"Oh my god! Ghost!"

Li Yuan screamed in fear.

He turned around, pinched his little brother and suddenly spurted!


The TV series said that boy's urine can ward off evil spirits, don't lie to me!

Li Yuan had closed his eyes in fear!

And at this moment, he suddenly found that the hand that had grabbed his ankle seemed to be gone?

Could it be true?

Boy's urine can ward off evil spirits?

The TV series is not lying to me?

Li Yuan tentatively opened his eyes, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned!

I saw a person with a red briefs on his head, lying on the ground weakly, foaming at the mouth!

The red briefs were also wet by the water from Li Yuan's little brother!

Very obvious!

Li Yuan:"......"

Could it be......Is this the legendary underwear ghost?

No, no!

Be more precise!

It should be the briefs ghost!

Li Yuan squatted down, picked up the branch at his feet, and with a look of disgust, he picked up the briefs and put them aside!

Only then did he reveal his true face under the briefs!

"Liu Qiang?"

Li Yuan said in disbelief.

The man he called the briefs ghost was actually Liu Qiang!

Because Wang Yuanfeng had told him before that Liu Qiang was the son of Liu Goubi, the mayor of Gouba!

Xu Tian had provoked Liu Goubi!

This Liu Qiang might attack Xu Tian in the forest!

So Li Yuan also took a close look at Liu Qiang's photo! It was almost exactly the same as the embarrassed figure in front of him!

""Heh! You deserve it!"

Li Yuan remembered that Liu Qiang had interrupted him just now!

He couldn't help but kick him hard in the crotch!


Liu Qiang bowed reflexively!

This really scared Li Yuan!

He was going to die!

It was like a corpse!

But Liu Qiang just moved a little, and then he fainted again!

Li Yuan:"......"

╮(╯▽╰)╭did not see it...

Li Yuan turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened, still humming a song.

"She understood! She understood! I couldn't afford it! So she turned and walked towards the forest.~~~"

Only Liu Qiang was left, lying alone on the ground......

When Li Yuan returned, everyone had almost finished packing.

"Brother Li, OK! A dead dog is coming?"Xiao Ma stepped forward and made an OK gesture!

""Dog, dog!"

Li Yuan took the lead and sat in the passenger seat.

He turned on the source god directly to calm down!

Xiao Ma rolled his eyes silently. When all the team members got on the car, he started it directly!

But the speed was very slow.

Because at the back of the jeep, a rope connected the jeep and a pile of sacks!

The sacks were filled with the unconscious students.

There was no way!

There was no room in the car!

""Great! The mission is finally accomplished!" Li Yuan said happily.

But at this moment, the jeep braked suddenly again!

But Li Yuan was wearing a seat belt this time, so he didn't fly out, but his forehead was still hit hard!

""Shit! Xiao Ma! Do you know how to drive? If you can't drive, let the dog drive!"

Li Yuan yelled.

But Xiao Ma didn't respond. His body was shaking violently, and he looked ahead with horror.

Li Yuan was puzzled and followed Xiao Ma's gaze.

He saw a big tree in front of him.

On the branches of the tree, there were several people hanging with ropes!

Seeing this, Li Yuan's eyes widened, and he patted Xiao Ma beside him and said:

"Pony, you...Did you see it? Yes...It's hanging...Hanged ghost!"

But Xiao Ma did not respond to him, his neck tilted and he fainted!

Li Yuan:"......"

('o ´*)=╭∩╮ Middle finger!

Why am I always the one who gets hurt?

World...Destroy it!.......

On the other side, the bus Xu Tian was riding on had already arrived at the school.

The other students all went back to their homes.......

Xu Tian was called aside by Wang Yuanfeng

"Xu Tian, do you have a university in mind?"Wang Yuanfeng asked.

Xu Tian touched his chin and fell into deep thought....

"What universities are there?"

Wang Yuanfeng:"......"

So you don’t even know what universities there are?

Then why do you spend so much time thinking?

Thinking about life!?

Wang Yuanfeng rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Yanbei University, Huaqing University, Qingse University, Niuma University and other top universities, those admissions office teachers have already arrived in Gouba City this morning."

"They all called me and asked me to ask for your opinion."......"

(°ー°〃)!!!He was stunned.

What the hell?

Am I so awesome? How come I don’t know?

"Really?" Xu Tian asked


"Will you compensate ten times the price if the product is fake?"

Wang Yuanfeng:"......"

I'll give you a huge head compensation!


I really want to punch you a few times!

Let you see the evil of society!

Xu Tian told Wang Yuanfeng to think about it carefully.

The two chatted for a while, and then Xu Tian left the school.

On his way home, he was thinking...

Which university should I choose?

If nothing else, at least there should be more beauties!

Because experts once said that looking at beauties every day can prolong your life!

How can you not believe this?

You must believe it!

At this moment, Xu Tian suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

His legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

○| ̄|_......

Xu Tian was confused!

What's going on?

Am I so weak? Why are my legs so weak?

There haven't been any rewards recently!

I'm not Sister Li!

【Ding! The time for the spinach is up! The host will enter the sage mode! 】

Xu Tian(◎_◎;)???

Are you trying to trick me?

You're walking and you say time is up?

Are you playing?

My legs are weak, do you want me to crawl back?

System: [I didn't say...But you can go back! 】

Xu Tian:"......"

You are so considerate!

How about I sing a song for you?

Listen to me saying thank you~ Because of you~ the four seasons are warm♪♪♪

System: [Leaked Prabrum!]

Xu Tian:"?????"

Five consecutive doubts!


Or you can delete me.♪♪♪

I gritted my teeth and ordered this sentence♪♪♪

While Xu Tian was talking to the system, a sweet voice came into Xu Tian's ears.

"Brother? Why are you kneeling here?"

Xu Xiaotang came over with a schoolbag on his back, tilted his head, and looked puzzled.

(o_O )? ? ?

Xu Tian:"......."


It can't be such a coincidence, right?

I'm going to die in front of my sister!

From now on, my family status will become the younger brother!

Xu Tian blushed and looked up at the sky.

He said lightly:"Xiaotang! You are here too! Come here and celebrate with me that the immortal has successfully passed the tribulation!"

Xu Xiaotang's face was full of question marks? ?

? What immortal?

She followed Xu Tian's gaze and found nothing. There was only a dark sky.

"Well...Where is the immortal?"

"cough cough...Of course it is ascended, you are still young now, you will understand my intention when you grow up."Xu Tian said in a dignified manner.

Hearing this, Xu Xiaotang showed a sweet smile on her face:

"I see......."

"How about you just keep kneeling here? I'll go back to sleep and pick you up tomorrow morning?"


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