[Resentment value from Cai Kunkun +9999! ]

Xu Tian was stunned!



What's going on?

Why is Cai Kunkun so angry?

What's going on?

Did his ancestral grave get dug up and he thought it was me?

Or......Did he also enter the spiritual realm?

Xu Tian looked around.

In the vast desert, there was no one, not to mention the silhouette of a person, and even a cactus was hard to see. It was as clean as if bandits had entered the village!

No matter whether it was old or young, tender or aged, they took everything away!

Nothing was left!

""Xu Tian, how are you? What are you looking at?" Nie Ying asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'll see if there's a desert lamp so I can make a wish or something."

Nie Ying(,,•₃•,,)???

What is the Desert Magic Lamp?

"Once upon a time there was a desert...There is a light in the desert...There is a beautiful lady in the lamp called the lamp spirit......."

Xu Tian saw Nie Ying's doubts, and while driving, he vividly told the story of the desert lamp.

As for why Cai Kunkun was so resentful?

Xu Tian didn't care too much!

After all, he was so handsome, it was normal for people to envy him.

Boom boom boom——!

The off-road G-Class galloped quickly on the yellow sand!..............

"Cai Kunkun! Stop and don't run!"

"I won't run! You guys stop chasing me!"

In a desert, five figures flashed by quickly!

This speed...Slower than crawling! Even turtles would bow their heads when seeing this!

One of the black-clad figures was leading the race, followed closely by four others!

Upon closer inspection, it was Cai Kunkun and his four enemy killers.

They had been chasing him since that night, without stopping!

From the hotel to the adult product store, and from the residential building to the bath center...Basically, he ran around the entire Yunnan City.

Finally, just when the gate to the spiritual realm was about to close, Cai Kunkun suddenly came in!

He thought that the four people would give up, but he seriously underestimated their persistence in him!

To be precise...It was a persistence for 10 million!

They rushed in without any hesitation and continued to chase!

Without a break!

At this moment, Cai Kunkun felt that his legs were not legs.

They were completely electric motors!

The newly bought shoes were about to smoke!

Cai Kunkun's clothes were soaked as if they had just been washed!

He stopped panting.

"I....call~!...run...I can’t run anymore… I can’t move anymore."

He bent his legs, supported himself with his hands, and knelt on the yellow sand.


When the four saw Cai Kunkun's figure pause, they also stopped.

"Boy, you are really durable! You made me almost pass out from exhaustion!"

(; ̄▽ ̄;)d Ge Xing gave Cai Kunkun a thumbs up

"Damn it! My electric bike broke down! You pay for it!"

ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)Qi Shou carried the little sheep on his shoulders and said with sweat on his forehead.

"Phew! If I had known this earlier, I would have downloaded the running money making software earlier! I might have made a fortune now!"

ヾ(´▽`;)Siwen wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained.

(;OдO;)Black Widow was also exhausted.

The cheongsam on her body had long been wet with sweat, sticking to her skin, making her figure more charming and enchanting.

"Cai Kunkun, why don't we sit down and have a good talk?"

"How to talk? Cai Kunkun asked weakly.

"Give us your head, and we'll get 10 million, 2 million per person, and you can burn the remaining 2 million to buy funeral offerings. Do you think it's okay?"

Cai Kunkun(◎-◎;)???

You ask me if I can do this?

What a punishment!

Cai Kunkun rolled his eyes in despair and suddenly said:

"How about this?...I'll take you to find the employer, we can tie him up and force him to give us money, wouldn't that be better?"

Hearing this , the four of them were stunned.

Black Widow asked,"Do you know the employer's identity?"

Cai Kunkun nodded, with a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth:"Humph! Of course I know! Who else could it be but him!"


"Xu Tian!"

"Xu Tian? The one with the highest bounty on the list! ?"Qi Shou suddenly exclaimed

"Wasn't his assassination mission taken over by the Black Dragon Gang? Could it be that Xu Tian is not dead yet?"Ge Xing was also stunned.

Si Wen, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:"I heard news yesterday afternoon that Xu Tian killed 60 assassins and escaped."

As soon as these words came out,

Black Widow exclaimed:"Xu Tian's strength is so strong? Didn't he just enter the silver realm?"

"There should be a strong person protecting him. Even if he is a space-type with poor talent, he is still a treasure...."Si Wenyou sighed.

Black Widow was silent.

They had all seen the previous bounty for assassinating Xu Tian. They had originally planned to accept it, after all, the bounty was a full 99,990,000!

But the Black Dragon Society forcibly intercepted it. They were forced to give up!

I really didn't expect that he could escape under the siege of 60 Black Dragon Gang assassins!

It's really not easy!

Black Widow looked worried:"Aren't you afraid that he has strong people protecting him?"

Cai Kunkun sneered:"Haha, the highest realm that can enter the spiritual realm is Silver Nine Stars. The five of us are all in this realm. Can't we beat one?"

"That...What if he didn’t enter the spiritual realm?"

"No, he must have come in!"

"Are you so confident?"


"Happy Sheep, Lazy Sheep, Boiling Sheep.......Don't look at me, I'm just a sheep..."

Xu Tian hummed a song, shaking his head, and the car shook with it.

"Xu Tian, why have we driven so far, but there is still no one in sight? There are not even any alien creatures! How big is this spiritual realm! ?"

At this time, the roof glass opened.

Nie Ying leaned out with her long hair flying.

Xu Tian also sighed helplessly:"Oh~ I don't know, I don't know where the flashy golden fruit is! No clue or anything."

"...If it expires, Hu Zi will suffer."

Nie Ying's mouth twitched.


Vanity Gold Fruit can expire? I've learned something new!


Xu Tian's eyes lit up as he looked ahead.

He saw an oasis about 500 meters ahead, with emerald green trees and full of vitality.

The emerald green trees formed a sharp contrast with the yellow sand.

Not only that, there was a small river next to the trees.

Xu Tian had watched many movies in his previous life, and generally speaking, such oases were illusions.

He wiped his eyes!

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the oasis in front of him had indeed changed a lot!

Xu Tian's eyes suddenly widened:

"Small...Sakura, you...Do you see that ancient city in front?"


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