Xu Tian arrived home!

He went straight to the back garden!

He saw a tree with a thick trunk, lush branches and leaves, and a huge body!

It was about ten meters high!

It was described as a towering tree! It couldn't be more appropriate!

This tree is the 'Tree of Wisdom'!

It was just a small sapling two weeks ago!

But in the blink of an eye, it became like this!

Xu Tian came back that night and planted it in the back garden!

I really didn't expect it!

It actually grew so fast!

And the effect of enhancing mental strength is also very good!

Xu Tian set up a bed under the tree and stayed here every day!

Now the mental strength has skyrocketed to an astonishing 150!

It has increased by 10 points!

Although it looks small!

But you have to know that mental strength is very difficult to improve!

It can be increased by 10 points in two weeks!!

Although it can't be compared with the spirit boy potion!

But it is already shocking!

If you tell others, there will definitely be many hidden masters who are shameless to grab it!

Xu Tian ate frozen watermelon and sat leisurely under the big tree to enjoy the cool!

And just at this moment!

A dog barking sound was heard!

"Woof woof!"

"Dog barking?"Xu Tian stood up in confusion.

The sound came from outside the wall!

He jumped up and came to the wisdom tree!

He could clearly see the scene outside!

He saw three big wolfhounds surrounding a little kitten!

Their eyes were fierce!

There were leashes around the necks of the three dogs! It must have an owner!

But the cat was dirty, it must be a stray cat in the community!

And at this moment.

The system option appeared in front of Xu Tian....

【Option 1: Ignore it! Continue to eat melons leisurely and watch the show! Completion reward: Xiao Li Feidao!】

【Option 2: Punish the evil dog! Start with me! Shout out loudly,"What are you barking at?" Completion reward: Medical skills inheritance (minor success)!】

【Option 3: Take a picture quietly, post it on Moments, and add a sad caption! Completion reward: All attributes +5!

Xu Tian took a quick look at the task!

Although it seems that the reward for option 3 is better!

However, as the Apostle of Cats, the man chosen by the light!

He must not let this kind of dog evil force run rampant!

Moreover, it is a dog with an owner!

He can't tolerate it!

Xu Tian suddenly teleported to the wall, looked at the three dogs and said:

"Hey! Silly dog! Look here!"

The three dogs were stunned at first!

Then they looked at Xu Tian fiercely!


""Woof woof!"

Xu Tian took a bite of watermelon and shouted loudly:

"What are you barking at the dogs? What are you barking at the dogs?"

Three dogs:"......"

?(u´꓃`u)?(u´꓃`u)?(u´꓃`u)? The dogs were confused!

Dog 1: What is this human talking about?

Dog 2: Is he talking to us?

Dog 3: Never mind! Damn him!

The three dogs looked at each other!

They ran to the wall and jumped up with all their might, trying to pull Xu Tian off the wall!

But the wall was a full 3 meters high!

Not to mention biting him, even if Xu Tian stretched his feet down, they couldn't reach it!

"Hey! I can’t bite you! I’ll make you mad to death!"

Xu Tian’s face was full of a mean smile!


At this moment, one dog barked at the other two dogs!

Then the three dogs looked at each other and set their sights on the poor cat!

They slowly walked around!

""Woof woof!"

The kitten was trembling all over, its round eyes were full of fear, and there were some tears in them!

It looked extremely pitiful! It immediately aroused the softness in Xu Tian's heart!

"Damn it! These three dogs are so shameless!"

Xu Tian put away the watermelon, rolled up his sleeves, and jumped down! He kicked the dog in front of him!

<(  ̄︿ ̄)︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵☆(>ェ<-)Foshan Shadowless Kick!

Then he punched the dog next to him! o(# ̄▽ ̄)==O)) ̄ェ ̄")o Baji Collapse!

Xu Tian looked at the last dog with a bright smile on his face!

"Little dog! You're the only one left! Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

""Woof woof!"

The last dog was not afraid at all!

His face was full of ferocity!

He kicked his hind legs hard and ran away!


Xu Tian :"......"

His head was full of question marks? ? ?

Look at your fierce momentum!

I thought you were going to challenge me!

I didn't expect you to be such a coward!

Xu Tian's mouth curled slightly, and a white light flashed around him. He instantly appeared behind the cowardly dog!

He grabbed its tail!

ヽ( ̄▽ ̄

)—C<(/;ェ;)/Drag him away!

Then knock him out with a big slut!

(╬ ̄▽ ̄)=○#( ̄#)ェ ̄) I’ll beat you!

In the end, Xu Tian threw all three dogs together!

He was still quite sensible!

After all, it was just a lesson! Not to kill them!

So...They all fainted!

Xu Tian turned his head to look at the trembling cat, with a kind smile on his face, and said:

"Kitty, you can go now!"



【Scientific name: unknown???】

【Realm: Unknown???】

【Power: Unknown???】

【Speed: Unknown???】

【Spirit: Unknown???】

【Defense: Unknown???】

【Condition: Leg injury is extremely serious!】

【The system doesn't know its situation either, the host can make his own judgment! 】

Xu Tian was surprised!

Even the system couldn't judge its attributes?

Xu Tian questioned:"System, are you aging? You can't even detect the attributes of a small animal?"

【Resentment value from the system +999! 】

System: [Ah, right, right! This system is old! Activate self-destruct mode!】

(*Д*)σConvex← self-destruct button!

Xu Tian quickly said:"No, no, no! I'm just complaining!"

"My trust in the system is evident to all! Heaven and earth are my conscience!(๑‾᷅^‾᷅๑) I hate you!


System: [Conscience is a good thing...It's a pity you didn't! 】

Xu Tian(இдஇ`)!!!

He stopped talking nonsense with the system! He looked at the cat's legs!

It was bloody and the skin was turned inside out!

Xu Tian held his chin up and thought carefully....

"You're seriously injured....It's not safe to go out...But I don't know how to treat wounds....How to do it?"

【Ding! Option 2 mission completed, reward host medical skills inheritance (minor success)! 】

Hearing this, Xu Tian was stunned for a moment!


System , why are you giving it to me now?⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄:【Can't I just forget it? 】

Xu Tian:"......"


In an instant, a lot of medical knowledge was firmly imprinted in his mind!

Very profound!

It was as if he had experienced it personally!

Although the level was a minor success, it was enough for Xu Tian now!!

Suddenly, Xu Tian opened his eyes, and his eyes shone brightly!

Medical inheritance!

It was really mysterious!


The author has something to say:

(*❦ω❦)There's another chapter at 9pm!

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