"I...I seem to have seen it!" Nie Ying's cherry mouth opened slightly.

She was stunned (⊙o⊙)!

500 meters ahead, she saw an abandoned ancient city. The buildings in it seemed to have been eroded by the years and became dilapidated.

"Xiaoying, do you want to go and have a look?"Xu Tian asked in a daze.

An abandoned ancient city was found in the desert of the spiritual realm!?

It's exciting just to think about it! I wonder if there is the legendary Queen Medusa in it?

A half-snake demon girl would be fine!

At the very least!

A female snake demon without a shapeshifting form would be fine!


Nie Ying seemed very excited!

Her eyes were full of stars!

Boom boom boom!

Xu Tian stepped on the accelerator!

Speed up!

"Damn! How can this ancient city be so big?"

The closer they got to the ancient city, the more exaggerated the look of surprise on Xu Tian's face became!

A distance of 500 meters was reached in a few seconds!

Xu Tian got out of the car!

He looked up at the words on the ancient city gate and whispered softly:


"Why does this name sound so familiar?"

【Option 1: Drive in blatantly, completion reward: King's domineering momentum buff!】

【Option 2: Curiosity kills the cat, leave quickly, completion reward: speed +11!】

【Option 3: Use the Sky Drill to sneak in and investigate the situation. Completion reward: Sky Drill Head inlaid with gold! 】

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to trigger the system option!

He took a quick look and made a decision! He has traveled through time!

Why are you still a coward!

With this thought in mind!

Xu Tian jumped into the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly in the opposite direction!

Nie Ying was confused? ?


Hey hey hey!

Why did you just run away without saying anything?

Nie Ying:"Xu Tian, what are you doing? Why don't you go in and take a look?"

Xu Tian:"Because I don't want to die young!"

Nie Ying:"What do you mean?"!

Xu Tian:"Loulan...Have you heard of it?"

Nie Ying shook her head:"No! What's wrong?" Xu Tian glanced helplessly:"Is the teacher of your tribe just a decoration? He doesn't say anything! What does he do every day?"

Nie Ying:"Uh...He takes us to drink ink every day! He says that we will become smarter!"

Xu TianΣ(@ロ@;)!!!

"Damn! I was wondering why you are so smart, it turns out your brain is full of water!"

Nie Ying‼(•'╻'•)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ!! ?


What do you mean! ?

I suspect you are scolding me!

But I have no evidence!

【Resentment value from Nie Ying +999!】


Nie Ying tilted her head:"So what exactly is Loulan? You mean!"

Xu Tian grinned:"Loulan is Loulan! Didn't you see the huge words just now?"

Nie Ying said.(;>△<)o!!?


I won’t pay attention to you!

She turned her head away!

【Resentment value from Nie Ying +999! 】

Xu Tian smiled!

He didn't care!

He drove the car seriously!

But his brows were slightly wrinkled!...Loulan.

Is it the prehistoric civilization on the blue planet?

Forget it!

No matter if it is or not!

It has nothing to do with me anyway!

They all ran away! Could the ancient city still catch up?

In fact, Xu Tian is not afraid of encountering any powerful alien creatures!

At worst, he can just teleport away!

Just leave!


The appearance of the ancient city of Loulan in the desert is really too weird!

What I am afraid of is that there is some curse in the ancient city, which is contaminated with those unnecessary causes and effects!

What if a terrifying monster is released accidentally!

Everyone in the spiritual realm will be finished!

Not only Xu Tian will be killed!

Nie Ying will also be killed! Xu Tian doesn’t care! It’s okay if they are killed!

Even if his parents suffer from Alzheimer’s in the future, Xu Xiaotang will take care of them!

And Nie Ying!

She is the princess of the Shuiyuan tribe!

Carrying the grand mission of reviving the tribe!

What if she is killed!

What a pity!

Xu Tian has a lot of emotions, but not a word...


Thirty-six Stratagems! Running away is the best strategy!


I still have a mission to complete!

I can't waste any more time!.......

Xu Tian drove fast all the way!

Finally, he ran into five people!

They were surrounding a huge corpse fairy maggot in the middle!

Everyone was on high alert!

Their expressions were solemn!

At this moment.

Beep beep beep--!!!

The horn sounded!

The five people all turned their heads to look at the off-road G-Class coming!

They were all confused!

Xu Tian drifted directly, opened the car window, and grinned:

"Do you need help?"

Liu Ji was stunned at first, then nodded immediately:"Yes, yes! This long worm is about the strength of Silver Seven Stars, we can't beat it."

Xu Tian didn't say anything, but silently made a 'one' gesture.

Liu Ji asked in confusion:"Wait a moment?"

Xu Tian shook his head.

Liu Ji:"Together?"

Xu Tian shook his head again.

Not only Liu Ji was puzzled!

The other four were even more confused!

What on earth does it mean? Hey!

You just made a 'one' gesture!

Who knows what it means?

At this moment, Nie Ying, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, said tentatively:"Once...Ten thousand?"

"Hey! Did you see that? This is called tacit understanding!"

Xu Tian looked very happy!

He gave Nie Ying a thumbs up!

Xu Tian b( ̄▽ ̄)d!

Nie Ying(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))! ? ?

I just said it casually!

It's true! ?

You don't know what it means, you just made a random gesture?

Xu Tian's face was full of a harmless smile!

Liu Ji and others were stunned!

Good man!

Human life is at stake!

You are still asking for money here? ?

【Resentment value from Liu Ji +999!】

【The resentment value from Wang Erha +999!】

【From Ma Dongmei......】

The mood value is refreshing like crazy!

Xu Tian smiled:

"What do you think? Isn't this a good deal? You might be killed even if you attack together! Aren't your lives worth ten thousand?"

Liu Ji said bitterly:"Brother, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda...."

Xu Tian interrupted immediately:"Even if it's level nine, it's useless! Give it to me or not! If not, I'll leave!"

As he said that, he was about to step on the accelerator!

Liu Ji waved his hands quickly:"No, no, no, I'll give it to you! But ten thousand is a bit expensive, can you give it a discount?"

Xu Tian pointed at the corpse fairy maggot:"Then let it eat an arm, and I'll give you a discount!"

Liu JiΣ( ° △ °|||)???

He swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Liu Ji looked at the other four people.

They all nodded slightly!


They were all only silver four stars, and it was very difficult to face the silver seven-star corpse fairy maggots!

After all, they didn’t have those fancy trump cards of Xu Tian!

Their talents were not high!

Their spiritual power was superficial! They were completely worthy of the title of"battle power floor tiles"!

They came in as a group just to try their luck and see if they could meet any big treasures in the [Jingye] spiritual realm!

But unexpectedly, they met a corpse fairy maggot as soon as they came in!

Due to carelessness!

Two companions were eaten!

Liu Ji’s face was full of pain, but he still gave it!

Xu Tian took the stack of red bills handed over by Liu Ji and grinned:

"Hehe! I like straightforward people! Xiaoying, come on!"

Nie Ying(°o°)w? ? ?

She was confused!

Hey, I didn't say that!

Why do you want me to do it for money?

Seeing that Nie Ying didn't respond, Xu Tian said faintly:"Ice cold western..."

Before he finished speaking, the corpse fairy maggot was shot to pieces by the water arrow released by Nie Ying!

Liu Ji and the others were all shocked!


So strong? ?

The girl in the co-pilot seat was so powerful?

Then the man in front of him must be even more powerful!

Hug the thigh tightly!

Liu Ji said angrily:"That...Brother, as the saying goes, more friends mean more paths, how about we make friends?"

Xu Tian's eyes lit up:"Making friends is great! I love making friends the most! A bargain price of 100,000! Let's become sworn brothers on the spot!"

Liu Ji and his five men(゚Д゚Three゚Д゚)乂!!?

Why don’t you go and grab it???


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