An hour had passed since Xu Tian and the other two came out of the Law Enforcement Department.

Li Peng did not embarrass them, but only took notes and gave them some ideological education.

At this time, the sun was setting, and a man was walking on the road with two large sausages.

""Hmm~ Really delicious~"

Wang Hu chewed the fragrant spiritual power grilled sausage with a look of enjoyment on his face.

A surge of spiritual power flowed through the spiritual veins and flowed to his limbs and bones, and he felt a burst of comfort.

"Wow~! Brother Xu! This spiritual intestine is so delicious! The spiritual energy contained in it can be compared to the meat of an early silver beast!"

"Well, don't poke it! 5000 spirit coins for one is not a loss!"

Xu Tian also chewed the grilled sausage, and didn't feel pain because of the high price. He was a little tired of the big fish and meat he usually ate, so he would eat some grilled sausage to relieve it.

"And more! I feel like the spiritual veins in my body have expanded a lot more!"

Wang Hu couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"If we test talents now, we should all be at SS level, right?"

"Hehehe! All this is thanks to you, Brother Xu!"

When Wang Hu said this, tears welled up in his eyes.

Xu Tian walked to the side with a look of disgust:"You are so old, and you cry all the time?"

Wang Hu didn't care, and took another big bite of the pig intestine.

Soon, the two came to Wang Hu's home, or rather, his former home.

Because it had become a ruin at this time, surrounded by many red horizontal bars to prevent it from collapsing again and accidentally injuring pedestrians.

Even after an hour, there were still more than a dozen people gathered here.

It's not because they have nothing to do, but because Wang Hu is so damn talented. It's the first time I heard that there is someone who demolished his own home.

At this time, it seemed that someone noticed Xu Tian and Wang Hu behind the crowd, and couldn't help exclaiming:

""Fuck! Xu Tian! And that genius next door, Xiao Wang!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned around.

Seeing that it was Xu Tian, they were all very surprised.

They had only seen pictures of this person on the Internet, but when they saw him in real life, he was really handsome and had an extraordinary aura.

Even a little girl came forward.

She took out a black pen, raised her head, looked directly at Xu Tian with her big watery eyes, and said softly with moist lips:

""Brother Xu Tian, you are my idol, can you sign an autograph for me?"

She was wearing a red dress and had two pigtails. She looked delicate, with big and lively eyes and a cherry mouth with a hint of moisture, which made her look very cute.

It made people want to give her a smack on the face!

Seeing this, Xu Tian was stunned at first, and then smiled brightly:"Where do you sign?"

He did not take the black pen, but stared at the girl's chest.

His eyes narrowed.

This action was very obscene in the eyes of outsiders.

Several people around sighed helplessly. Their impression of Xu Tian was a little worse.


The word"lust" is a knife to your head, it depends on whether you will punish it or not.

Seeing Xu Tian's unconcealed action, the girl was stunned at first, and then a hint of coldness flashed by imperceptibly, and it disappeared in a flash.

【Resentment value from Mu Lengxi +1000!】

【Resentment from Mu Lengxi +1000! 】

The little girl's name is Mu Lengxi...

Just as Mu Lengxi was about to speak, Wang Hu took the initiative to whisper in Xu Tian's ear:

"Brother Xu, you won't let the little girl go either? That's a real punishment! More than five years, no upper limit!"

The voice was not loud, but the people around heard it clearly.

They all nodded in agreement.

Some even took out their mobile phones and switched to the law enforcement department number page. With just a click, they could make a call.

They were afraid that Xu Tian would kill to silence her.

Xu Tian's eyelids twitched.

Oh no!

Have you read too many novels? Are you so ridiculous?

""Well, Brother Xu Tian, it's not impossible, I can hold it in."

At this time, Mu Lengxi suddenly fanned the flames.

This sentence hit everyone's heart like the hammer of the sky!

Everyone present opened their eyes wide!

They all looked at the little girl in disbelief, with their pupils bursting!

At this time, Mu Lengxi had already lowered her head shyly.

From the side, it can be seen that her face, as white as milk, was full of blush, like a ripe red apple. I really want to take a bite to taste whether it is moist!

Xu Tian narrowed his eyes and curled the corners of his mouth slightly:"Okay! But there are conditions."

As soon as these words came out!

Mu Lengxi was stunned, and raised her head with her mouth slightly open!

Wang Hu was also stunned, and his legs were shaking!

Everyone present was even more stunned, as if struck by lightning, and stood there in a daze!

"What? Don't want to?"

Xu Tian had an evil smile on his face. He was only one meter away from Mu Lengxi and could clearly smell the scent of gardenia on her body.

Mu Lengxi's brain froze for a moment and she hadn't recovered yet.

After a while, she said blankly:"Brother Xu Tian, then please sign for me first! Just sign on the back of your hand."

Xu Tian smiled like a spring breeze:"Okay!"

As he said that, he took the black pen, took a step forward and was about to sign on the back of Mu Lengxi's hand.

At this moment, something strange happened!

Mu Lengxi's eyes turned cold, her palm turned into ice crystals, and suddenly stabbed towards Xu Tian's heart!


Without any surprise, the ice crystal pierced Xu Tian's chest directly!

Everything happened in just a flash.

Not to mention everyone else, even Wang Hu didn't react.

Xu Tian's eyes widened, his eyes full of fear:""

Mu Lengxi showed two sharp little fangs, like a demon from the abyss.

"Hehe! Xu Tian, your death is coming!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the ice crystal that her hand turned into flashed with cold light.

A stream of cold air burst out from her hand, surging like a tide!

However, the one who responded to her was Xu Tian with a bright smile:"Little girl, it's so fun!" As soon as the voice fell ,

Xu Tian's figure slowly dissipated.

Mu Lengxi's pupils shrank. What was just an afterimage?

How fast must the speed be to create such a realistic afterimage?

Suddenly, Mu Lengxi felt a chill on her neck.

The black signature pen was on her neck.

It was like the scythe of the god of death. It felt that as long as it moved slightly, she would be killed directly.

"How is it? Do you want an autograph?"

Xu Tian's voice came from behind.

His tone was like a smile, but not a smile, with a hint of teasing.

Mu Lengxi's body trembled violently, and she closed her eyes resignedly, and said coldly:

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to kill, just kill!"

"Ha! Why kill him? By then he will be too cold to feel anything!"

Hearing this, Mu Lengxi's body froze.

゛(◎_◎;)!! ?

As if she understood the teasing in Xu Tian's words, two lines of tears flowed from her eyes, and she murmured with her lips slightly opened:

"Father, my daughter will die here today. I hope you can avenge me and kill Xu Tian."

"What's the point of falling? I'm not going to kill you!"

"What are you going to do?" Mu Lengxi was stunned.

"Since you've agreed, of course I have to play with you!"

As he spoke, Xu Tian knocked Mu Lengxi unconscious, put her in a blue sack, and carried her on his shoulders.

""Huzi, let's go! Let's go home!"

Wang Hu nodded blankly and followed.

Under the setting sun, the shadows of the two were infinitely elongated until they disappeared from everyone's sight.

The people who were stunned in the same place could not come back to their senses for a long time........

An old man in the crowd hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed the number of the Law Enforcement Department:

"There's a human trafficker here....Um...he is...Xu Tian."

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