"In fact, Nie Ying is Xu Tian's little lover."

Yang Peng's words fell into everyone's ears.

Xu Tian opened his mouth wide when he heard the news.



There's a melon?

And it's my own?

What the hell is a little lover?

Nie Ying is my little lover? How come I don't know?

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

(〃゚A゚) (´゚д゚`)? ?

? Ugh?

Are you sure?

Xu Tian started to keep a mistress when he was just 18?

He is really energetic!

Most of them have entered middle age. Although their fighting ability is not bad, they are no longer good in that aspect.

People can't help themselves when they reach middle age. Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup.

Even if you drink wolfberries every day, you can't go back to the time when you were young and full of blood.

Hearing that Xu Tian has a mistress, they are naturally envious!

【The envy value from Ran Hanhai is +888!】

【Envy value from Huo Yuan +999!】

【From Liu Pei.......】

The list of emotional values was refreshing like crazy!

Xu Tian was a little confused.

I lost? Is this even possible?

"Nie Ying, 19 years old, has water-related abilities, often wears a blue dress, and is often with Xu Tian."

Yang Peng continued:"If nothing unexpected happens, Nie Ying should be in the Lingyin military camp at this time."

""Ah? Lingyin military camp, are we going to Lingyin military camp to catch her?" Someone asked in disbelief.

Yang Peng nodded:"Yes! This is the order from headquarters!"

Everyone present took a breath of cold air.

Breaking into Lingyin military camp?

Don't want to live?

Now they are still being hunted by Lingyin military camp!

Do they want to turn the tables?

Steal the crystal directly?

Yang Peng saw the tangled expressions of the crowd, and he was displeased. He said in a deep voice:"Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone shook their heads:"No!"

Although it is dangerous, the order from headquarters is like a military order and must not be violated!

Otherwise, they will be charged with treason, cut into human pigs, and never reincarnate!

Yang Peng's expression eased a little when he saw this. He waved his hand and slowly dispersed the surrounding soundproof array:

"Don't worry too much. Most of the main forces of the Lingyin Army have been dispatched to pursue us. The barracks should be short of main personnel at this time."

"Often, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this.

White wings suddenly grew out from behind Yang Peng!

Snow-white and translucent, the hair was neatly combed as if carefully!

Suddenly, the wings flapped!

Yang Peng jumped directly from the tall building!

Everyone followed without hesitation!

""Old Ji, what are you daydreaming about here? Let's go!" Han Xi patted Xu Tian on the shoulder and pulled him back from his consciousness.

Xu Tian came back to his senses and grinned:"Let's go!"

Then, the two of them followed the large army to the Lingyin military camp.

At this time, Xu Tian's heart was already blooming with joy!

He wanted to wipe them out here!

However, Xu Tian could sense that the man called the Demon Envoy was much stronger than him.

At least he was in the golden realm.

If he fought alone and used all his trump cards, he might still have the strength to fight.

However, there are dozens of Night Demons here, and they are not vegetarians either. They will definitely obstruct them at that time.

I was just worried about not having a way to deal with it.

But if they arrived at the Lingyin military camp, Xu Tian would have full confidence to keep them there completely!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-!!!

Not long after the Night Demons left, more than a dozen figures rushed from all directions downstairs of the unfinished building.

It was Li Qi and others who had just arrived.

Li Qi frowned and asked:"Did you also follow those people here?"

Chen Mingzhe rushed to the front and explained,"Yes, we followed one of the waves of Night Demons, and their aura disappeared after we arrived here."

Feng Mi also echoed,"The aura of the wave of Night Demons we chased also disappeared after they arrived here."

Li Qi's expression became more and more solemn. He looked up at the unfinished building in front of him, thought for a moment and said,"Let's go in and take a look!"

Hearing this, everyone quietly activated their spiritual power and prepared to fight at any time.

Li Qi took the lead, with the yellow arc of electricity in his hand dancing wildly. The power in it was breathtaking at a glance. More than a dozen people acted together and did not separate.

To prevent being defeated one by one by the enemies in the dark!

After searching the first and second floors, there were still no clues, not even the slightest trace of people left.

Li Qi looked at the stairs leading to the third floor and squinted his eyes.

This unfinished building was built a few years ago, but it seems that because the two parties did not reach a satisfactory cooperation, it has been abandoned here.

It is located in the suburbs and has very little traffic, so the relevant agencies of Gouba City did not pay much attention to it.

The unfinished building has only three floors.

There is no trace of the first and second floors, so there is only the third floor.

The figure can't disappear out of thin air, right?

Li Qi and others went up to the third floor cautiously.

"Captain! Come quickly! I found many footprints."Chen Mingzhe waved to Li Qi as if he had discovered some amazing treasure!

Li Qi came over, squatted down, carefully observed the watermarks on the ground, and whispered softly:

"About thirty people...It seems to have just happened a short time ago."

At this moment, another loud shout came over.

""Hey hey hey! Captain, look what I found!"

Fan Jian was holding a white feather in his hand, shouting excitedly.

"This feather seems to belong to that demon messenger. As expected, they have stayed here before."

Li Qi took the feather and frowned:"Where did you find it?"


Fan Jian pointed to the corner of the wall,"Just now this feather was pressed under that stone."

Hearing this, Li Qi's figure flashed over, squatted down, and picked up the fist-sized stone.

His eyes suddenly widened:"Top-grade spiritual stone!"

As soon as this was said, everyone gathered around.

Fan Jian was surprised:"ヽ(゜Q)Ah? How is that possible? I didn't even feel any spiritual power from it!"

Chen Jingzhe also looked puzzled:"∑(´△`)?! Mi Rabbit!"

Feng Mi:"(≖ᴗ≖)✧plus one!"

"It is indeed a top-grade spiritual stone, but it has been used. The spiritual power inside has been completely absorbed. Now it is just an ordinary stone."

Li Qi explained to everyone.

Top-grade spiritual stone.

For ordinary people, it is a privilege to see it, not to mention being able to recognize it.

The reason why Li Qi was able to recognize it was naturally because he had previously looted a whole sack of top-grade spiritual stones from Xu Tian's house.

He was quite familiar with its aura.

"...Why would a top-grade spirit stone appear in this broken place?"Fan Jian asked in confusion.

Li Qi did not speak, but picked up the spirit stone and turned it back and forth in his hands.

He also felt that it was a bit strange for a top-grade spirit stone to appear here.

Sure enough!

He suddenly found a few small words on the back of the spirit stone, and there was some small powder next to it, as if it had just been carved.......

【Capture Nie Ying alive, Lingyin Military Camp - Xu Leifeng]

Li Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked in the direction of Lingyin Military Camp. The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and he murmured in a low voice:

"ಠᴗಠIt's you......Xu Tian!"


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