Wang Yuanfeng was confused again(•ิ_•ิ)?

He rolled his eyes silently!

He finally understood!

Asking Xu Tian questions!

It's better to fart!

Then, he turned and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao,"Xiaoxiao, do you know where they are?"

""Ah? Are you calling me? I don't know!"

Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Tian secretly and shook her head quickly.

Although her movements were very small, Wang Yuanfeng, who had decades of teaching experience, still clearly noticed that something was wrong.

Wang Yuanfeng couldn't help but glared at Xu Tian with resentment!

It must be this kid's doing!


Why is this guy causing trouble everywhere!?

There was no other way!

Wang Yuanfeng could only turn around and say to Li Yuan:

"Captain Li, please send someone in to look for her immediately. If something goes wrong, the parents may start causing trouble again."


Li Yuan replied, and then gave instructions to the team members behind him.

Several jeeps were dispatched to go in!

Those who came back early all took the bus back.......

【Ding! Option 3 mission completed!���Li Da Chu brand He Huan San! 】

After he finished speaking, a plastic bag about the size of a playing card appeared in Xu Tian's hand.

There were four big red characters written on it:...

Specialties of Da Chu!

【Da Chu Brand Hehuan Powder: can directly penetrate the skin! Control the mind and soul! Increase desire hundreds of times! Suitable for both male and female!】

"Oh my god! So awesome?"

"Wouldn't that mean that we can kill people without them even noticing?"


Xu Tian hugged it tightly in his arms as if he had found a treasure!

Seeing that all the seats in the bus were full, Wang Yuanfeng asked the driver to drive back first.

The rest of the people waited for the next bus.......

In Tianshui Forest.

Li Yuan and a dozen team members were driving a jeep in the forest.

Due to the previous thunder and lightning, the students' positioning devices were also ineffective!

Unable to lock the position!

So they could only wander around!

Life and death are determined by fate! Fortune and wealth are in the hands of God!

If those students are unlucky and are eaten by passing spirit beasts!

It doesn't matter to them!

After all, Tianshui Forest is full of dangers!

I'm dead!

But I can't blame others!

Li Yuan sat in the co-pilot, with a cigarette in his mouth and playing games with both hands.

""Hu Tao's wife's clothes are so big!"

He was still shouting.


, the jeep stopped abruptly. Li Yuan was not wearing a seat belt and flew out with inertia.

The front car window was smashed to pieces!

""Fuck! Xiao Ma! Fuck you! You didn't even say a word when you braked!"

Li Yuan picked up his phone and touched his head that had hit the tree!

"plum...Brother Li, you...Look over there!"

Xiao Ma pointed behind Li Yuan and said with a horrified look on his face.

"What the hell?"Li Yuan looked in the direction of Xiao Ma's finger, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

He saw many figures lying on the ground not far away!

Their clothes were torn, and their faces were covered with black ash!

Some of them even had frizzy hair!

Li Yuan quickened his pace and hurried forward to check!

"I have some impression of this person, he seems to be a student from Class 5!"

"This one seems a little familiar to me!"

"And this!"

Li Yuan looked around and found that these were all students from Gou Bayi Middle School!

Then, he turned around and shouted to the team members behind him:

"These people are all students, and they are still alive, just unconscious!"

""Hurry up and bring all the sacks over!"

Upon hearing this, many team members also cooperated very well and brought many colorful sacks over!

"Our jeep can’t hold so many people, so we can only load them up in sacks and carry them back!"

"Got it!"The team members nodded and all took action!

Li Yuan frowned and looked serious.

He walked past the fallen people one by one.

"Apparently, the previous lightning was not natural, but man-made......."

"Moreover, this spellcaster is likely to be a student......."

"But, what kind of strength can cause such a great power?"

He touched his chin, with a puzzled look on his face.

Because even he couldn't release such a large-scale attack!

"...water...Water, I want to drink water~"

Suddenly, a weak voice came into Li Yuan's ears.


He was startled by this sudden sentence! He jumped five meters high on the spot!

He turned around and kicked hard based on his feeling!



What's that sound?

It seems that he kicked someone?

Li Yuan turned around and found a figure flying backwards close to the ground, spitting blood!

But the blood was black!

When Li Yuan saw the man's appearance, his eyes widened!

""Oh my god! Ghost!"

He shouted and ran away!

Not for anything else, just because the flying figure looked extremely scary!

The eyes were red and bloodshot!

The face was all black except for the teeth.

And the long hair was also draped over her face!

If Xu Tian was there!

He would definitely shout...

Sister Sadako!

And now the sun has set, the surrounding environment is relatively dim!

If it were darker, her skin color would become a natural invisible cloak!

Li Yuena, lying on the ground, vomited a mouthful of black blood again!

With desperate eyes, she watched Li Yuan's figure getting farther and farther away!......

"Brother Li! What’s wrong with you?"Xiao Ma looked at Liu Yuan who was running towards him with a terrified face and couldn’t help wondering.

Li Yuan didn’t respond. He turned his head and looked behind him, then patted his chest and let out a long breath!

Li Yuan asked seriously:"Xiao Ma, do you believe that there are ghosts in the world?"

Xiao Ma also said seriously:"I believe.......You ghost!"

Li Yuan:"......"

(╯‵□′)╯︵(o゚▽゚)o ~*Let's go!

Li Yuan gave Xiao Ma a big kick!

Then he told Xiao Ma,"You guys do it first, I'm going to pee."

Xiao Ma:"......"

Run after the fight?

Also! Aren't you the captain? Why are you the only one slacking off?

Are we still forced to wear sacks?


I want to be the captain in my next life!!!!o(╥﹏╥)o!!!.......

Li Yuan came to a secluded forest, looked around, and found no one.

He then untied his belt leisurely.

He hummed a song,"I love you walking alone in the dark alley~ I love you for not kneeling! I love you for confronting despair~ and refusing to cry!"

"Are you going? Are you qualified? This ragged......"

But suddenly, his singing stopped abruptly because he found something on his ankle. He looked down and found a hand covered in mud on his ankle, holding it tightly.


Author's comment: The song sung by Li Yuan above is"The Lone Brave Man"!

It's the one called"Children's Song" on Douyin!

Eason Chan's version!

It's pretty good!

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