Squirtle noticed Xu Tian's strange look, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough!

Just when this thought came to his mind, Squirtle felt his nostrils getting hot!

Two columns of blood spurted out!

Xu Tian grinned, he was prepared in his heart, and he teleported away!


Nie Ying, who was still standing there stupidly, suffered, her whole body was sprayed with blood!

Her eyes were dull, her mouth was slightly open, and she had the look of an idiot child!

Confused? ? ?

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

What just happened?

Why did blood spurt out of nowhere?

She stared blankly at Squirtle's nostrils that were still spurting blood, and fell into deep thought for a while.…

【Resentment value from Nie Ying +1000! 】

On the other side!

Xu Tian found Wang Mazi lying on the ground in a coma!

Xu Tian sighed helplessly:"Hey~ I don't know what to say about you! Typical of being a bad player and playing around!"

A silver five-star fighting a diamond one-star, isn't this asking for a fight?

If Ji Hun had burst out with all his strength at that time, he could have beaten Wang Mazi into blood!

Xu Tian took out a green-packaged medicine powder from the system space!

He poured it directly into Wang Mazi's mouth!

"999 Baizhiling Granules" was written on the medicine bag!

This thing was a reward for completing the system option before, and it has been kept in the system space.

If Xu Tian hadn't seen it by chance, he would have really forgotten about it.

He tried it after being knocked away!

He found that his body was completely restored in less than a minute!

Even the left eye that was backlashed was restored!

He ate a few more iced watermelons and restored his spiritual power to its peak state!

Then he rushed over here!

Wang Mazi opened his eyes in a daze, looked at Xu Tian with a blank look, and said in surprise:"Brother Tian! You are still alive?"

Xu Tian:"Then I'll leave?"

Wang Mazi smiled, stood up, took a look at his uninjured body, and couldn't help but be stunned!

"What's going on? How did Brother Tian do it?"

If there were no tattered strips of cloth on his clothes, he would really think that what happened before was a dream!

Xu Tian smiled mysteriously:"Keep it secret for now!"

He couldn't say that this was a treasure rewarded by the system, right?

Wang Mazi didn't ask any more questions!

After all, everyone has secrets!

Even if the relationship is very good, it is impossible to tell them all!

At this moment.


The earth began to tremble violently!

Xu Tian flew up to the sky in confusion and looked into the distance!

Not far away, the blood clan army was rushing towards this side in a mighty manner, like a black ocean, with at least several thousand people!

Xu Tian smiled immediately!

His eyes were shining!


Oh my god!

So many?

How can this be a blood clan army?

These are clearly walking points!

"Mazi, follow me, there will be a game of bullying!"

After saying that, he disappeared from the spot!


Xu Tian teleported directly to the head of Squirtle, which was still spewing blood!

He stomped his feet!

"Little bastard! Let's go!"

Squirtle raised his head and looked at Xu Tian with resentment on his face!

Damn it!

I'm a patient!

Didn't you see the blood I sprayed?

It can fill a car!

This is all your masterpiece!

【Resentment from Squirtle +1000! 】

Xu Tian grinned:"It's just a small matter! I won't die!"

As he said that, Xu Tian directly installed more than a dozen powerful fans on Squirtle's butt!

Turn on the maximum horsepower!

Whoosh whoosh--!!!

The fan blades are spinning wildly!

Squirtle's body unconsciously rushed forward quickly, at a speed so fast that only its afterimage can be barely seen with the naked eye!

Squirtle opened his eyes wide and looked at the fleeting scene in front of him, with the corners of his mouth twitching wildly!

The blood spurting out of his nostrils was blown back by the wind!

His eyelids were also dancing in the air! Oh my god! What's going on! ? Stop it now! This turtle can't stand it!

""Go! Go faster! Go!" Xu Tian stood straight on the glans, with his right fist raised forward!

His face was full of excitement! Squirtle cursed in his heart!

Damn it!

It's easy to talk while standing!

If you have the guts, try to be faster!

【Resentment from Squirtle +1000! 】

Nie Ying stood there in a daze as she watched Squirtle rushing forward!

""Eh? What are you going to do?"

At this time, Wang Mazi came over and said,"Sister Nie, let's follow us. There may be a big battle soon!"

Nie Ying was stunned:"Big battle?"


Bang, bang, bang!

On the battlefield, the vampires were beaten into bloody mud by Xu Tian with a frying pan!

The remaining vampires were all in the silver realm!

Xu Tian was just bullying them!

No pressure at all!

If they knew that the leader of the Lonely Soul had been killed by Xu Tian, they might just run away! They couldn't even beat the leader! How dare these little soldiers turn the tables?

It's funny!

【Ding! Kill a Silver Seven-Star Blood Clan creature, points +170】

【Ding! Kill a Silver 8-star Blood Clan creature, +180 points!】

【Ding! Kill Silver Nine Stars……】

Xu Tian stood on Squirtle's huge head, shuttling back and forth in the blood clan army like a cavalryman!

Very fast!

Those blood clan soldiers couldn't react at all!

He went in and out seven times!

The blood clan creatures he killed had no power to resist at all!

On the yellow sand, corpses were everywhere!

Blood flowed like a river!

Those surviving blood clan creatures looked at Xu Tian as if they were looking at a devil!

They retreated with violent trembling bodies!

But how could two legs run faster than four legs?

Squirtle passed by like a breeze, and all the blood clans around him fell to the ground!

No one survived!

At this moment!

Wang Mazi and Nie Ying also joined the battlefield!

Killing blood clan creatures crazily!



Not only that!

Those who were hiding in the houses in the ancient city also rushed out!

They waved their weapons and fought with the blood creatures!

If it was before, the blood creatures might still have the strength to fight!

But now, they have already lost their temper!

There is no news about the leader!

You don’t need to think about it to know that they have been buried in the ancient city!

For a while!

The blood creatures began to flee frantically!

They didn’t even fight back!

Being chased and beaten!

The highest realm in this blood army is the peak of silver nine stars! It was a completely one-sided massacre!

After a while!

The killing ended!

Xu Tian stood on Squirtle’s head and wiped his sweat!

He looked at the points that had reached more than 20,000!

A knowing smile appeared on his face!


It’s a big profit!

Everything is over!

There is no living blood on the entire battlefield!

All of them have gone to the west!

Xu Tian looked at the dead little boy floating in the air beside him!

He smiled and said,"How is it? Do you feel the satisfaction of revenge?"

The little boy Milosi showed a rare smile on his face:

"Well! Thank you, hero! You avenged me! Oh, by the way! I don’t know your name yet?"

Xu Tian smiled:"...Xu Tian"

"Xu Tian?"

Milosi murmured, and memorized the name in his heart:"Okay! I remember it!"

Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked curiously:"Oh, by the way, I have always been confused about one thing"

"What's up?"

"that is...The spirit of your time......"

Xu Tian wanted to ask Milosi whether the spiritual energy had revived in that era, but before he could finish his words, a shocking explosion sounded not far away, directly silencing the rest of the sound!

Milosi was puzzled. He watched Xu Tian's lips moving, but didn't know what he was saying!


Suddenly, the ground shook violently again!

A huge space gate appeared in the desert not far away, suspended in the air!

Its silver frame was shining with white light, glittering!

Everyone present looked sideways, and the joy in their eyes could not be concealed at all!

The Gate to the Spiritual Realm...It's open!

Everything is over!

They all breathed a sigh of relief!

"The gate to the spiritual realm has opened! Brothers, charge!"

"Mom, I want to go home!"

"Damn it! I don't want to come to the spiritual realm again!"

"Hahahaha! Miraculously, he actually survived!"

"Go, go, go! Honey, I'm back alive to pay my taxes!"

"Hey, hey! I killed dozens of vampire creatures. I want my dad to write the family tree starting with me!"

""Huh~ I'm finally free!"

Everyone was very excited! They used all their strength to rush towards the space gate frantically!...The Gate of Hope!

At this time, Nie Ying and Wang Mazi also came over!

Nie Ying held Squirtle's head reluctantly, looked at Xu Tian, and said pitifully:"Xu Tian, can we take Squirtle out?"

Xu Tian stared into Squirtle's eyes and smiled brightly:"It depends on it!"

"I won't go out, I have my own mission!" Squirtle shook his head slightly and said slowly

��I want to ask a question, are you really......The elders of our Shuiyuan tribe?" Nie Ying hesitated for a long time, and finally asked the question that bothered her.

Although she heard what Jihun said before!

But after all, it was not said by Squirtle himself, so she was still not sure!

She wanted to get an accurate answer from Squirtle!

"When we meet again later, I will tell you everything!" Squirtle smiled and shook his head.

"Well then!" Nie Ying lowered her head in disappointment.

However, she had a rough answer in her mind.

On the side, Xu Tian looked at Milosi and asked with a smile:

"Do you want to go out with us and see the world outside?"

"Hero, thank you for your kindness, but forget it. Although my relatives are gone,...This is still my home." Milosi shook his head slightly and declined.

Xu Tian nodded:"Okay, see you again if we are lucky enough!"

Milosi waved his hand and said with a smile:"Hero! See you again if we are lucky enough!"

"Xu Tian, who are you talking to?"

Nie Ying couldn't help but feel confused when she saw Xu Tian talking!

She looked left and right, but there was nothing!

Could it be that Xu Tian was beaten stupid?

Was his brain damaged?

Xu Tian smiled and said,"It's okay, I'm talking to myself!"

Xu Tian did not mention the existence of Milosi!

There was no need for that!


Xu Tian waved at Milosi and Squirtle!

"Goodbye! Remember to come to Blue Star to play when you have time in the future!"

Hearing this, Squirtle suddenly recalled the scene where Xu Tian installed a dozen fans on its butt and rode it to kill people everywhere, and its body trembled violently!

Looking for you to play?

How is it possible?

That's jumping into a fire pit! Only a fool would go!

Milosi also waved his hand and shouted:"Hero! Looking forward to seeing you next time!"

Xu Tian smiled and went out of the space gate with Nie Ying and Wang Mazi!

Before leaving, Nie Ying looked back at Squirtle again and whispered softly:


Her eyes were red and mist condensed.

Squirtle smiled and nodded slightly.

Nie Ying was stunned and was about to say something, but her figure had disappeared in the space gate.

Squirtle looked at their backs as they left and smiled:"The revival of the human race is just around the corner!"

Milosi looked at Squirtle in confusion:"Senior, your seal has been lifted, why don't you leave with them? Don't you want to see your descendants?"

Hearing this, Squirtle trembled and a tear fell from his eyes.

"...It's not the time yet."

After saying that, he turned around and walked slowly towards the ancient city:"I'll go back and take a nap first."

Milosi shouted quickly:"Hey hey hey! Senior! Didn't you say you would teach me how to summon a dragon?"

Squirtle:"Let's talk about it after your body is condensed."


Good man!

Is this just a big deal?

Milosi looked down at his illusory body, then looked up at the two characters of Loulan on the ancient city!

For a moment, his eyes became complicated.

He couldn't help but recall the past....

Realm���The Silence Soul, who was at the peak of the Golden Nine Stars, led several thousand troops and without a word, began to massacre the people of Loulan as soon as they entered the city!

The Loulan heavy troops resisted tenaciously, but were defeated!

The whole army was annihilated!

The emperor hid himself in a secret passage, thinking that he would escape the disaster!

Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the Silence Soul, who was promoted to the Diamond Realm after absorbing blood, and was killed on the spot!

But he was tenacious and carried the fate of Loulan. After his death, he turned into a dead soul and quietly lived in the body of the Silence Soul!

I don’t know how many years have passed like this!

If it weren’t for the soul-calling sound of Xu Tian’s deadly suona to wake him up, he might have been silently annihilated in the long river of time.


I owe Xu Tian two favors!

Milosi clenched his fists, looked at the disappeared gate of the spiritual realm with a firm look in his eyes, and murmured:"Xu Tian! I will pay you back!"

After that.

He hurriedly caught up with Squirtle:"Senior Turtle! Wait for me!"

Squirtle cursed:"Don't call me Senior Turtle!"

Milosi scratched his head:"Why? The hero called you a turtle!"

Squirtle choked:"No means no! There are no whys!"

"Hahaha! I’ll call you! Turtle Senior! You are Turtle Senior!"

"Humph! Those who keep company with vermilion become red, and those who keep company with the gods become worthless!"

"Hehe! It’s my honor to be on par with heroes!"


The two of them were walking and chatting, with smiles on their faces!

On the other side!


Xu Tian rubbed his nose and sighed,"It should be Xiaotang who missed me."

Nie Ying glanced at it:"Oh, so narcissistic, Xiaotang will miss me instead of you!"

Xu Tian chuckled:"Hmph! I won't bother with you today!"

If it were in normal times, Xu Tian would have to teach this little girl a lesson! She is so disrespectful and dares to be stubborn?

But at this time, Xu Tianle is too late!

This trip to the spiritual realm can be said to be full of gains!

The skyrocketing points and hundreds of flashy golden fruits!

Which one is not a treasure!?


After a dizzy spin!

Xu Tian and the other two left the spiritual realm!

Xu Tian closed his eyes and took a deep breath:"Hmm~ familiar taste."

Clang clang clang clang clang——!!!

Suddenly, the sound of dozens of long swords coming out of their sheaths rang out!

Xu Tian opened his eyes in astonishment, and when he saw the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly:

"cough cough......Calm down! Let's talk it over nicely!"


4300 words long chapter, if you say I'm short again, I'll get angry with you٩(๑`^´๑)۶Such a long and powerful author, you must follow(*^▽^*)?

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