Thinking of this!

Xu Tian's right arm suddenly bulged!

He walked towards the Vanity Tree with a smirk on his face!

"Damn it! All the golden fruits have been picked! What else do we need?"

"Look at Xu Tian! It seems that he wants to do something to the Vanity Tree!"

"Damn! Why did Xu Tian's right arm suddenly become bigger?"

"Tsk tsk! This guy must have been training his right arm since he was in the womb!"

"You can tell at first glance that he is a craftsman with ten years’ experience!"

"Hey hey hey! Why did Xu Tian suddenly hug the tree?"

"No way! No way! He can’t help it! Is he going to do something shameful to the tree?!"

"Damn it! What a beast! When he gets ruthless, he won’t even let go of the trees! ?"


Wang Mazi looked at Xu Tian on the other side of the river, and his mouth twitched!

Xu Tian held the Vanity Tree tightly with his arms, and pulled it upward with force from his waist!

At this moment!

Everyone present knew Xu Tian's intention!

Damn it! The fruit was picked!

Even the trunk was not spared?

The Vanity Tree shook violently!

But it was already deeply rooted!

No matter how hard you pull it, you can't pull it out!


How can Xu Tian be willing!

Hey! How can you let go of Dad's coffin material?

He took out a powerful spinach directly!

He didn't eat it, but released spiritual power and absorbed it slowly!

This is what he learned from Mu Renxue before!

I don't know if there are any side effects!

Give it a try!

After absorbing it quickly!

Xu Tian felt full of energy all over his body!

His strength increased tenfold!

【Strength: 680!!! ]

Xu Tian grinned:"I don't believe it! This can't take you down?"

He pulled upwards again!

Cracks appeared on the ground! They spread out in a radial pattern!

Finally, hard work paid off!

Xu Tian directly uprooted the Vanity Tree!

He stuffed it into the system space!

But suddenly!

The originally vibrant ground of the island began to dry up rapidly!

The flowers withered, and the grass died!

A desolate atmosphere came to the face!

Moreover, the island was still shaking violently!

Xu Tian realized that something was wrong and flew into the sky immediately!

Woo woo woo--!!!

A huge roar sounded!

A large number of ripples appeared on the mud river!

The ripples spread out in all directions!

The island began to float slowly, and a huge head poked out from the mud river!

【Scientific name: Squirtle (Squirtle)】

【Realm: Gold Star】

【Strength: 156】

【Speed: 68】

【Spirit: 890】

【Defense: 460】

【Innate skills: Invincible turtle golden bell cover! Water-swiping magic!】

【Impressive speed! Abnormal defense! Dual cultivation of gold and water! I can tell from the look in his eyes that this is a cheating turtle! Better not to mess with him!]

Xu Tian was stunned!

"Why is the Gold One Star's mental power so strong?"

"Is this really a turtle that is cheating?"

Generally speaking, the value of the silver realm is in the range of 50-100!

And the value of the gold realm is in the range of 100-1000!

The gap between the two is completely different!

And this turtle has just entered the gold realm, but its mental power is already more than 800! It's so terrifying!


Could it be that the small island just now is the shell of this turtle?

He pulled the vanity tree out by himself!

How painful it must be!

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! Xu

Tian smacked his tongue!

Squirtle's body slowly emerged from the mud river!

It was completely stained with mud! Its whole body was covered with mud and sand!

Its ignorant big eyes stared straight at Xu Tian who was hovering in the air!

The water mist gathered, it was so pitiful!

Xu Tian felt a little guilty for a while!

But suddenly, the prompt sound of the system in his mind made him stunned!

【Gratitude from Squirtle +1000! 】

Xu Tian(゚▽゚*)???

What's going on?

Thank you?

System, you can't be wrong, right ?

Could it be resentment? System: [Wrong? Not true! This system will never make mistakes! ] Xu Tian was still confused! Could it be that this Squirtle has a masochistic tendency? A masochist? The more he abuses, the more excited he gets? Damn! He's playing around! I just don't know if it's male or female! Suddenly, Squirtle moved, it moved its limbs and crawled towards Xu Tian! But! This speed is really touching!

"System! If I get eaten! Just wait for me! Even if I become a ghost, I will not let your next host go!"

System:【٩(๑`^´๑)۶Then I will change another one! 】

Xu Tian:"......."

He turned his mind and flew slowly towards Squirtle!

The system said that there was no mistake!

Are you grateful?

Maybe there is something unspeakable!

Squirtle looked at Xu Tian who was approaching with big eyes. Not only did he not take the initiative to attack, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised!

It seemed...Very happy?

Xu Tian tentatively stretched out his palm!

Squirtle rubbed his head against it very obediently!

Xu Tian grinned.

"Hehe! It's quite fun!"

The scene here made the people on the shore stunned!

"What the hell is going on?"

"What kind of turtle is that? So gentle?"

"Look at that size! He must be at least Silver Nine Star!"

"Hey hey hey! How did he get on with it? This bastard has a pretty high IQ!"

"Damn it! Xu Tian eats both humans and animals? He even spares turtles!"

"Zhuo! You are worse than a beast!"


Hot discussions broke out!

Nie Ying looked at Squirtle with shining eyes!

The curiosity in her heart seemed to be touched!

She jumped up and rushed directly over the mud river! Just like a dragonfly skimming the water!

Everyone was shocked!

Those who had witnessed many people being swallowed by the mud river before were suddenly shocked!

It's over!

This young girl who looked young is going to die here!


Nie Ying unexpectedly arrived at Xu Tian's side safely!

She was not swallowed by the so-called mud river!

Everyone (〃゚A゚) (´゚д゚`)They stared at each other in bewilderment!

The shock in their eyes was beyond words!

""Xu Tian, let me touch it too!"

Nie Ying blinked her big eyes!

Xu Tian grinned and moved a little to the side!

Nie Ying was not afraid, she stretched out her palm and gently stroked Squirtle's big head!

Squirtle seemed to see that the little girl in front of him had no ill intentions!

So he didn't refuse!

A fragrance filled his nose!

It rubbed it hard again!

Nie Ying laughed so hard!

"Little turtle, let me help you take a bath!"

Squirtle blinked his big eyes!

Nie Ying's face was full of smiles, and she pinched the seal with her hands, and a water ball slowly condensed in the palm of her hand!

It was extremely clear!

When the water ball appeared, Squirtle's body trembled violently!

Water mist slowly condensed in his big eyes!

Seeing this, Xu Tian frowned!

Nie Ying didn't notice the abnormality of Squirtle, and the water ball slowly grew bigger!

She waved her hands forward!

The water ball slowly floated onto Squirtle's shell, and a huge stream of water rushed in all directions, washing away the mud and sand on Squirtle's body!


Squirtle revealed its original appearance!

The round forehead was light blue, smooth and translucent, reflecting the sunset red on the horizon!

The limbs and tail outside the brown shell were also blue!

It looks very kawaii!

It is very different from the green turtles that are usually seen!

""Wow! So cute!"

Nie Ying smiled happily and hugged Squirtle's head tightly!

Squirtle did not resist!

On the contrary, the corner of its mouth even raised a human-like smile.


The climax is coming!(*❦��❦)

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