Not for anything else!

Just because Wang Junka is number 50!

And Xu Tian is number 1!

One of them is in the lower right corner, and the other is in the upper left corner!

(╥╯﹏╰╥)Wang Junka:"......"

Are you kidding me?

Even if I have clairvoyance, I can't see it!

Xu Tian patted his shoulder with a look of pity and comforted him:

"It’s okay, I’ll pass you a note when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Wang Junka’s eyes sparkled!

He looked at Xu Tian with surprise,"Really?"

"Of course! Don't forget! I'm a space person!"

【Joy value from Wang Junka +750! 】

Wang Junka was extremely excited!

He felt like he was about to burst into tears!

He was about to kneel down!

_(ÒωÓ๑ゝ∠)_Look at me kneeling sincerely!

Xu Tian hurriedly pulled him up,"It's okay, it's nothing!"

【Touching value from Wang Junka +521! 】

Xu Tian was also very touched!


Really awesome!

Soon, the examiner came and the students all sat back in their seats!

Wang Junka kept staring at Xu Tian's back!




Xu Tian also noticed it and turned around to kill him and blinked!

Everything is OK!

Wang Junka was so excited that his whole body was shaking!

This exam will definitely make it into the top 100!

The new pineapple phone is promising!

"The exam begins! The duration is two hours!"

"You are not allowed to go to the toilet during the exam, even if you have to hold it to death!"

"Also, cheating is strictly prohibited in the exam! Cheaters will be severely punished!"

The test paper was handed out!

Xu Tian took a quick look at the questions, they were all simple basic questions!

He buried his head and started writing!

The pen slid quickly across the paper!

The sound was rustling!

The invigilator on the podium was not calm!


Boy! You wrote so fast at the beginning of the exam?

Very suspicious!

The invigilator came to Xu Tian and was about to tell him to keep his voice down!

He was stunned!

Because he saw the name on the paper...

Xu Tian from Class 1!

Instantly, the invigilator hurried away!

Xu Tian's reputation is well-known to everyone!

He naturally knows it too!

And I heard that Xu Tian has been admitted to a top university! He is just killing time in school!

What's more, he always ranks first in every exam!

How could he cheat?

Half an hour later!

Xu Tian calmly put the cap on his pen!

The surrounding students heard the noise and were all shocked!

Although they had heard of Xu Tian's deeds, they were stunned when they really saw it with their own eyes!


A full hundred questions!

Although they are all multiple-choice questions!

But the questions are very long, you can't finish reading them just by reading them, right?

How did you finish them all in half an hour?


Wang Junka, who was sitting in the last corner, also heard the noise!

When he saw Xu Tian finished!

His eyes suddenly widened!

So fast?

Xu Tian picked up the paper, stood up calmly and walked to the podium!

Everyone was stunned!

Is he going to hand in the paper early? Or hand in the paper an hour and a half in advance?

What a beast!

Not even a human being!

【Surprise value from Li Tianle +666!】

【Surprise value from Qian Duoduo +777!】

【Surprise value from Wang Junka +888! 】

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment!

Wang Junka? That’s right!

It seems that I forgot to pass the note!

Thinking of this, he silently returned to his original position!

Looking at the invigilator, he smiled brightly and said:

"Teacher, I have ADHD! I can’t help it!"



(〃゚A゚) (´゚д゚`)The two invigilators looked at each other!

They said nothing more!

They just nodded!

They made a shushing gesture! After all, he was the top student in the grade! Xu Tian tore off a corner of the test paper and wrote on it with a pen!

It was densely packed!

He clenched it in his palm!

Then he stood up calmly again and walked to the podium!


Are you hyperactive again?

The male invigilator asked:"Xu Tian, what are you doing?"

Xu Tian:"I've finished! I want to hand in the paper early!

"(°o°)w???Male invigilator:"......."

He turned his head and looked at the clock and said,"Only 35 minutes have passed, and there is still more than an hour before the end of the exam! Are you sure you want to hand in the paper?"

Xu Tian nodded!

"All right! Just hand in your papers and leave! Don't linger on campus!"

"ojbk!" Xu Tianying said.

Then he put the test paper on the podium and turned his head to look outside the door:

""What the hell! What's that at the door?"

In an instant, everyone looked over curiously and found...

There was nothing at the door!

And no one noticed!

Xu Tian curled his lips slightly, and teleported directly to Wang Junka's side!

At this time, Wang Junka was also confused!

Xu Tian did not pause!

He stuffed the small note directly into his clothes!

He showed a standard bright smile!

Then he disappeared from the spot in an instant!

It was so sudden!

No one noticed!

The invigilator looked at Xu Tian with a puzzled look and said:"There is nothing at the door?"

Xu Tian raised his chin and said:"It is indeed gone now, but there was really a gust of wind blowing past just now!"




Are you kidding me?

Can you see the wind is still blowing?

Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

You are so surprised!

People who don’t know would think you are burping because you are full!

The invigilator looked helpless:"Go out quickly and don’t disturb other candidates!"

Xu Tian made an OK gesture!

Then he left!

In the classroom!

Wang Junka looked at the small note in his hand!

His face was full of uncontrollable joy!


This time he got a brand new pineapple phone!

Thinking of this, he opened the note!

But when he saw what was on the note, he was stunned!

Because there were four sentences written on it....

Choose the shortest among three long and one short!

Choose the longest among three short and one long!

Choose B among two long and two short! Choose C among uneven!

(゚Д゚)っ! Wang Junka:"......"

What's going on?

What's the answer?

Wang Junka turned the small piece of paper over and saw two lines of words written on it:...

Honest exam!

Cheating is shameful!

(#゚д゚メ)??? Wang Junka:"......"

I was dumbfounded!

I was completely dumbfounded!

What the hell?

Didn’t we say we should pass a note?

Hey! Wait!

Pass a note!

Damn! I told you to pass the answer!

He just passed a note? ? ?

Wang Junka collapsed! He almost died!......

【Resentment value from Wang Junka +119!】

【Resentment value from Wang Junka +120!】

【Resentment value from Wang Junka +250! 】

At this time, Xu Tian was eating ice cream and walking leisurely on the way home!

Listening to the prompt of the system in his mind!

Xu Tian felt that his sense of justice was overflowing!

He saved another decadent boy!


─=≡Σ(((つ•̀ω•́)The light of the true path~!

Shines on the earth~!


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