Yangwei Community

"Tell me your purpose quickly, otherwise...Hey hey"

"Ah!! Xu Tian! You are such a pervert!"

"I'm a pervert! What can you do?"

"you...you...You are obscene!"

Strange voices kept coming from Xu Tian's bedroom, leaving Wang Hu, who was sitting in the living room, speechless.

"Ah this..."

At this time, Mu Lengxi was tied up on the bed.

Her hands and feet were tightly restrained by the forbidden handcuffs.

Her face was full of pain, and she struggled hard, but it was still useless.

"Damn! I don't know what you are insisting on!"

Xu Tian sat at the end of the bed, with a sly smile on his face.

【The resentment value from Mu Lengxi +5555!】

【The resentment value from Mu Lengxi +5555!】

"Xu Tian, even if I die, I will never say that my purpose was to assassinate you!"

Xu Tian:"???"

Mu Lengxi also realized that she had actually said it, and she was stunned.

"that...Do you believe me if I tell you I made it up?"

Xu Tian shook his head:"No!"

"Humph!" Mu Lengxi snorted coldly and turned his face away.

"How did you get to Blue Planet?"

"I won’t tell you! I won’t tell you even if I die!"

"You don't want to tell me, right?"

Xu Tian rubbed his...Sleeves, and directly put his hands on the belt of Seven Wolves.

Seeing this, Mu Lengxi's eyes were full of fear, and she was actually scared to tears:

"Woohoo! No! I said! I said everything"

"Eh? I haven't done anything yet? Why did you give in?"

Xu Tian looked puzzled and loosened the seven wolves.

"you...Aren't you going to take off your pants?" Mu Lengxi said blankly

"I just feel a little tight, can't I loosen it up a bit?"

Xu Tian looked innocent:"If you want to say it, just say it!"

However, Mu Lengxi's attitude changed drastically:"Humph! I regret it! I won't say it anymore!"

She thought her threat worked, and Xu Tian didn't dare to do anything to her.

"Hey! Do you really think I don't dare?"

Xu Tian unbuttoned the top button of his white shirt, revealing his clavicle that was like a desert basin.

Mu Lengxi showed fear again:

"you...What are you doing? If you dare to violate this princess, I will die with you! My father will also avenge me!"

"Oh! A princess? Also, you mentioned father several times, who is your father?"

"Humph! My father is the greatest emperor in the history of the blood clan......."Hui Ye Dome Sky."

Xu Tian was stunned, and then a sly smile appeared on his face:

"Blood clan? How dare they roam freely in China? Interesting."

Mu Lengxi's face froze, and she was secretly distressed:"It's over, I'm exposed!"

"Woohoo, it's all Xu Tian's fault. I feel so miserable...."

"Believe it or not, if I hand you over to the Lingyin Army, their methods will be even more brutal, and they will also take you as a hostage to weaken the strength of your blood clan."

Xu Tian said with a sinister smile.

After hearing Xu Tian's words, Mu Lengxi was almost crying without tears.

She pouted, her eyes were relieved, and she looked like she was ready to be picked.

Xu Tian grinned:"No poke! Have backbone!"

After that, he took out a dagger and approached Mu Lengxi with a smirk.

At this moment, the door was suddenly kicked open.

"Son! Your mother just called and said......"

Xu Shimei paused before he finished speaking.

From his perspective, Mu Lengxi was tied up on the bed, her face full of despair, tears streaming down her cheeks, dripping onto the bed sheets....

Xu Tian had his back to him, his hands on the bed, and his body leaning forward....

This action seems familiar....

"cough cough...Excuse me, son, please continue. See you in a day."

After saying that, Xu Shimei hurriedly closed the door.

He also quickly nailed the door frame with an iron plate to prevent anyone from entering and affecting his son's life.

"Hehehe, this time next year will be my grandson's birthday."

Xu Shimei wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat on the sofa with a smile, and watched the cartoon"Don't Bully the Poor Young Man" with Wang Hu.

In the bedroom, Xu Tian listened to the sound of nails being hammered, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

The two looked at each other.

Xu Tian glanced at the dagger in his hand:"Uh......Or should we continue to threaten?"

Mu Lengxi once again showed an expression of letting him take advantage of her, and closed her eyes in despair.

"Hey, I'm going to start!"

As he said that, Xu Tian placed the dagger on Mu Lengxi's heart, slightly cutting the skin, and some blood seeped out.

"Hiss~" Mu Lengxi took a breath of cold air

"Ah! What are you doing?"


"What are you doing with the knife?"


"I...no..."There was a tremor in Mu Lengxi's words.

"How can you cut the skin without a knife?" Xu Tian looked puzzled.

""Huh? Why do you want to cut your skin?" Mu Lengxi was also confused.

Xu Tian looked at her as if she was a fool:"How can you get the blood crystal without cutting your skin?"

"Ah!? Your goal is my blood crystal? ?"

Mu Lengxi's eyes widened.

"That's right!"

Xu Tian nodded and grinned,"Besides, the only valuable thing on your body is the blood crystal. Can't I take it away while it's still hot?"

Mu Lengxi said.(◎_◎;)???

Her big eyes were full of question marks

"so...Your purpose is to obtain the blood crystal?"

"Yes! What else can we do?"

"you...Don’t you crave my body?"


Xu Tian looked him up and down and curled his lips:"There are some things, but not much."

Mu Lengxi(◎-◎;)"???

She was completely speechless.

It turned out that the conversation between the two was completely on different channels.

【The fear value from Mu Lengxi +2333!】

【The fear value from Mu Lengxi +5555!】

"Is there anything else to say? I'm about to start!"Xu Tian touched the dagger in his hand and said with a smile

"Don't! I..."

"It’s okay, it’s okay, it doesn’t hurt, it will be gone in a moment!"

"Ahhhh...Help!...Woo woo woo~~"

"Scream if you want, this is the last time anyway."

One day later...

Xu Tian teleported out of the bedroom, feeling refreshed and with a look of enjoyment on his face.

""Fuck! Can't my son hit you? It's over in just one day?" Xu Shimei took a bite of the apple, his face full of disdain. Xu Tian ignored his father's accusation, held the back of his head, and sat on the sofa with his legs crossed:

"It's really tiring."

Hearing this, Xu Shimei smiled wretchedly and said,"How about it, will my grandson be able to land safely on this day next year?"

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