Gouba Suburb. On the third floor of an unfinished building.

There were about a dozen figures sitting around, wearing red cloaks and masks.

The whole place was silent, with only the sound of the rain ringing in everyone's ears.

"Ji Lun, why are you so slow?"Han Xi bumped his shoulder against his companion, a little puzzled.

"I just had to pee on the way, so I took a break on the side of the road." Xu Tian, wearing a cloak, waved his hand nonchalantly.

He just did it to avoid exposing his identity. He did not use his superpowers and lightning shadowless legs, just ran. It was still a bit difficult to catch up with the few people rushing at high speed.

Everyone in the audience wore a mask, and generally speaking, people should not be recognized.

However, according to the memory that Xu Tian peeped, each night demon has his own number, which is engraved on the shoulder of the cloak, and people who are familiar with it can naturally remember it.

The person knocked out by Xu Tian was named Ji Lun, and his night demon number was 9867. He was basically a member of the lowest level.

This was also his first mission.

The man next to him was named Han Xi, who was Ji Lun's good brother. The two started a business, were framed, and went bankrupt and were heavily in debt. They were forced to become night demons to escape debt.

It's a bit pitiful to say

"Old Han, what are you doing?" Xu Tian asked in a low voice, half covering his mouth.

"They said they would wait until the people came back before carrying out the next mission."Han Xi didn't know either, so he simply asked the people around him, and then told Xu Tian.

Xu Tian touched his chin and nodded.

According to the memory, their mission this time was to assassinate Wang Hu.

As for why? He, a low-level Night Demon, had no right to know.

Just obey orders!

Clap, clap, clap!

At this moment, a man suddenly stood up and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

Although he was also wearing a crimson cloak, he was a little different from the others.

Behind him, there was an extremely conspicuous golden pattern.

Demon Envoy!

This is a symbol of the identity of a Demon Envoy among the Night Demons.

The more golden patterns there are, the higher their status among the Night Demons.

"...The four teams have been completely wiped out."

Yang Peng said in a deep voice, and with a wave of his hand, countless white feathers shot out from his palm, and were arranged in an orderly manner and suspended around the crowd, surrounding everyone.

Xu Tian could vaguely see that each feather was a formation eye, and when all were in place, they directly formed an invisible formation.

This formation was called a soundproof formation.

It isolated the inside and outside of the formation to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping.

However, this was only the lowest level formation, and it was ineffective for people who transcended their own realm.

"The mission failed, many members were killed, and the headquarters just sent a message, expressing their disappointment in us."Yang Peng lowered his head and sighed faintly.

Everyone lowered their heads in shame.

Seeing this, Xu Tian also lowered his head, but he felt a little puzzled.

Could this Night Demon be a large-scale pyramid scheme organization? Are they all so obedient?

Will they kneel down to worship some evil god in a while?

Thinking of this, Xu Tian's face became strange.

"But!" Yang Peng suddenly changed his tone and his eyes became firm.

"The headquarters has sent us a new mission. If we complete it, we will be able to make up for our mistakes and avoid being punished!"

"Otherwise, the punishment will be doubled!"

When these words came out, everyone shuddered.

They seemed to be very afraid of this so-called punishment.

Xu Tian and Han Xi didn't understand why.

They were both on a mission for the first time, and they had never heard of such news from others.

But from everyone's reaction, it can be seen that this punishment is definitely not pleasant.

"This mission is......"Capture Nie Ying alive!" Yang Peng's voice reached everyone's ears.

They were all confused.

Who is Nie Ying?

This name was quite unfamiliar to them. It was the first time they heard this name.

Xu Tian's pupils were dilated, and murderous aura was overflowing from his body!

Damn it!

The dog is worse than the Night Demon!

He can't capture me, but he actually set his sights on the people around me? He is so shameless!...Obscene...

Xu Tian cursed in his heart.

Han Xi was beside Xu Tian, so he naturally felt the murderous aura from Xu Tian. He couldn't help but shudder.

He bumped Xu Tian's shoulder.

""Hey! Old Ji! What's wrong with you?"

Han Xi's voice came into his ears, and Xu Tian immediately woke up. He was so angry just now that he was careless.

He secretly glanced at the standing demon envoy Yang Peng. He found that at this moment, he was looking around with a bad look, as if he felt the murderous aura just now, but it was illusory and soon disappeared.

He couldn't find it for a while.

""Is it an illusion?" Yang Peng murmured in a low voice.

Then he didn't pay too much attention to it and explained to the many puzzled people:

"Nie Ying, this name is indeed unfamiliar, but if I say Xu Tian, are you still unfamiliar with it?"

"Xu Tian!? The space awakener? He seems to be a hot topic in Gouba City!"

"Yes! When I was having breakfast outside yesterday, I heard a few middle-aged women behind me discussing Xu Tian. They said that Xu Tian was so strong, and they didn’t know how long he could last."

"And more! I found a book related to Xu Tian in heaven!"

"What's the big deal? I also found Xu Tian's AI face-changing video!"

"Oh, yes! According to inside information, the person who scared away Taotie, one of the Eight Beast Gods, was also Xu Tian!"

"When you say this, I remember that he seemed to have gone to the Yunnan [Jingye] Spirit Realm a few days ago, killing everyone there! It is said that he even killed a diamond-level Eternal Night Blood Clan creature!"

""Fuck! So awesome!?"

Seeing that everyone was talking about Xu Tian’s glorious deeds, Yang Peng couldn’t help but frown.

Suddenly he shouted,"Shut up!" As soon as these words came out, the sound at the scene stopped abruptly as if the pause button was pressed.

Yang Peng said coldly,"Always remember! Xu Tian is our Night Demon’s enemy! Admiring the enemy! It will boost others’ morale and destroy your own prestige!"

"Yes! We will follow the instructions of the Master Demon Envoy!"

Everyone bowed their heads and said.

Xu Tian couldn't help but curl his lips!

Ha! You don't even know how to praise people!

How long can you persist? Book? AI face-changing?

Listen! Listen to me, is this human language?

How can you praise people like this?

Xu Tian originally wanted to curse a few words in his heart, but was interrupted by Yang Peng's voice.

"Nie Ying is actually Xu Tian..."

Yang Peng cleared his throat and said seriously:"My dear"


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