"Mmmmm...you..."Let go!"

A scream was heard!

The voice was from Nie Ying!

At this moment, Jihun grabbed Nie Ying's neck, lifted her up into the air, and said with a fierce smile:

"Tsk tsk! I am really looking forward to the blood of the Water Source Tribe!"

Hearing this!

Squirtle suddenly opened his eyes, and his breath suddenly turned cold!

"Jihun! Come at me if you dare!"

He immediately removed the golden bell cover and stared at the source of the sound with cold eyes!

"Haha! If you had done this earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer on your back!"

Jihun laughed grimly!

He threw Nie Ying to the ground!


He flashed directly to the side of Squirtle!


The bloody claws pierced directly into its flesh!

"Turtle! Turtle! Are you okay?"

Nie Ying walked towards the direction where the voice came from. It was pitch black in front of her eyes. Like a blind person, she could only feel her way with her hands!

"Don't worry! I'm fine! Leave now!"

Squirtle's heavy voice reached Nie Ying's ears!

Although the voice was heavy, the tone was obviously trembling!

"Ha! You are so stubborn!" Jihun sneered!

His left claw pierced into the flesh again!



Squirtle spat out a mouthful of blood, but he still did not resist, and let Lonely Soul attack him at will!

Because he knew......

If I resist, then Jihun will definitely target Nie Ying!


I can only endure!

Or...Waiting for the boy to show up!

Hoping he could bring a miracle!

Puff puff--!!!

Squirtle was covered in blood, but still didn't make a sound!

He didn't want Nie Ying to worry about him!

Nie Ying covered her mouth with both hands, trying hard not to let the tears flow out!

She had to find a way out, staying here would only become a burden to Squirtle!

Puff puff puff——!!!

""Hahaha! You are quite competent as a senior! I wonder how long you can hold on!"

Jihun's arrogant voice resounded throughout the ancient city!

Those people hiding in the dark have collapsed!

They witnessed the battle between Xu Tian and others and Jihun with their own eyes!

It was completely beyond common sense!

Even Xu Tian was beaten and unable to fight back!

Not to mention them!

At this time, the dark night outside was just like their hearts!

Dim and lightless!

The fire of hope became dim and almost died out!

All they can do now is to pray silently, hoping that the door to the spiritual realm will open soon!

And just when everyone was in despair!

A white light suddenly lit up from the sky!

As dazzling as the sun!

In an instant!

The entire ancient city, and even the entire spiritual realm, became bright!

Everyone was staring in a daze!

"Light? There is light!"

"where...Where does the light come from!?"

"Could it be that the country discovered the abnormality of the spiritual realm and sent strong men in! ?"

Everyone speculated!

Nie Ying fell to the ground helplessly, staring blankly at the light above the sky, and said stupidly:

"Could it be......Is there really an Ultraman in this world?"

Everyone focused their attention on the sky!

Only a few people noticed the scene below!

The bloody night released by Jihun shattered like glass the moment the light appeared!

Dissipated into nothingness!

Jihun looked at the white light above the sky, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his body trembled violently, as if in fear!


His bloodstained body became illusory under the strong light!

His arms were scattered on the ground like gravel!



Gold five stars......

Gold Star.......

Silver Five Star.......

In the blink of an eye, the Lonely Soul Realm, which was originally at the Diamond One Star Realm, dropped directly to the Silver One Star Realm!

Suddenly, a figure fell rapidly from the sky!

Accompanied by a loud shout:

"Hey, hey! Crows are on a plane! Gah, gah, gah!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Oh my god!

Does this guy want to die?

He dares to jump from such a high altitude? Is he skydiving?

What? Are you going to land in the ruins to find equipment?

Unlock the Aerial Man achievement?

Oh, that's not right!

Then why don't you have a parachute?

Everyone was surprised to find that the man had nothing on him!


In addition to holding a frying pan in his hand!

With curiosity, everyone set their eyes on the figure and followed closely!


The flying man landed!

Right in the middle of where Jihun was standing!

A deep pit was smashed directly into the ground!

Gravity acceleration!

If you jump down from such a high altitude, you will be half-dead if you don’t die, right?

The yellow sand filled the sky, blocking everyone’s sight!

They all held their breath and stared at that direction intently!

Suddenly, a figure walked out of it!

Xu Tian waved his hand to say hello and grinned:

"Aribati! I’m back!"

When everyone saw that the person coming was Xu Tian, their faces were full of surprise!

"Xu Tian!!! It’s Xu Tian!!!"

"Shit! Wasn’t he beaten away? Why is he back?"

"That's not the point! The point is how did the bloody hole in his chest heal?"

"I was shocked! What kind of performance is this?"

"Zhuo! So amazing? It's still intact after falling from thousands of meters high?"

"Damn it! Not a human being!"


Xu Tian:"???"


Why are you scolding me for no reason?

Suddenly, a fragrant breeze blew over!

Nie Ying threw herself into Xu Tian's arms, buried her head, and cried loudly!

"Woo woo woo~~Xu...Xu Tian...How come you are still alive? I am ready to burn paper for you!"

Xu Tian:"???"


Then I'll go?

Nie Ying's tears flowed out like a river without a dam!

Not long after, Xu Tian's chest was soaked!


They say women are made of water!

Isn't Nie Ying made of the sea?

There's so much water?

Xu Tian gently patted Nie Ying's back and comforted her:

""Okay, okay, the little turtle is injured, I’ll go and take a look at him."

Hearing this, Nie Ying’s tears stopped instantly!

She quickly broke free from Xu Tian’s arms, ran to Squirtle’s side, and started crying loudly again!

Xu Tian:"???"

Ah this......

I was wrong after all!

Squirtle was lying on the ground helplessly, smiling weakly:

"Don't cry, I'm fine!"

""Wow, wow, wow, wow~"

Nie Ying didn't hear anything at all and was still crying loudly! Xu Tian came to Squirtle and took a rough look at the wound!

It was nothing serious, just a lack of blood, and he was a little weak for a while!

"Xiao Wang....Lao Wang...Senior, you have lost too much blood, eat this."

Before Squirtle could respond, Xu Tian stuffed the Yang Qi Yam into its mouth!


What did he eat just now?

It seems to be quite big! Forget it!

Never mind!

He shouldn’t be poisoned to death!

Crunch, crunch!

Squirtle swallowed it directly!

Suddenly, his eyes became brighter!

The bloody holes on his body were healing at a very fast speed!

In an instant, he was back to normal!

Even Nie Ying, who was standing by, was stunned!

""Wow! What is this? It's so powerful?"

Xu Tian smiled and said nothing. He just looked at Squirtle with a meaningful look!

I wonder if this Yang Qi yam will have any side effects if eaten by a turtle!

I just want to use it for an experiment!


Little turtle, don't blame me!

This is all for your own good!


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