Xu Tian opened the parchment in his hand!

A smell of blood made Xu Tian frown!

The earth on the drawing was drawn with blood!

Although it was crooked!

But it was almost the same!

At least I could understand it!

""The place marked with an asterisk on the drawing is where the golden fruit is!" Liu Ji explained.

Xu Tian set his eyes there!

His pupils suddenly shrank!

There were four big words written next to the asterisk on the drawing!

""The ancient city of Loulan!"

Could this be the ruins from before?

But how is it possible?

The golden fruit, a spiritual fruit that steals the good fortune of heaven and earth, usually grows in areas with abundant spiritual energy, which can provide sufficient growth conditions.

However, the spiritual energy in the ancient city of Loulan does not seem to be abundant, and is even a little thin!

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Absolutely not! I swear!"

Liu Ji raised three fingers!

Xu Tian looked at the sky, it was still sunny!


There is no thunder and lightning! It should be true!

Liu Ji's mouth twitched!

Good guy!

Do you still want to see dark clouds and lightning in the desert?

Xu Tian touched his chin and teleported back to the driver's seat!

"Hey! Xu Tian! What are you holding in your hand?"

Nie Ying saw Xu Tian coming back with a blueprint in his hand, and asked curiously,

"Map of the location of Vanity Fair"

"Huh?" Nie Ying leaned forward curiously, and saw the big asterisk at a glance, and was stunned!

"Hey! Loulan? Isn't this the ancient city we just saw?"

Xu Tian nodded:"That's right!"

"We all know the location! What about that thick hair! ?"Nie Ying said excitedly.

She was just curious about what the ancient city of Loulan looked like!

Now it was just a chance to go in and take a look!

Xu Tian nodded:"OK!"


He teleported to the roof of the car again! He accidentally stepped on Wang Erha's hand!

""Ahhh! It hurts so much! Your feet!"

With a shrill scream,

Wang Erha fell down again!

【Resentment value from Wang Erha +1000!】

"Believe me! I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't do it intentionally! I just followed my heart!" Xu Tian smiled embarrassedly.

(ಥ_ಥ)!! ?

My pain! Who understands?

"Xu Tian, why are you here again?"

Liu Ji stared at Xu Tian cautiously, with his arms outstretched to protect the watermelon behind him!

Protecting his calf!

Afraid that Xu Tian would regret it and take the watermelon away!

Xu Tian grinned:

"What are you afraid of? I won't destroy the bridge after crossing it!"

"I just came up to tell you...I want to go to the ancient city of Loulan!..."

Before Xu Tian finished speaking, Liu Ji immediately shook his head:"No, no!"

Xu Tian must want them to follow him!

What if there is danger there!

Xigua and Mane will be dead!

Xu Tian smiled and said:"Don't want to stay here, right? Okay! Then let's go together!"

Liu Jiಠ╭╮ಠ???

Is that what I meant?

I clearly said not to follow!


Xu Tian didn’t listen to him at all, and scooped Wang Erha up!

Then he teleported back to the driver’s seat!

Boom boom boom——!!!

Full throttle!

Start directly!

Liu Ji and the other five people were so sad that they wanted to cry!

But they couldn’t just jump out of the car and leave!

Not to mention that the Mane in the back seat hadn’t been taken away yet!

Even the watermelons next to them couldn’t fit!

They were not Xu Tian, a space-based pervert!

They could only mourn in their hearts.ε=(´ο`*)))Oh!

I hope I can find a hole to crawl into by then!......

Xu Tian didn't look at the map, but followed the memory in his mind! He sped all the way!

He met many people along the way!

But most of them were only once!

They were all full of curiosity!

I don't know what Xu Tian is going to do so quickly!

"Why did Xu Tian come back?"

"Could it be that he suddenly remembered that someone didn’t give him money?"

"This is what I said! It fits Xu Tian's personality perfectly!"

"Hey! How about we go with Xu Tian to have a look? What if there is some big treasure born?"

"This idea is fine! Let’s go!"

"But! What if there is danger?"

"If you are afraid of death, why did you come to the spiritual realm? Just stay at home!"

"That’s right! Go, go, go! Ole Gei!"

Many passers-by followed the wheel tracks! It was a huge crowd!

There were about a hundred people!.......

Ancient Loulan City.

Xu Tian got out of the car and looked at the tall ancient city in front of him. He couldn't help but smack his tongue!

What a fate!

I didn't expect the golden fruit to be here!

Xu Tian quietly opened his insight pupil!

But he only opened his left eye! This strange ancient city must be extraordinary!

What if he saw something unclean! Even if one eye is useless! There is still another one!

A blue light appeared in his left eye! Looking into the interior of the ancient city!

But suddenly!

Xu Tian's left eye suddenly went black!

He suddenly stepped back a few steps! He spat out a mouthful of blood!


Seeing this, Nie Ying quickly got out of the car and supported Xu Tian!

Her face was filled with astonishment!

"Xu Tian! What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe I ate too much iced watermelon! My stomach got frostbitten!"

Xu Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and waved his hand!

Nie Ying ヾ(•ω•`)???

She was confused!

Can you eat so much watermelon that you vomit blood?

Tell me this reason! Do you believe it?

"Wow wow wow!...Xu Tian! You...Your eyes are bleeding too!"

Nie Ying was horrified! Xu

Tian was stunned at first! He wiped it with his hand!

Sure enough! His hand was still hot with blood!

Nie Ying:"What's the reason this time?" Xu

Tian:"Uh......Maybe the watermelon got into my eyes!"

Nie Ying٩(๑`^´๑)۶???

Can it be more fake?

Why don’t you just say that the watermelon grew wings and flew into your eyes! ?

It’s outrageous!

【Resentment from Nie Ying +666! 】

Xu Tian smiled and said,"It's nothing! It's nothing serious!"

As he said that, he took out a gauze from the system space and wrapped it around his left eye.���

A sense of déjà vu of a one-eyed pirate!

Xu Tian had just used his divine pupil! Just a slight glance!

That was a glimpse! He was directly counterattacked!

A mysterious force obscured the ancient city!

His left eye could not be used for the time being!

But! Not a loss!

Because he saw the golden fruit!

Fortunately, Xu Tian was cautious! He only used one eye!

Otherwise, he would have become a blind man!

Except for the eye injury! There was nothing wrong with the rest!

However, Xu Tian frowned tightly!

"Hey! Little Bear said before that the person who saw the golden fruit was an awakened pupil ability!"

"Did he suffer any backlash?"

With doubt,

Xu Tian came to Liu Ji's side!

"Uncle, I heard that your brother is a pupil-controller?"

Liu Ji nodded:"Yes! What's wrong?"

"So was his eye injured when he came out?"


Today is Chinese Valentine's Day! Happy holidays to everyone (of course, those who have a partner)!

Book friends group q group: 545150206! Everyone can come in and be lonely with the author! The little author is online asking for a wave of five-star praise((((((((((((っ`•ω•´)っ Ball!

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