dozens of armed bulletproof helicopters following behind!

This grand scene immediately attracted everyone's attention!

They all looked up at the sky curiously!

"Such a big scene! Are the aliens going to launch another large-scale attack?"

"That should be the case. Oh, countless people in the tribe will surely be killed or injured!"

"Damn aliens!"


Many ordinary people were speculating!

Even the students in the classroom were discussing it enthusiastically!

"What the hell! What did Xu Tian do to anger the heaven and the people?"

"I don’t know! But looking at the posture of those men in black, it seems that it is not that simple!"

"Let’s observe a moment of silence for Xu Tian!"

"A great genius! Fallen to the earth!"

Wang Yuanfeng smiled and whispered:

""Xu Tian, I wonder what you can do there! Don't let me down!"

On the side, Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yuanfeng's wretched smile and shuddered!

At the same time, she silently prayed for Xu Tian.... hope...

Still alive!


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