"you...Don't come over here!"

Black Widow retreated with horror until she reached the wall and could no longer move back!

【Fear value from Black Widow +1000!

Xu Tian rubbed his hands and walked towards her with a smile!

In fact, if Black Widow attacks with all her strength! She may not be unable to defeat Xu Tian!

But she was already scared by the scene where Xu Tian defeated five people alone!

He appeared and disappeared without a trace!

With a thought, a frying pan appeared in his hand!


While Black Widow didn’t react!

He knocked her out directly!

He took out another hemp rope! He tied her up!

His hands were tied behind his back! His ankles were also tied tightly!

After the task was completed, Xu Tian clapped his hands!

"I am the best at bondage play!"

Xu Tian threw the five people who had fainted together!

He took out five sacks!

Red, white, pink, green, and blue!

So trendy!

So beautiful!

One sack for each person! Just right!

""Tsk tsk! See you in the next life!"

As he said that,

Xu Tian wore the bamboo dragonfly and spiraled into the air!

He took out dozens of explosive grenades from the system space!

Click, click, click--!

He untied the chain!

He threw them down like small hailstones!

The next moment!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--!!! Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--!!!

Explosions rang out one after another!

The small house below was directly blown into powder!

Scattered on the ground!

And merged with the yellow sand!

"Tsk tsk! Such power! Cai Kunkun and the others should not be able to survive!"

Without thinking any more, Xu Tian hurried away!

This shocking movement naturally attracted a crowd of onlookers!

There were about a hundred people inside and outside!

They were discussing fiercely!

"What the hell is going on here!?"

"It seemed like something exploded! Dozens of them!"

"Could it be that someone was fighting here?"

"Why is there not even a single person?"

"It would be amazing if someone could do this! Such a powerful force! If he doesn't die! His defense must have surpassed the limit of the silver realm!"



In the crowd, Nie Ying and Wang Mazi were both stunned for a moment when they saw this scene!

No need to think!

At first glance, it was Xu Tian's masterpiece!

""Xu Tian must have met someone familiar!" Nie Ying said with a smile.

Wang Mazi stood on tiptoe and looked around!

"Hey! Where is Brother Tian? The explosion just now was very powerful! Brother Tian won't be injured, right?"

""Hey! Are you still afraid that I'll die?"

Suddenly, a ruffian voice came from behind!

Turning around, it was Xu Tian! There are too many people around now!

It's not convenient to use the bamboo dragonfly to fly in the air!

What if some bitch doesn't like him!

It would be bad if he shot the eagle with a bow!

Nie Ying walked up and stood on tiptoe to wipe the saliva mark from the corner of Xu Tian's mouth!

"Xu Tian, who did you meet? Why are you drooling?"

Xu Tian was stunned!

Damn! I was so careless!

I was having so much fun that I didn't even notice that I was drooling??

This is really embarrassing!

Xu Tian grinned:"I met Cai Kunkun! He has a fragrance! I can't stop drooling!"

Nie Ying:"???"

She was full of questions.

What the hell?

Smell? Drooling?

What do these two have to do with each other?

Do you want to eat Cai Kunkun?

"So... you blew up Cai Kunkun to death?" Nie Ying asked

"Hehe! That’s a must!"

""When Brother Xu shows up, nothing will grow! When Brother Xu shows up, only needles and thread will remain!"

Xu Tian's face was full of pride!

Nie Ying(¬_¬)

I will just watch you pretending to be awesome!

Be careful of being struck by lightning!

Wang Mazi looked at Xu Tian with stars in his eyes!

【Admiration value from Wang Mazi +1000! 】

Xu Tian was stunned, and looked at Wang Mazi with strange eyes!

Very strange!

Wang Mazi had only known him for a few hours!

Why did he admire him so much?

Was he really impressed by his deeds?

If he were in your circle!

He would be considered a brainless fan!

He couldn't figure out the reason for a while!

Xu Tian didn't think about it anymore!

"Let's go! Let's try to get the golden fruit before dark!"


Xu Tian led the two of them to teleport forward!

But in order to save spiritual power!

A teleportation usually does not exceed two hundred meters!

The ancient city of Loulan is very large, with yellow sand all over the sky, and you can't see the end at a glance!

Countless ancient buildings are scattered around!

Xu Tian teleported for more than an hour before he got to the place!

He walked and stopped on the way!

He ate an iced watermelon every ten minutes to restore the lost spiritual power!

Although they have a car!

But the car is too conspicuous!

What if there is a sixth brother! They are all finished!

This is a spiritual realm! Danger is everywhere! Always be cautious!


This journey of more than an hour is extremely safe!

There was no attack from any alien creatures or others!

"This is strange! Is there only one kind of alien creature like the corpse fairy maggot in this spiritual realm?"

While Xu Tian was puzzled, he also looked forward!

He saw that there were already hundreds of people gathered in front of him!

They all looked solemn. The mud river in front of them!

The flashy golden fruit was in the center of the mud river!

Xu Tian walked forward in confusion and randomly found a fat man and asked:

"Hey, brother, the golden fruit is right in front of you, why don't you grab it?"

"If you had seen what happened just now, you would definitely not dare to go!"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Xu Tian suddenly became interested!

The fat man looked at the mud river in front of him with fear:

"I was one of the first to arrive, and I saw the golden fruit on the other side at a glance! I was a bit timid, so I didn't dare to go up!"

"And almost all the rest of the people waded across the river!"

"He was about to get the golden fruit, but at the last moment he fell into the muddy river!"

"There seems to be some force in the river pulling them down!"

Hearing this,

Xu Tian was stunned, looked at the turbid river water, and clicked his tongue:

"The whole army was wiped out?"

"Well! No one survived! They all fell into the river! It's been more than ten minutes and they haven't come out yet! There should be no hope!"

Xu Tian squeezed in from the crowd, looking at the flashy golden fruit not far away!

He looked down at the turbid river water again!

Recalling what the fat man said!

Sunk into the river?

What if he flew over?

Thinking of this, Xu Tian directly inserted the bamboo dragonfly into his forehead!

It spiraled into the air!

It flew directly over!

Everyone was stunned on the spot!

"Holy shit! Isn't this Xu Tian who was selling watermelons at the door??"

"Awesome! Where did this weird thing come from? It can actually spiral up to the sky?"

"The thing stuck on his forehead looks so familiar! I feel like I've seen it somewhere before!"

"This is not the point! The point is that Xu Tianzhen flew over safely!"

"Hey hey hey! Don’t pick them all! Leave some for us!"

"Damn it! How can it be so immoral? The vanity tree has been plucked out of its skin!"


【The resentment value from Xiang Tiaogou +666!】

【The resentment value from Ma Niubi +999!】

【From Tong Jincheng......】

Xu Tian had landed safely on the island! Without saying a word, he quickly stuffed the golden fruits into the system space!

Soon, the originally lush Vanity Tree suddenly became empty!

The Vanity Tree was really plucked out!

Vanity Tree: I will bleed you! I will bleed your whole family! I will bleed your ancestors for eighteen generations!

Xu Tian didn't care about the abuse from the other side!

He dragged his chin and walked around the Vanity Tree!

"Wow! This wood is great! I can save it to make a great coffin for my dad later!"


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