"Eyes? I didn't notice!"

Liu Ji thought for a moment and then said,"Uh...As soon as he left the spiritual realm, he fell to the ground!"

"There are hundreds of people surrounding them inside and outside!"

"He said that he used his pupil technique to glimpse the flashy golden fruit!"

"Then he fainted!"

"I didn't think much about it and just carried him to the hospital!"

"But when we got to the hospital, he was already dead!"

Liu Ji didn't know why Xu Tian asked that!

But he still told him everything he knew!

Xu Tian nodded!

"Oh ~ silence~!"

On the surface, I felt very sorry!

But in my heart, I was secretly smacking my tongue!

Damn it!

What's the use of all these words?

I can't tell whether there was backlash!

As for what the hospital said about being scared to death!

It's all nonsense!

"It’s okay! It’s been a while! I’ll forget it!"

Liu Ji coughed twice, rubbed his hands and said with a smile:"Well, we’ve arrived! Shouldn’t Mane be given too?"

"Mane? Why are you panicking! You haven't seen the thing yet!"

Xu Tian put his arm around Liu Ji's shoulders and smiled brilliantly!

Liu Ji also forced a smile!

It was written on his face in a forced way!

It was uglier than crying!

Damn it!

If I had known, I would have taken the money in one hand and given the blueprint in the other!

Now look at Xu Tian like this!

It seems that Mane has no hope!

Xu Tian didn't care about Liu Ji's resentful expression!

He put away the SUV!

He sat on the ground without saying a word! Looking into the distance! I don't know what he was thinking!

Nie Ying puzzled:"Xu Tian! What are you doing?"

Xu Tian:"Waiting for someone!"

Nie Ying:"Waiting for someone? Who?"

"Look! Speak of the devil and he shall appear!"

Xu Tian pointed to the distance!

Nie Ying looked in the direction of his finger!

Her mouth opened wide!

She saw a large group of figures appear not far away!

The crowd surged!

Bringing up a large piece of yellow sand!

Just like a wave sweeping over! Liu Ji and the others were also dumbfounded! Oh my God! What's going on? Why are there so many people? Nie Ying opened her mouth slightly:"Xu Tian! Are they here to find you? Have you done something immoral again?" Xu Tian chuckled:"How is that possible? They are obviously attracted by my coquettish appearance!" Nie Ying

(。•ˇ‸ˇ•。) ???


A sea of people came over!

They all looked at the ancient city of Loulan with burning eyes!

Xu Tian came here!

He was extraordinary at first glance!

Some people even started to get excited!

They wanted to enter the ancient city first!

What if there was really a big treasure! Wouldn’t it be a huge profit?

Xu Tian coughed twice:

"I think! You should all be very curious about why I came here, right?"

Everyone did not hide it!

Nodding heavily!

Xu Tian smiled and said:"Then you made a wise choice!"

""What do you mean? Is there really a treasure inside?" said a man wearing a green turban.

His eyes were shining!

"That's right! I won't keep you in suspense! Tell the truth! There are golden fruits inside!"

After these words were spoken, everyone present was stunned!

Their faces were full of astonishment!

Liu Ji was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped to the ground!

Hey, I'm not saying it!

Why did you let this secret out?

Are you crazy?

Don't you want the fruit anymore?

【Resentment value from Liu Ji +999! 】

The green-turbaned man asked again:"Glittery golden fruit? Is it the magical fruit that is rumored to be able to promote the talent of gold-type superpowers?"

Xu Tian nodded:"Yes!" As soon as he finished speaking!

Several people in the crowd couldn't hold back their greed! They directly released their superpowers and rushed in!

Seeing this!

More than a dozen people followed and rushed in! There were still many people standing there!

Even in the face of the temptation of the flashy golden fruit!

They did not lose their minds!

Xu Tian would say this openly!

It must mean that the flashy golden fruit is not easy to get!

It's useless to go in!

Xu Tian smiled helplessly:"Oh! Look how anxious the children are! They all tripped!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

""Are you all thirsty? Do you want to try my iced watermelon?"

Xu Tian took out a watermelon and held it in his hand!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this!

"Holy shit! You brought a car, and you brought a watermelon! ?"

"No! Why is this watermelon smoking? Is it angry?"

"This is a good use of personification! The Chinese teacher will reward you with a big punch if he sees it!"

"This is clearly cold air!"

"Damn! It’s still frozen?"

Everyone exclaimed!

They swallowed their saliva at the same time!

Their eyes were fixed on the watermelon in Xu Tian’s hand!

Xu Tian grinned:"Look at how useless you are! It’s just a watermelon! I have plenty!"

As he said that!

He took out another dozen!

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"


Everyone was already unable to find words to describe the shock in their hearts!

Only"Fuck" could express their true feelings!

【Shock value from Wang Mazi +666!】

【The shock value from Qian Duoduo is +999!】


The mood value was refreshed like crazy!

Xu Tian took out a large parasol and a long wooden table!

He piled all the watermelons on it!

Everyone was confused!

What was Xu Tian doing?

Hosting a watermelon banquet?

Recruiting people to eat watermelons! ?

Xu Tian put one foot on the table and shouted with a loudspeaker in one hand:

"Who the hell is buying watermelons!"

"The summer is hot! This melon is so sweet!"

"Iced watermelon! Three for one dollar! Hehe!"

"Watermelon! Selling cheap! Watermelon! Selling cheap! Selling cheap!"

Everyone (〃゚A゚) (´゚д゚`)???


Why are watermelons still on sale?

Are we not going to enter the ancient city? Are we not going to buy the golden fruit?

Xu Tian ignored the people who were standing there in a daze!

He took out a frying pan! He cracked open all the watermelons!

The bright red flesh inside was exposed!

Everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva!

Their saliva was flowing rapidly!

Wang Mazi, wearing a green headscarf, immediately ran forward!

"Xu Tian! Is three for one dollar true or false?"

"Of course it’s true!"

"Why is it so cheap?"

"Oh no! I won’t pretend anymore! I’m telling you! I’m a second-generation rich man! I’m not short of money! Isn’t this good for accumulating virtues?"

Wang Mazi’s eyes lit up!

He gave a thumbs up!

"Awesome! Xu Tian, you will be my father from now on!"

Xu Tian:"I have a lot of sons! You can line up by yourself!"

Wang MaziΣ(゚д゚lll)? ? ?

Many sons?

Queue up by yourself?

Do you think this is human language?

【Resentment value from Wang Mazi +1000! 】

Wang Mazi didn't hesitate! He directly took out 100 spirit coins!

"I'll take care of all of this!"

Once these words came out, everyone behind was not happy!

"Wang Mazi, what's wrong with you? Do you understand the ways of the world?"

"Ignorant! Want to eat alone?"

"Don’t you know why watermelon is so red?"

"Do you want me to open your eyes?"

Wang Mazi smiled awkwardly:"Oh! That's impossible! I'm just paying for you!"

"Thinking of rewarding you all!"

"Come! Eat as much as you want! Prince Wang will pay for all the consumption today!"

Everyone's eyes lit up!

They rushed directly to the chopping board and started to eat it with big mouthfuls!

Refreshing and delicious! It makes you want to die!

Xu Tian was lying on a rocking chair with a strong fan blowing beside him!

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a playful arc!

Nie Ying next to him saw Xu Tian's expression!

Her heart suddenly shuddered!

It's over!

This watermelon must be wrong!


Nie Ying looked at the people eating the watermelon with pity!

She sighed in her heart:"Don't meet this devil Xu Tian again in the next life!"


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